james white alpha omega tattoo

Amen. Have you even paid attention to the White v. Beckwith debate??? Id like to note something amusing: How, then, do we pick which OT laws are valid and everlasting (10 commandments) and those which are no longer binding (laws about mixing flax and wool, for example). It was St. Ignatius (50-107 A.D.) appointed Bishop of Antioch by Saint Peter, who first used the Greek word Katholicos, meaning universal, when referring to the Church founded by Christ; this he did in order to distinguish the True Church, already being preached throughout the world, from heretical churches that had arisen. The general consensus is that White is an idot and does not know what he is doing. Alpha and Omega are the beginning and the end in tattoo symbolism and meanings. It seems here we have a presupposition that God will only act in the way Mr. White conjectures. If were going to play that game though, please prove to me James White was aware that the pictures would yield said results and that he didnt post them in jest, as on that premise rests all the argument of your wolf criers and alarm monkies. Dont bear false witness to your neighbor is a law from God. Your attempt to call into question their value as an educational institution is pathetic and sad. 56 He that eateth my flesh and drinketh my blood abideth in me: and I in him. I wouldnt expect such a conversation to be very fruitful. and Omega Ministries, a presuppositional apologetics organization based in /matthewsermonoutlines/Matthew662004.pdf+romans+ Not to mention facile. Dr. James R. White is a Calvinist theologian based out of Phoenix, Arizona . You are at this probably quite impervious to argument, and logic. I must confess, though, I havent been able to read Berman (Law and Revolution) since he feminized the Holy Spirit. Are you that irrational? It simmers in the background and bubbles up every so often. Rather than deal with this, some play every which way but loose, even to the point of insinuating I did it. As far as the actual issue at work (come on, ignore the silly pictures), White is a real nitpicker. That is what anti-catholic is, you know. if scripture exists, by definition it is authoritative, that authority comes from God,its ultimate author, and not from those used by God to deliver and protect the scriptures until the printing press was invented. Whites devoutly stupid photoshop isnt ever going to get remotely similar treatment from his defenders. Ive been defending the posting of these pictures.. Who would know better what the Apostles actually taught about the Teachings of Jesus Christ? But in these discussions, when serious questions of historical transformation of dogma over time call into question the truth claims of Rome, and sting the conscience of those who genuinely seek truth, the reaction of throwing the messenger to the dogs while ignoring the message, and then calling that charity, is maddenly frustrating to watch. He is building a castle in the air, connected to nothing. 14 That henceforth we be no more children tossed to and fro and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the wickedness of men, by cunning craftiness by which they lie in wait to deceive. It was SDG who said its gnostic. As it is, there is enough uncharitableness to go around. Its time when it happens. Heh, hehin a funny way, hes doing the kind of thing that Jesuits have been accused of But there are some acts against others that go to disrespecting their equality as a fellow human bearing the clear mark of their Creator in the workings of their mind and soul. Soon as White says Look, Im sorry Ill be cool with im. righteous thing that I can do!. Churchmouse has finally revealed THE FINAL ACT as seen in her latest comments above! Which would mean that hes comparing himself to the Pope. The two domains are pointing to two different IP addresses. Greek Latin Roots - by james.r.hendricks.390 - Memrise Symbol For Alpha Alpha And Omega Symbols Alpha Et Omega Patricia Briggs Samoan Tattoo I Tattoo Hebrew Tattoo Ankle Tattoo Alpha Omega Tattoo More information. Perhaps we should not rail Mr. White. Tech ID:DI_471115 AT LEAST HE ALLOWS PEOPLE TO DISAGREE WITH HIM PUBLICLY. Is Beckwithamas the new Bushitler?). Since when is it anyones duty to prove innocence? Dont try to dillute the issue Im debating by attempting to attribute to me other debates or issues Im not involved with or attempting to defend. *sniffles* You dont BELIEVE me, Esau? How you went from credit given to the posters here (and the Church) to glory is beyond me. White behaves like a jerk. In his commentary on St. John, in Ch 16, he says this: I have family that have been involved in authoritarian religious groups (no not Catholic), where critiquing the magisterium was forbidden and punishable. James White owes Catholics an apology for this. Our Saviour and His Apostles taught that the Eucharist is the Body and Blood of Christ: Take and eat; this is my body All of you drink of this, for this is my blood (Matt. I asked: Even defended Churchmouses comments which extended to the following Our text verse is a Dont you?. It was obvious from the start. That kind of gets you very close to the mud and sometimes you fall in. Sorry. Second, is it every Scripture is God-breathed or every God-breathed Scripture is Had to start of with a few minutes on the posthumously published book from Joseph Ratzinger. I certainly havent, and dont intend to. When was it gathered? Im bowing out as I believe we are all wasting our time here in the most complete and unedifying manner. of Mapname.com customer 3 Thats a weak objection. no? No. Because of the nature of the issue and the points I will address, I ask for clemency for what will surely be both a long and late-in-the-game post. When we Catholics agree, and point out that St Peter was given the authority by Christ Himself, according to the Bible, and we believe it, you disagree (or at least you disagree that that authority is passed down through the ages to the successors of St Peter). funny how now CB is bowing out because he or she decided this was unedifying. but I have this thought. Christ said: If he refuse to hear even the Church, let him be to thee as the heathen and the publican (Matt. Whites posted pictures should be(have been) over (long ago), in my opinion, unless there is anyone here who would care to go further in the analysis than I. Over the centuries many interpretations have been offered for the letters to the churches in Revelation 2 and 3. 15 And how shall they preach unless they be sent If defending against the irrational, overly-emotional, cry-wolf attitude of ten or twelve fanbois makes you ashamed to be a Christian, you need to seriously ask yourself some questions. For shame. Even has a picture of a little troll doll and talks trash about Jimmy. Why not just say, God did it, since to attribute Gods work to mans work is unbiblical. But if it is legitimate to say that God used the distinctive personalities and historical circumstances of these figures to communicate his truth, then something can be both 100% Gods doing and human beings cooperate. And, as he is becoming more stupid, I can only imagine it as a sign that he is moving closer to Rome. Splendid stuff. Weve all lost. He seems to leave it up to the individual, and seems to assume that each individual will personally experience divine revelation regarding the proper Canon. The Lord turned his life upside down at that time and filled his heart with a passion to end abortion and rescue preborn babies. I am not necessarily sticking up for this kind of behavior(in terms of the pictures) but everyone is human and give the guy a break. And, every Christian, by definition of them being a Christian, would admit to being a liar. Do you judge a book by its cover? How could you! In fact, most laws are made-up in the most basic sense. 4) Those who had already suggested that James be more kind, as well as some newcomers, suggest once more that he should examine the spirit in which he is writing of Dr. Beckwith. 1 Timothy 6:4 he is puffed up with conceit and understands nothing. I would like to know why you find it more unreasonable to go to the disciple of the disciple of the one chosen by Christ himself than to take a route never spoken of by Christ or the Bible, and just confess to God by yourself. From my interactions with you, you evidently arent a very rational person. White counterattacks by humorously likening those who disagree with his actions/statements to Islamic extremists. Admin FAX Ext. What you did was vile, unacceptable, and childish. I dunno if this is all about James white for you, or displaying the bias you have towards all Muslims. That doesnt mean I refuse to read it (or excerpts of it). Who are you replying to? Pray for Dr. White, but also pray for ourselves, that we wouldnt get sucked in to such things. if the commenter had substituted people for racevoila! How does this man feed? I dont get outraged over those, either (and again, White often deserves being poked fun at). Are. And there never can be. And likewise, if we reflect Christ, we should give him the love that Christ would, yet the correction that comes with Church discipline. Likewise, if you use any statement or general observation, there will be an accusation that the surrounding context somehow excused the gaffe, meaning that one has to literally quote every single piece of the entire article, transcript, etc., in ones answer. The Talmud in Rabbinic eyes is the infallible interpreter of the Old Testament- and it leads them away from Christ, when if they would read it, like passages from Isaiah 53, Psalm 22 and myriads of others on their own, praying for God to illuminate scripture, they would come to Christ, as many have. If I am raised in China, and I am told to worship at the Church of the Three Eyes, do I not have moral obligation, arising under natural law, to question that assertion? Which is correct? Ooooo-kayyyy. Carebear and Lane, Already read the whole thing before posting. Um, I have no idea what your comment, White is particularly antagonistic to White, means or is connected with. circumstances. I forgot Jimmys blog doesnt carry formatting through paragraph breaks. Shane, You either make your own choices or you dont. Admin ID:DI_471115 By placing the beginning paragraph or two of the lead article of their monthly magazine, This Rock, on the very cover of the work, they draw your attention into reading the rest of the article. Again, these are only cursory thoughts Ill finish more when I get back from Mass. Why did I choose to follow the pope? Hence, White has lost his mind when it comes to this. Blessed Redeemer He complains that his interlocutors are refusing to discuss his real points, which Mesmerized by the brilliance of the nightlight, I suppose. Registrant Organization:to attn. What really is the Gospel? No, that belongs to the one who thinks Germans are a race. Of course, youre a part of the mob that refuses to see all of the issues, or any refutation of alleged issues. Final Dividing Line of 2022. Yes, to an extent they did. I am a convert to Catholicism from Evangelical Protestantism (Baptist) and many of the posters here are also former something or others. Is Trent more clear than Scripture? Living word. Rather than deal with this, some play every which way but loose, even to the point of insinuating I did it. We have been sucked into it because White needed something else to direct his attention to. it wasnt a smear at all, but rather a big (and possibly willful) misunderstanding by On both sides, you will notice the symbols of alpha and omega, as well. If he says pay the taxes, he has denied God, if he says dont pay the taxes, Caesar will see him as a traitor to Rome. Just who is the you in your comment: Simply Amazing. thread. Apparently youre too busy attempting to think up witticisms to actually read that I already recognized and aknowledged your intended scope. Its like Nietzsche said: His disciples will have to look more saved if I am to believe in their Savior. Or like Chesterton said: There is only one unanswerable argument against Christianity: Christians. In this case, Catholics. 1. Oh, he refuses to read the book that was recommended. 18 And I say to thee: That thou art Peter; and upon this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. http://jimmyakin.typepad.com/defensor_fidei/2004/10/forgiveness_rev.html Whereas true religion is solely a work of Gods Spirit, to make an eternal people for Himself. 1. not sane; not of sound mind; mentally deranged. Does the Quran Misrepresent Christianity? Whites assertions destroy his own position. How do your accusations against the purported points stand firm? I have no doubt that many believe, truly believe, one way, and others another. The steve that wrote at Aug 11, 2007 10:50:06 AM Dean. Par for the course. I have a fuzzy memory, but I seem to recall that Akin did just that a few internet feet above where we dialogue now. No, YOU are the one who indulged conspiracies and claimed that it was done to discredit Catholics. Not just as Catholics but also as devout Christians. I should have followed my own advice, and refused to dialogue with anyone who could not honestly say that what he did was intended to hurt, and therefore, lacking charity, was as a clanging gong. Isnt this the kind of answers that Roman Catholic apologists hate? Less than two days. A new MP3 sermon from Alpha and Omega Ministries is now available on SermonAudio with the following details: Title: The Regime Continues to Promote the Culture of Death, Christian Nationalism, Ecclesia Subtitle: The Dividing Line 2022 Speaker: Dr. James White Broadcaster: Alpha and Omega Ministries Event: Sunday Service Date: 10/25/2022 Length . As Ive stated previously: If you cant immediately see that and make amends then no one, knowing that you are capable of this, should engage you in debate or discussions of any kind. Either way, to go on like you do about Roman Catholics being compared to terrorists is fallacious, as has been illustrated and, regardless of your inability to accept the truth, be it intentional of unintentional, it is wrong for you (and Jimmy Akin) to continue purporting such a thing until you can successfully defend your assertion without presuming those things I outlined. Why not just say, God did it, since to attribute Gods work to mans work is unbiblical. But if it is legitimate to say that God used the distinctive personalities and historical circumstances of these figures to communicate his truth, then something can be both 100% Gods doing and human beings cooperate. I believe in a rational God. His pride and absolute joy is his lovely wife Jessica and their 6 children. Take care and God bless, I think hes quite thoroughly a gentleman. For fair disclosure, I am Catholic, but humor research is an international affair and I interact with scholars of many faiths. Perhaps you missed that part, you have to prove it is true or show it is true. Also, those of us in Protestantism do just say God did it as you so immaturely put it. The Predestination Debate-Christianity & Islam. Multitasking, I suppose. On the other hand, if a person were committed to seriously talking about a problem in an open-minded way, then even if he insisted on a few isolated uses of unacceptable langauge I would under the right circumstances be willing to talk with him. The guy accuses someone of lying for having actually intellectually grown in TWENTY YEARS, whines about people pointing out that a Christian might want to think about being compassionate and at least consider other options, then drags in a murderous mob as humor. Jed, why did Jesus qualify His command that we must forgive with the words if he repents? What you define as sacralism, the confusion between and effective melding of church and state is a Protestant and Orthodox phenomenon. But. For a while I tried to pay close attention to see if White really was being misunderstood, or if his opponents were unjustifiably touchy. Dr White has created something that has the structure of a joke (he has joke competence), but it is not realized as a joke by a large portion of the audience (he has failed to elicit humor competence). 2. of, pertaining to, or characteristic of a person who is mentally deranged: insane actions; an insane asylum. When attention stops being paid, the screaming escalates. Your theory is just a way to cover up someones malicious intents. Gee, CareBear, werent you paying attention to my comments??? Thatll move things along instead of trying to tie me and get me out of the discussion. Will you still EVADE the question??? James is obviously in the end stage of the affliction. When you are as close to the Catholic argument as they have to be, you realize one thing. Simply Amazing. thread and see how it unravelled there. When do you decide to move on? And that would seriously undermine the argument against the Church declaring things like papal infallibility, the immaculate conception, etc well let me just say, your doing fine in that department already. The Book of the Wars of the Lord Also: HEY JAMES WHITE (and all his supporters here)! It is Augustines antithesis all over again. Its probably best to move on. Esau, you contradict yourself. CareBear, I ask this only because I believe you are a Christian, a loved and precious child of Christ, washed clean in the Blood of the Lamb. (and yes Ive helped them see the difference) Think about this way: what if, in reply to the doctrine of inspiration, an unbeliever were to say to us: its either God or man; it cant be both. Dont attempt to single me out because you want to attempt to dismiss what I say with yet more appeals to emotion. As with any other tattoo design or symbol, if the alpha and omega tattoo reflects your personal energy and disposition, then it is time for you to make use of at least one of these designs. #4. I can understand the efforts to attempt to put a spin on it in order to put White in the worst light. There also may grounds for losing ones salvation by conversion and I guess the exact nature of this belief varies according to the individual believer. Mary is correct that if you had posted something specific, it would be easy to copy and paste, just as Ive done with your comments. It isnt funny to point out that the people who make vague accusations about the URL could have done it themselves? In that post, Jimmy links to http://www.catholic.com/thisrock/2003/0309bt.asp I fully expect him to start into depends on your interpretation at any time now. It also doesnt say we have to forgive one who does not repent. I suppose such a thing fits the logic and attitude of the mob though. Read James White Book, [insert title here]. Dont you even know that there were huge disagreements in the Early Church about what the Canon of Scripture was ultimately comprised of??? Maybe not James White, who believes he can judge Jimmys outrage to be feigned. (I wouldnt presume to know whether White really thinks that or merely feigns to; I cant read minds and dont know James White.) I fully deny that we are a mob of homicidal murders. Denounce such weird and obsessive tactics as beneath the Catholic community and start dealing with the substance of arguments instead of personal agendas. What exactly is the big deal about Beckwiths return to Catholicism anyway? See above comment. The fact he is so angry at Catholics and Catholicism could mean his conscience is bothering him. And, CareBear, please dont make this out to an INFOMERCIAL FOR JAMES WHITE by AGAIN DODGING the question by the silly, evasive response: Your comment is interesting, you completely chastise Jimmy Akin for not debating James White and yet this is the same guy who refuses to debate Robert Sungenis anymore inspite of the repeated requests from Robert Sungenis. he has filled in a joke template, but I can also see that it may have no humor in it, at least for many people. Realize that the only place an omnipresent God cannot be is in the heart of those who refuse Him. I also do not wish to argue or debate. Ill take being familiar with logical fallacy to being familiar with Latin any day of the week. About the why of forwarding of a website named james r white to catholic .com: Status:CLIENT TRANSFER PROHIBITED Even Paul lost his cool on one occasion (though I dont recall reading the apology anywhere hmmm, maybe its between him & God?). Whites parting shots are: It is DECEPTION! I read the Scriptue Alone Controversy and I loved the analogies he drew and the way he explained the many theories involved in this subject and compared and contrasted them with the catholic position. Why would I ignore this way to know that my sins are forgiven? he claims implies that they are irrefutable. I did not ask why you go to priests. Now, I have obviously attempted to insert a bit of levity, and a bit of humorous sarcasm here, for the simple reason that Im to the point where you either have to laugh or cry. That sounded so much like the playground nyahh, nyahh, same to you! that I actually laughed out loud. What? Im not going to read White, however, since there are such a lot of other Protestant authors out there whom I personally judge as more scholarly. Alpha and Omega Ministries It is not easy, therefore, to expose the fallacy by which a false classification is created to swamp a unique thing, when it really is a unique thing. Thus, I also ask you to pray for me. Grace and peace be upon each of you here and upon Jimmy Akin, James White, and Francis Beckwith. Lets keep in mind the context of said quotation marks. More information Greek Latin Roots - by james.r.hendricks.390 - Memrise More like this More like this And, why it is not clear to all of us who seek Gods will? Since Mr White is apparently reading everything with his name on it, & since he has no combox (probably a wise move, considering what I feel like posting there): Beware of Dr. James White's heresy of Lordship Salvation, 2. Well, Ive read them, and I believe them. But I would ask you to consider, carefully, what you say. Until Whites supporters can play by the rules of courteous debate and logic, their alternate explanations are not accessible. Donald Casadonte You dont actually consider that act itself as a convenient way to win a debate without ever having to defend a word he says??? This time he should win the 2007 most Melodramatic. Youve asked the questions on Whites site and indeed seem to be interested in resolution of those questions. Way towhat did yall do anyway? is unique, standing alone against all the How are we mere mortal men to know who to believe when they claim to have been so inspired? No one less pure, less true, less kind, less noble for having been a fellow traveler in our journey toward eternal life. ~from Learning Christ. Think about it. The person who We call it the sufficiency of Scripture as the Divine Revelation of God. The Sayings of the Seers[19] I do know something about these areas and your comments are making my head hurt. Finally, these photos seem to me to be on the level of what you see on supermarket tabloid covers funny despite their offensiveness, but in a way that does not reflect particularly well on their creators and sponsors. I really dont know how to respond to this one, as Im laughing a bit too hard. How is it that he is the most ferocious agitator on the internet worrying about who crossed to Rome or even about Romes doctrine? . Oh, since people have started posting random biblical quotes, I thought I would join in. Both shows are available via Apologia Studios. View all posts by Jimmy Akin. Considering his peers here though he is heads and shoulders above them. If he wants to blog on a Protestant apologist behaving badly, Ill thank him for the time he saved me now that I know that attempting a rational discussion with Mr. White is a collosal waste of time. If he refuses to listen to them, tell it to the church Please Lord God, heal the wounds he once received by the wrongful acts of someone else. The alpha symbol is the first letter in the Greek alphabet as already mentioned, and this stands for the spiritual essence of ones existence. But no one will notice if there is only one church, because one does not constitute a list born of dogma. I do think you have a point. I will try to be more circumspect in identifying my addressee. The fact youre spitting a few dozen indignant syllables indicates that the dart hit home. And that embarrassing situation is directly connected to the fall of Kabul, and we explained by at the start of the program today. Duh, thats already been covered in this very thread. If it is, I was hoping you finally converted to Catholicism or, at the very least, left our church. Carebear, It must be pointed out that this behavior does not automatically mean everything he says is false. Satanic counterfeit Bible versions also Wow, forgive me for being uncharitable but the level of willful stupidity exhibited by Whites supporters in this thread is staggering. Before today, I wasnt even aware of the www.jameswhite.org website which diverted visitors to Catholic Answers. Youre again committing that same category error. Usually disputes involving his writings or actions turn on minutiae about who said what, where and how== as the underlying controversy in this case also seems to so Ive honestly never had the patience to sit down and figure out whether he was really as wrong as everyone was making him out to be (although I obviously could see that the tone of his writing was rather brash). Oh, and Daisy, while I appreciate the Biblical quotes, you really need to do two things: Late have you come in this debate that has raged over the past decade or so. We spent a lot of time analyzing why Don Imus was fired, but Sarah Silverman goes on, why some find Imus funny, and why some go ballistic when they hear him it has to do with what the Germans call reception geschichte how a performance act is received by various audiences, over time. Esau, well let me just say, your doing fine in that department already. If this is the best of the best, Im not all that impressed. For instance, at times White comes across as sarcastic or arrogant when writing online but i think that is not a true indicator of his character. Athanasius? English versions! By the by, http://www.jameswhite.org for the CA website url? You have reduced yourself to the status of a troll. Hes mean, mean I tell you. I am jaded when it comes to religion because there is so much of this kind of controversy. But why is it that youll use the phrase our people for those who were killed, but disown any stock in those who killed? Outsons.com is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to (amazon.com and or other merchants). Im ignoring the facts Else Ill stop bothering to respond with actual information and just point you to documents of the Early Fathers, the Catechism, and books by various Catholic Apologists. Really bill 912? Read Esaus response verses, without the filter of thinking that the Catholic Church and its members are seeking glory. I said substance, not opinions. did I? He is a Pastor/Elder of Apologia Church in Arizona. Cant find (or am too lazy to find) the start of the arguement on forgiveness and exactly who is being discussed (White?) Mr White, like the Emperor in the childrens story, is meandering down the main pike in his skivvies, afraid to admit that he cant see The Emperors New Clothes. like this. Recorded on May 15, 2017 in London: Do the Catholic Churchs Teachings on Mary Constitute Authentic Christian Doctrine? Genuine Gospel of Our Lord. I asked for your explanation of Whites quote, which I cant make heads or tails of. This is the same type of answer Dr. Beckwith was giving in his interview with Koukl. I would like to ask anyone who claims that the Roman Catholic Church, as it exists today, has existed for nearly 2000 years, to explain something to me. Your hero screwed up and has devoted even more panicked essaying to change the subject. by Dr. Hank Lindstrom explaining the simple Gospel and how you can be Someone ought to send this to Dave Armstrong. A person who does this whether correct or mistaken loves me, cares about me, and wants to help me grow closer to Jesus Christ. A moment of nostalgia: this reminds me of the old late 90s Catholic Converts Message Board (tan background)when you could watch the board scroll with new comments on a particularly energizing topic.

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