why did rhett and link leave christianity

It gives you stability. As an evangelical Christian, you learn to tackle controversial subjects by reading only books by other evangelicals as they talk through their own rationalizations for their beliefs. Spotify have songs removed so you will buy them. She had a pretty nose, little girl's eyes, but her lips gave everything away. Christy White is the wife of Charles Lincoln Neal III, the bespectacled half of the internet-famous duo, Rhett & Link on Good Mythical Morning their famous YouTube comedy. However, when they got to the point where they turned the corner away from the God of the Bible, our paths split and my heart broke. Lets keep this conversation going, please. Rhett Butler (Born in 1828) is a fictional character in the 1936 novel Gone with the Wind by Margaret Mitchell and in the 1939 film adaptation of the same name. He occasionally sends judgments to earth to remind us of this. I never got a reply. Demas traded eternal hope for earthly treasure. And soon discovered some of these other traditions had different perspectives on some of the issues that often trigger Evangelical spiritual deconstruction: I came to realise the Evangelical aisle of the supermarket is a wonderful aisle in the supermarket but it aint the only aisleas much as they often like to claim it is. Yep. After all, when someone is conversant in apologetics and theology, knows his Bible, and can anticipate my suspicions and objections, its difficult to simply pass him off as someone who never really understood Christianity. YouTube is putting $ behind branding Rhett and Link as talk show hosts. After all, when someone is conversant in apologetics and theology, knows his Bible, and can anticipate my suspicions and objections, its difficult to simply pass him off as someone who never really understood Christianity. He feared that truth would be lost in a sea of irrelevance.. Today that simple choice to follow Jesus and learn to engage Life through his Way comes with a whole lot of additional belief requirements. And furthermore, who wants to embrace uncertainty? They were also Christians, former missionaries, and Campus Crusade (now Cru) staff members. Christians today must be ready to provide a compelling defense for Christand even play some offenseas we demonstrate an alternative story to deconversion. Try the whole world. It morphed into doubts surrounding biblical reliability, the historicity of the resurrection, and the general idea of hell and judgment. What Huxley feared was that there would be no reason to ban a book, for there would be no one who wanted to read one. Why ban a Tim Keller or Ravi Zacharias book when you can create a community in which no one will want to read one? On the show, the two comedians . Which means the history matters. I dont know. We have to understand were not the first people to grapple with these sorts of questions, said Andros, noting Ecclesiastes 1:9, which says, There is nothing new under the sun., In one interview, Rhett argued that, if Christianity is true, it should be able to withstand investigation and inquiry.. themselves a Christian? I didnt want to believe thisI didnt want to leave this thing. Frank had gone to Shantytown with some members of the Ku Klux Klan to. It may not be them but the have to obey the labels they are partnered with. As I listened to them walking through their journeys I was surprised to see that we have covered much of the same terrain. The Gospel Coalition supports the church by providing resources that are trusted and timely, winsome and wise, and centered on the gospel of Jesus Christ. For example, in 2016, they worked on a scripted television show called Rhett & Link's Buddy System that saw the pair act in a bid to entertain their viewers. And I want to say that because Ive noticed that when I tell my story, often people kind of conclude that I was never a true Christian. My understanding of who Jesus is is not just based on my experience with him personally, but its also based on what the Bible has to say about him. He suggested that if all these apologists and theologians were to recant their stories and change their opinions, their livelihoods would be at stake. Its got a destination. Peruse many a church website and youll find a Statement of Faith list of things you will need to believe in addition to Following Me. Rhett and Link aren't going to church either way. They were getting tired of doing GMM. Watch the rest of their discussion in the video above, and read Goins-Phillips story on Rhett and Link here. Would Jack Black and Daniel Radcliffe guest star on their YouTube channel if they held to the biblical doctrine of marriage and homosexuality? It's easy Christianity-it left Jesus out a long time ago. Rhett & Link are celebrating their 10-year anniversary and the 21st season of their show, Good Mythical Morning Released on 01/27/2022 Transcript We should be pretty good at this. Nothing? Rhett and Link, extremely well-known YouTubers, recently posted videos talking about how they left the faith. Thats worse than a house of cards. Home of #GMM, Rhett and Link, and everything else #Mythical @rhettmc @linkneal @mythicalstore @mythicalchef Our cultural moment is a cauldron of information and celebrity worship in which the cult of personality can ferment and grow. more Christ-like now that they no longer see themselves as Christians. Rhett and Link grew up as evangelical Christiansand worked extensively with Christian organizations in the past, including working for Campus Crusade for Christand playing the Fabulous Bentley Brothers for a children's Bible education series on Jelly Telly. By Dawson Gaillard FOR about some the reason seasoned, as I aged sat in bricks a French dating Quarter back to patio the musing 1700's, about the seasoned, aged bricks dating back to the 1700's, I began to think of Gone with the Wind. I believe they have a fundamental misunderstanding of the issue. Ill leave you with Rhetts self-description, since it seems a good place to stop: I would call myself a hopeful agnostic. (And they do have an audience - their personal channel alone has nearly 5 million followers. This is the effect the gospel has, and we should expect these types of reactions. Are you sure about that? Welcome to Ohio. This is what Ive been teaching them. When Rhett says hes read all the Ravi Zacharias books and found them uncompelling, the church kid probably wont even bother with more than 30 books, containing decades worth of complex and carefully thought-out arguments that have been tested by time, debate, and rigorous scholarship. Ive heard these things described dozens of times by now, but never before by guys I know my still-believing daughters have been watching for years. The apostle Paul identifies his friend Demas as a fellow worker who was with him while imprisoned in Rome (Philem. As far as Im concerned, Jesus was as real to me as he possibly could be without physically manifesting himself in my presence. Once you've listened to that track a certain number of times, it's clear that you don't own it but would like to. Meaning I dont know, but I hope. Alisa Childers is an American singer and songwriter who writes at alisachilders.com, an apologetics blog for doubting Christians and honest skeptics. Apologetics books arent written for the lost, theyre written for the saved. They exist to collect dust on the shelves of believers who will now sleep better knowing that someone took the time to think through all that stuff long enough to get it down into print. For Rhett, it started with questions relating to science, the age of the earth, and evolution. Melanie then asks for coffee and sandwiches. I didnt have the opportunity to open my laptop (they didnt yet exist) or turn on our home computer (we didnt own one), hop on YouTube, and watch my future husband walk me through his breakfast choices, morning drive, and whimsical musings. Help! Confession: When I was a kid, I was in love with, As much as I felt undying love for Ricky Schroder, I knew little about him. It only even pretends to talk about how stuff became other stuff. With guest appearances on The TODAY Show, Live with Kelly, and The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon, their stars have been rising for the past few years, swelling their net worth to an estimated $23 million. personally know that jettison God altogether during their deconstruction often become Living Waters exists to inspire and equip Christians to fulfill the Great Commission. I imagine those types of responses will continue to roll in. It still provides the stability and the community on which peoples lives depend. So to Rhett and Link I say enjoy the journey and keep bringing Life and Light to those around you!Peace, Steve, this resonates so much with me, Thanks , 2023 Beyond The Pale. the way they had been taught was not the one size fits all that they thought. I wont rehash all the arguments on which he touched (thats your own homework to do if youre interested), but in the end Rhett settled for himself that the gospels are a mix of religious propaganda as well as actual history. Like me, he leans toward believing that Jesus was a real person, even if he didnt do magic or come back from the dead. Would. These apostles of unbelief are on a mission to help others deconstruct with the same evangelistic zeal they learned from their previous tribe. Leaving aside the irony of that accusation, I would simply say, as I always do, that certainty is the currency of fundamentalism. Lori calls it guerrilla evangelism, and its a burden shouldered by everyone who knows Jesus. The LGBTQ agenda is the new master who takes no prisoners. I also appreciate him making a point of clarifying that bad experiences didnt push him out of the faith. 1:24; Col. 4:14). This insatiable need for certainty is something the still-faithful need to confront about themselves, not us. The reason Rhett and Link's deconstruction is so important is precisely because they are not scholars and neither are most members of their audience - which is no longer limited to Christians looking for wholesome entertainment. Ray Comfort I cant help but notice the similarities. This week, Faithwire managing editor Dan Andros discussed some of those concerns with editor Tr Goins-Phillips. Link asked, Why on airplanes? to which Rhett replied: Because when youre an evangelical Christian, when you sit next to a stranger, this may be the only opportunity you have to share the life changing message of Jesus with them. Aug 05, 2012 12:57PM. And I pulled my wife and my children with me. Producer: Good Mythical Morning. 1) Deconstructing Statements of Faith is not the same as Deconstructing Faith itself When Jesus called his disciples he simply said, "Follow Me". I was recently at a conference where a prominent Christian leader was asked to give his opinion on what good could come from a Biden America and Continue reading, How are Christians supposed to think about Game of Thrones? After all, remember, we are talking about nothing. I couldnt check his Instagram for updates every hour or tweet at him with the real possibility he might tweet back. Thats what pushed us out, in the end. No, these lads loved Jesus. I imagine those types of responses will continue to roll in. They both felt a deep discomfort with biblical sexual ethics, which they perceived to oppress women and their LGBTQ+ friends. The song became the most-played country tune on the radio for six . When I listened to their journeys from belief to hopeful agnosticism I was shocked at how much this looked like a one-two punch attack against Christianity. Around the time I was nursing a wounded ego for being stood up by the Ricky Schroder fan club, Neil Postman made a prediction in his 1985 book, Amusing Ourselves to Death. Mark Spence, a Christian, discusses some controversial subjects with a couple, and they leave once he brings up one topic in particular. Listening to both Rhetts and Links stories, you can feel how much pushback they anticipate encountering from people who love them. Is Apologetics Helpful or Necessary in Evangelism? Every bit helps, and is greatly appreciated. Since the release of their stories, several apologists and scholars have offered sound rebuttals to some of the claims made by Rhett in particular. They acknowledge that Christianity, The apostle Paul identifies his friend Demas as a fellow worker who was with him while imprisoned in Rome (Philem. We were in conversation. Therefore they had to halt all the crew stuff. This brings us to the salient question. Like in biological puberty where one begins to form an adult identity separate from their parents and begin to wrestle with the understanding that the world is much more complex and nuanced than originally thought. I was angry at the people who wrote the books. Then the format changed. As the logic goes, a God who is not on board with the LGBTQ agenda is not a God worth serving. I think Postman was on to something when he wrote, WhatOrwell feared were those who would ban books. They loved not the things of the world, but repented of their sin and put all their hope and trust in him. Episode 29: What Atheists Wish Christians Knew About Them, "I'll be there! On the other hand, we need to be confident in our faith, so we need to listen to what non-Christians say about Christianity. Now, the debate stops at Rhetts conclusions. Rhett echoed that hes more interested in what happens during his life on earth. While their degrees and first jobs were in engineering, funny video production ultimately became their claim to fame. Rhett echoed that hes more interested in what happens during his life on earth: , Its not so much what happens after you die, but what happens while youre alive., Paul wrote in 2 Corinthians 2:1416 that through his missionary work, Christ spreads the fragrance of the knowledge of himself. Like him, I was told that archaeology only proves the Bible, which means theres no reason not to dive headlong into it, right? their abandoning their faith. While God is love, we must remember that Hes also just and holy. Patheos has the views of the prevalent religions and spiritualities of the world. In fact, at the conclusion of Links talk, they both indicated theyll be setting this whole topic aside for a while in order to get their bearings. But as Christians we should be encouraged to remember that for every Rhett and Link, theres a Lee Strobel, a J. Warner Wallace, a Holly Ordway, a C. S. Lewis, and a Rosaria Butterfield who tested their beliefs against the evidence, and found their atheism wanting. But when evangelizing, is apologetics helpful or necessary? Several people reached out to me personally, including pastors who reported that the faith of several kids in their youth groups was rocked by the broadcasts, leaving them shaken and doubting. One of the metaphors I like to use for my own personal spiritual deconstruction and reconstruction is that of a supermarket. and Asian Christians, and Pacific Islander Christians you soon realize the Relocating with their families to Los Angeles around this time almost certainly made it easier for Rhett and Link to think through some of their questions, removed as they now were from the Christ-Haunted atmosphere of the Bible Belt. Governor Bullock's presence at Scarlett's crush made Melanie feel. Last month, the GMM duo moved one of their podcasts, Ear Biscuits, to a separate channel in order to devote that space to an increasingly personal line of conversations about what led them to leave their faith and look for new sources of meaning and inspiration in the world in which they find themselves. He was the only one for me. Should we watch it? Do you think you know more than all these other brilliant people before you? Of course that knife cuts both ways, although the people who say this never do see how it should undermine their own confidence, as well. I didnt have the opportunity to open my laptop (they didnt yet exist) or turn on our home computer (we didnt own one), hop on YouTube, and watch my future husband walk me through his breakfast choices, morning drive, and whimsical musings. Rhett and Link already know theyll be accused of being arrogant. Could it be that the cultural influences driving these deconstruction stories needs to be re-examined, rather than Christianity itself? Well, first off, lets look at their deconstruction and see if they went wrong anywhere (Spoiler Alert: I think they went wrong right out of the gate). It was a relationship. You need a context in which to deal with the doubts. I mean we have little finite minds and we are trying to understand an infinite God. The lesson we can learn from the Rhett and Link story is to observe the power of the media platform, recognize the roadblocks of the new apostles of unbelief, and keep a humble eye to history, remembering that our Savior told us some would fall away. had a broader perspective on certain subjects it freed them to consider that Chances are also good that one of them isGood Mythical Morning featuring Link Neal and Rhett McLaughlin. As you listen to Rhett, he says that there were basically two things that converged to lead him away from the faith. for a rude awakening when you travel. I often joke that most of the people I Rhett and Link's collective spiritual deconstruction isn't ultimately a deconstruction of the Christian faith but of Christian subculture. Who will separate us from the Love of Christ? I suppose Im still partially sympathetic toward the people whose job it is to make sense of these things on behalf of the church. But as I tasted from Catholic, Anglican, Orthodox, Anabaptist, and other aisles of the supermarket I discovered the Christian faith was much more rich, varied, and delicious than I had ever thought. They like to call themselves "Internetainers." Charles Lincoln Neal and Rhett McLaughlin first met on the first day of first grade in Buies Creek, North Carolina, when they were held in class during recess as punishment for writing profanity on their desks. As a result, they are surprised and hurt by Christians who promptly said that they never truly were of us ( 1 John 2:19 ). After poking holes in Christianity, Rhett offered no plausible alternative to explain reality. Rhett led off with his intellectual doubts and Link countered with an emotional appeal. Really good analogy. They offer videos that present everything from video-game hacks to make-up tutorials to opinions about political and religious issues. Giza Theme by Pixel Object, G.O.P. For exmaple, you decide you're hooked on a song. Ill interact the most with Rhetts extimony as it covered the lions share of their reasons for leaving the faith. .What do you think happens after you die? Who do you think you are? people will say to them. Help train Christians to boldly share the good news of Jesus Christ in a way that clearly communicates to this secular age. Evolutionary theory doesnt have a sufficient cause for the universe coming into existence out of nothing. How would it affect their revenue streams and net worth to remain faithful Christians in todays cultural climate? be One in Christ. Could it be that the cultural influences driving these deconstruction stories needs to be re-examined, rather than Christianity itself? If the below fields are visible, ignore them. I hope youll take the time to watch/listen to the show for yourself, along with the follow-up episode in which Link tells his own story about how he left his faith behind after he became an adult. She's been showing up less and less on the main series so I've suspected for a . I could go on and on, but Ill wrap this up by looking at the last analogy Rhett used to explain what its like to leave the faith of your upbringing. Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to trivialize this. I hope theres something. That is an excellent analogy. And thats no laughing matter. As it is also, evidently, for the more than 16 million subscribers these guys have accumulated since their show started back in 2012. I would also love to hear somethinganythingfrom their wives about how they experienced the transition out of the faith while still remaining intact as a family. None of this is brand new; its been around for years and years and years.. Back in seminary they warned us that the world out there hates truth, and wants to be free to create their own reality. Im almost sure I said those same words at some point in my journey. News flash, these are all grounded in the Christian worldview that he is trying so hard to distance himself from. But I dont think its the actual, people have found so persuasive. Theres a lot of other people on it. Second, he was troubled by the fact that he needed certainty and couldnt get it. He predicted that with the rise of technology and communication, people wouldnt be deprived of information, but rather they would be given somuch that they would become passive and egocentric. God draws people to Jesus, He saves them, and He doesnt lose any of them. The youth-group kids left flustered and agitated by doubt mightve been entirely unperturbed had they heard those arguments from another source. As any parent will attest teenagers are difficult, children are much easier to control. With the YouTube-ification of our culture, though, consumers are connecting not with actors playing characters, but real people who allow them to peek behind the curtain of their lives. Rhett and Link met each other way back in Elementary school in North Carolina and theyve stuck together into adulthood, at one time passing through a ministry phase as full-time staffers with Campus Crusade (now called Cru). And as a guy who loves Jesus too I quickly found myself resonating with their stories. These are great questions that Christians have been asking for years. But it was while still back in North Carolina that Rhetts wife, Jessie, had taken Bible courses under agnostic biblical scholarBart Ehrman, and the historical questions those studies raised continued to impact their lives. That said, I sympathize even more with the ones who follow their own consciences out of the fold, in time being accused of every impure motive imaginable. ), but he cant escape the fact that he is an image-bearer of God, living in Gods world. With the help of the Holy Spirit, they became convinced that Christianity is true as they gazed deeply at Christs beauty. avenge the attack on Scarlett that day. The younger generation is even more open about questioning their faith and leaving Christianity behind. Link Neal. Were So Spoiled. But as both Rhett and Link recounted, there was something brewing underneath the intellectual questions. Most recently, of course, is the story of well-known pastor and author Joshua Harris, as well as the Youtube comedians Rhett and Link.. I've written on this phenomenon myself in a number of places, including my recent book, The 10 Commandments of Progressive Christianity, as well as my my article, "The . It's not the End of the World When public figures walk away from the faith, a lot of Christians panic; but really, it's not the end of the world. These apostles of unbelief are on a mission to help others deconstruct with the same evangelistic zeal they learned from their previous tribe. What was scheduled as an hour-long chapel service last Wednesday has turned into a multi-day revival at Asbury University. But heres the thing; spiritual deconstruction is in many ways just spiritual puberty. The two men, known for their daily Good Mythical Morningbroadcast, have, over the last few years, gone through what they have described as their spiritual deconstruction[s]. After having spent years in young adult ministry, Rhett and Link now call themselves hopeful agnostics.. I was crushed. So I think that I was primed to hear what they had to say with an open (but biblically-grounded) mind. The youth-group kids left flustered and agitated by doubt mightve been entirely unperturbed had they heard those arguments from another source. / Politics / Trump / Uncategorized, find a Statement of Faith list of things you will need to believe, had to the spiritual journey of Rhett and Link. This creates a sense of community, in which we come to experience love and loyalty for our favorite YouTube celebrities. And if you like what you read on Godless in Dixie, please consider sponsoring me on Patreon, or else you can give via Paypal to help me keep doing what Im doing. Paul wrote in 2 Corinthians 2:1416 that through his missionary work, Christ spreads the fragrance of the knowledge of himself. As far as Christians believing in the theory of Evolution or not, there is too much to go into in this short post. Blend that with Rhett and Links magnetic personalities, and its no wonder the faith of many Christians has been unsettled. Remember that even John the Baptist had a little crisis and needed to be reassured (Matthew 11:1-11). Then he skillfully planted a possible motive: money. Our cultural moment is a cauldron of information and celebrity worship in which the cult of personality can ferment and grow. Its far easier to dismiss this all with the wave of a hand, ascribing imperfect motives to us as if that changes the facts themselves in any way. Rhett & Link, best friends since 2 nd grade, currently host one of the most popular YouTube channels on the Internet, Good Mythical Morning. Maybe YouTube said "we want to get behind you and do such and such but it has to be about Rhett and Link, not random crew members". The issue Comfort I cant help but notice the similarities the cultural influences driving these stories... Nearly 5 million followers and spiritualities of the world Christianity, Rhett and Link already know theyll be accused being! The end religious issues he says that there were basically two things that converged to lead him from! Net worth to remain faithful Christians in todays cultural climate knowledge of himself political religious..., it started with questions relating to science, the age of knowledge. Labels they are partnered with not us wrong, I & # x27 s. 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