alex danvers tortured fanfiction

Harry potter gets kidnapped and tortured fanfiction. When Kara was 18 she had a baby, but nobody knew. Although J'onn was hesitant about helping her because of his old hatred for her kind, after Alex talked to him he decided to save M'gann's life through the Martian Bond. business. All the agents, who knew about it, agreed to have their memory erased by J'onn to protect Supergirl. When Maggie arrived, Alex told her that she couldn't see her as Supergirl had gone missing and that it was her fault. Alex snapped, and knocked Haley unconscious. Kelly tries to calm her down and suggests that she stops drinking, much to her annoyance. What's So Funny About Truth, Justice, and the American Way? In order to protect her sister from Lauren Haley, J'onn wiped Alex's memory of Kara being Supergirl. Haley admitted it, but claimed she wasn't involved in the Morais torture. Later, after being accosted by Kara for going after the kryptonian without her as backup, Alex is invited by Maggie to Al's Dive Bar and they tried to figure out where is Mon-El, since they assumed that he is the one who attacked the president. [59] At the Tower, Alex carried drawings of Esme focused on the Superfriends. ""NOW, YOU WILL TOUCH YOUR COCK BUT YOU CAN'T COME. When she hears Supergirl's and Red Daughter's fight, she witnesses Red Daughter defeating Supergirl. Alex Danvers Kara Danvers Lena Luthor Face-Fucking Piss kink Humiliation Watersports Kara Danvers Has a Penis Minor Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor Alex helps Kara get ready for her date with Lena. Alex and the others tried to save Mxy, but Nyxly used the orb to capture Mxy. To save them, Kara is forced to reveal her secret to Lucy, and then asks her to help rescue them. Later, Alex runs into Sara and was nervous, though Sara didn't think too much of it. It turned out though that Mon-El's suspicions was right as Jeremiah's rescue was part of Cadmus's plan as he was working with them. In the sleepy town of Riverrush, Lena, seeking a reprieve from the noise and bustle of the city, meets a stranger. However, when she was later called and told Despero was from Kalanor, she stated she heard a legend about a planet called Kalanor. When the team had discovered Overgirl's location, Alex and Sara teamed up again in which Sara asked if that was okay, Alex agreed. She has been referenced as being a "bad-ass" by many people. What on Earth is this?, Apparently youve become quite popular with the Superfans., Lena fixed her with a blank stare. Shortly after though, Alex found out that Josie was with Mr. Bernard at the time of the attack, meaning he wasn't the culprit. In the evening, they infiltrated an underground National City fight club hosted by Roulette, in which the aliens are forced to fight to the death for the money. On Earth-Prime, while facing Leviathan, she left the D.E.O. This is a poly fic, comprising of Alex, Kara & Lena. Well, you'll just have to read the story to find out. Once inside her alternate reality, she decides to be Supergirl. he accidentally runs into a Death Eater and gets tortured to death. i think about this woman and imagine fake scenarios with her every night so. [6] In medical school, she had a boyfriend, Capraro, who would write poems about him and Alex fighting and they allegedly broke up because of it. As Alex visited from college, she chastised Kara and Kenny for stopping crime and doing good deeds because they were drawing attention to Midvale; Alex had a newspaper article as proof. Alex tells Kara that if she doesn't wake up, they both remain in her mind, until Black Marcy kill them both, while Zor-El tells Kara that once Alex will go, they will be happy again. At that moment, the Morais attacked the D.E.O. Ultimately, Alex leaves the city discouraged. She also reveals that Lex has a clone of Supergirl, who was the real culprit behind the attack on the White House. Alex, with a bouquet of flowers, went home to see Kelly nursing her injured hands and asked her lover to stay with her permanently at the apartment. When Kara was finished, Alex commented, that the article is a real masterpiece, maybe even worth a Pulitzer. Later Alex returned to the D.E.O. The next evening, Maggie visited Alex at her home, confessing that she had feelings for her, and the two shared a kiss, thus beginning their relationship.[29]. After Kara and J'onn discovered about Project Morae, Alex joined Kara and J'onn at the house of General Alphonso Tran, who was the commanding officer of the project. "THAT'S FOR THE BITE LAST FRIDAY. [1] Alex had trouble working with "Hank" after this and enlists the help of Winn to hack into the D.E.O. The alien element is used to de-power Lex of the powers that he had absorbed. SentinelSupergirl(Obsidian Platinum) Eliza wanted her husband and daughter to be around her when she opened the letter. Years later you ended up moving to New York where you met and started dating Natasha Romanoff. After imprisoning Prometheus in S.T.A.R. Meanwhile, Alex and Maggie helped Supergirl in her investigations to track down Livewire, strengthening both their professional and personal relationship.[31]. 103 notes Apr 26th, 2017. strike team on Maaldoria. Kara accidentally eats them. Alex was happy that he can propose to Kelly, but to his surprise, Alex had the Love Totem and Nyxly and Lex showed up. During a mission Kara rescued Jeremiah Danvers and he was reunited with his family, happy to be reunited Alex introduced her father to Maggie revealing her sexuality. Maggie, soon realized what was happening and told Alex, that she has to say it, in which Alex ended the relationship with Maggie. During the Thanksgiving dinner at Kara's apartment, Alex tried to come out to her mother but was stopped by the opening of a breach. Traumatized Alex Danvers Identity Reveal Majorily Traumatized Alex 2nd Chapter Alex makes pot brownies. In the aftermath, Alex, Winn, and James celebrated with Kara at her apartment, comforting her after her ordeal. The girl then taught Alex a rhyme, "yubikiri genman, uso tsuitara," which means "pinky swear. [39] While dealing with evil Winn, Alex, wanting to solve her problem of working with Lex plant spyware on DEO Internet, but Brainy removes it, not wanting her to get caught. Despite at first being shaken, later in her apartment, Kara told Alex, who thought that Kara was disappointed in her, that she could never be disappointed in her and that she's totally okay with it, that Alex is a lesbian. However, before she can arrest him, the agents of Cadmus shot him and knocked down Alex. Greg has difficulty moving on from Alex's breakdown. The DEO is tipped off about an unknown As a teenager Alex Danvers had a one-night stand, which ended in an unplanned pregnancy, the father wanted nothing to do with alex and the baby. Alex was glad to see how Kara managed to wake up. Afterward, Alex debated with Kara over the necessity of the tests before Kara had to leave to stop a fire raging at National City Port. Code name Alex called Kara and claimed that as long as Haley is in the D.E.O., she can't work there anymore. Alex completely put her focus into her studies and social life, becoming a popular girl alongside Josie. Meanwhile, they have to deal with Imp Nxyly attacking the city.[53][54]. There Alex admitted to Kara that she had developed feelings for Maggie and that she is gay. databases, she could not find data on him. Later Supergirl and Alex rescued the detective, who helped them fighting the alien terrorist. Kenzie Astra Zor-El the littlest and last of the House of El. Their existence has long since been debated though. Alex continued to practice with the Hand of the soldier but she missed the resources that she once commanded as director of the D.E.O. [33], During the Anti-Monitor Crisis, Alex as well as everyone in the multiverse except for the seven Paragons, was killed in an antimatter wave by the Anti-Monitor on December 10, 2019,[34] only to be restored a month later, after the Paragons and the Spectre created a new universe. Alex came down the aisle to meet Kelly and the girls finally got married. As a result, she began subconsciously pushing Vicki away by starting fights with her over almost everything, even if it was stupid or insignificant, until the pair drifted apart. Kara told Alex that it was okay and mentioned how Sara was an assassin, Alex calls her a "sassy assassin". After a few months, Kara comes b note: * on titles means nsfw content Later, to stop Lex's plans to conquer the world using the satellites that he had launched, Alex goes with Supergirl and Lena Luthor to get Myriad. She had a . [5], Despite Alex's fallout with Josie and the popular clique, her friendship with Vicki persisted for some time. She meets a couple of people looking to escape inside the game as well, and while dealing with her anger and grief is also slowly sucked into a fake reality believing it too is real. When Alex was a teenager, her parents adopted an orphaned Kara Zor-El and they grew up together in the town of Midvale. Alex agreed to meet her and play pool. This escalated to the point where she began falling behind in school and was placed on academic probation. Language: English She soon grew suspicious of "Henshaw" upon learning of her father's unwilling affiliation with the D.E.O. Earth-38 [55], Alex and the Superfriends wanted to find the totems, but decided to help Kelly and John Diggle investigate the destruction of the Ormfell Building. However, she regained her memories while saving Kara after a battle with Red Daughter. Lena starts taking an interest in the puzzle that is Kara. Ruby then admits to Alex that she is being cyber-bullied, refusing to allow this, Alex had Ruby take her to the girl and pretended to be an FBI agent, and scolded the girl for cyber bulling. If I had known. Kenzie Astra Zor-El the littlest and last of the House of El. PORSCHE nods his head until he's pinched at the underside of his cock. Alex was reunited with Kara, in which Kara joked about how their plan to come to Earth-1 went up in smokes. Later that night, at the celebration party for Kara and Mon-El's return in Kara's apartment, Maggie told Alex that she cherishes their friendship and hopes that they will be able to become friends, because she did not want to imagine her life without her. Kara has heard of vampires. After much soul searching and exploration, Alex finds the courage to come out as a lesbian to herself, then to her ex-girlfriend Maggie Sawyer, then Kara, her mother Eliza, her friends and her father Jeremiah. [49], It was explained to Alex that she could not go back in time to 2009 because she was not to meet her past self, before Nia and Querl time traveled. Maggie was confused by how she was acting but Alex told her that she had to focus on getting Supergirl back and Maggie couldn't help her. After their confessions in Fortress of solitude, Lies and anger were addressed. Lena Luthor has returned to Metropolis and finds things just as bad as when she left three months before. Species You were friends with Alex and Kara since you were kids. Then she told Alex, she understands how it feels to keep part of yourself locked away, and confirmed her support for Alex and her feelings towards Maggie. [26], Later at the D.E.O., Kara and Alex told J'onn they have seen M'gann in the underground fight club and, after both the martians are kidnapped, Alex informed Kara and goes to place where the fighting took place only to finds that there is nothing anymore. Alex sat and cried in her apartment as she was the hologram of Kara in her video will; Kelly entered with breakfast and questioned Alex because Alex specifically said that the video would be watched only if Kara was dead. J'onn tried to stop her, but Alex continued, revealing that she saw Astra about to kill J'onn, who was defenseless, so she reacted and killed her to save him. [51], After Kara's return, they had to face a transformed Kelex. When she did, Alex and Kara couldn't see her, but Brainy breathed water vapor on window, and Nia wrote "Shelley Island" on it, as it was Lex's base for captured aliens. As the two woman move forwards in their lives, each accepting the legacies given to them, they start to see the deeper beauty in each other and what the other means to them. So the three o Who is she? Candid photos of Lena with a certain superhero and with a certain reporter take social media by storm. Because people lost their humanity to the Humanity Totem, Sentinel and Guardian took it upon themselves to stop people while they talked about Esme and flirted until J'onn interrupted them. Eventually, they managed to rescue Kara from the Phantom Zone along with her father Zor-El, but without them realizing the Imp Nyxlygsptlnz came along. and what happened to the real Hank Henshaw. [58], Alex was glad to see how Esme and Brainy became friends. Alex began seriously contemplating motherhood as she developed a friendship with Samantha and Ruby Arias. Alex came out as a lesbian after falling in love with Maggie Sawyer. However, both Alex and Kara were unaware that Lena had already learned the truth about Kara's identity from Lex.[32]. Reader-Insert. But Harper does not believe him and sends in Project Cadmus both J'onn and Alex, which is accused of complicity and treason as Lucy realized that she knew about J'onn. Sentinel The team discussed recent events and it was decided that the Martians would distract Rama Khan away from Kara as she got a new suit from Lena. Upon learning of Nyxlygsptlnz's existence, Alex and the team were explained by Mxyzptlk in song form about Nyxly's past. Alex's plan went awry as Lex showed up to attack the heroes. With Kelly's help she uses the new lenses, and enters the alternate reality version of Las Vegas. Lena Luthor decides to drive herself on some business. Kara and Alex went to get James and then head to the island with Brainy. I own none of these characters (maybe the kid's names). Alex was approached by CJ Grant who asked her questions about the good deeds that were occurring in town; Alex dismissed the reporter by explaining that Midvale was just a boring town and the press was exaggerating.[36]. What do the cards say? While there, Kara gets called back to National City by William Dey who is researching Margot Morrison, leaving Alex and Pete to continue their research. Alex and Maggie undercover at the alien fight club. Thank you for always being there for me through the ups and downs of our lives, thank you for sticking around even if I made it clear I don't want you around, you could tell that I did. where she attempted to keep Kara alive after her brutal fight with Reign. [61], Alex planned to finally take Esme to school, but Kara wanted her niece to wear glasses so as not to draw attention, this made Alex angry and the two sisters argue. Kara agrees to his help and sends her and J'onn away for an elaborate game of paintball. 's stock of Kryptonite stolen four months ago there is a traitor: J. McGill, who Alex instructed to prepare trucks for transportation of Kryptonite, to caught him red-handed at the time of the abduction. Alex's memories return, and she once again remembers, that Kara and Supergirl are one and the same, her beloved adoptive sister. Before she get into her limousine, Alex told Roulette that her time will come and, after that, she invited Maggie to have a drink together, but the detective said she couldn't and left with her girlfriend. During the adventure, Alex told Kara the story about her summer trip to Nagano and taught her sister the rhyme which the girl from the village taught her. [35], One of changes caused by Crisis is that Kenny Li did not die; he remained a good friend to Alex and became Kara's boyfriend and partner against crime in Midvale.[36]. She is also fond of leather jackets. Alex and the Superfriends confront Nyxly and Lex. Later at the D.E.O. Kara gets ideas, ideas that Lucy both does and doesn't think are kind of sort of a little bit hot, actually. They then all returned to Earth. The DC TV universe is changing all the time, but there's one move that could really flip DC's complex television universe on its head: letting Alex Danvers become Batwoman . [20], After J'onn is forced to reveal his Martian identity to save Alex from Kara (who was under the influence of Red Kryptonite) he was arrested and questioned by Colonel Harper, along with Major Lucy Lane, to find out how he got into D.E.O. Kara accidentally eats them. Before the wedding, Lex and Nyxly attacked the city along with old villains, but were defeated and ended up imprisoned in the Phantom Zone. Alex arrived with Kara to Lena's office and met with Brainy, who had reacquired all of Kara's evidence about Lex's scheme. When a giant cat created by Nyxly attacked the city, Alex and the Superfriends confronted him. Work Search: Alex Danvers. ; J'onn berates Alex for bringing him in, as Max is not an alien, but Alex counters he of all people should understand her desire to protect her family.[17]. As a teenager Alex Danvers had a one-night stand, which ended in an unplanned pregnancy, the father wanted nothing to do with alex and the baby. Soon after, Alex received a call from Kelly that William was missing and Kelly wanted help to break into Obsidian North to find information on where he might be. One year later, Jeremiah "died" protecting a martian from the D.E.O. A fight between them ensued. What possibly could happen to a high Kryptonian who is in Lena's care? Nia gets butterflies when she looks at Luna and feels her heart race every time she is around her, but she is straight and with Brainy. Since then, Lex developed it into a size, that it can be used with Lexosuit. Kara and Alex are helping Lena move out of the tower and into Kara's loft. [3], Alex frequently struggled with dating and romance, unconsciously suppressing any feelings she developed towards other women. Upon arriving at the bar, the waitress, Darla, handed out two drinks for the pair of women (ordered by Maggie) before commenting the cop "moving on"; confused, Alex inquires Sawyer if the waitress was a Roltikkon, to which Maggie confirms, along with the fact that she and Darla were formerly a couple, making Alex realize that she was just mistaken by the alien as Maggie's new flame. and discovered that he is actually J'onn J'onzz, whom her father had given his life to save. The heroes gets ready for the final battle against the Anti-Monitor. Somehow, Lena finds herself comforting Kara after a messy breakup and Kara's opinion on the subject seems to change. However, despite that she was just saved by Supergirl, Haley attempted to blackmail her into rejoining the D.E.O., so that she could keep her in line, otherwise she will reveal her identity to the world. When they tried to escape they were shocked by the collars they were wearing and were almost executed until the arrival of Leo Snart. "What happened? Alex grows even more frustrated as Haley was turning the D.E.O. After returning home, Alex along with Kara, Winn and J'onn listened to Mon-El and Imra's interpretation of their future, Imra revealed to them that they are part of a group called The Legion and that Mon-El helped create them through what he learned from Supergirl. Alex was later found by Kara who had tracked her down with her super hearing. IM COMPILING THEM HERE :D She joins in the moment silence the president declares in honor of Oliver Queen. As Astra overcome the Martian, claiming she would give him an "honorable death", Alex stabbed Astra through the back with a Kryptonite sword, killing her. While at the DEO, Kara arrived with a dying Lena, who had ingested some poison, after asking Kara several questions, Alex deduced the poison and had Kara use her freeze breath to counteract the poison. (formerly)Member of Superfriends(in secret)New multiverseDirector of the D.E.O. crying." "What? Alex' phone rings. leading Eliza to told she and Kara how Jeremiah was forced to work for the D.E.O. When Queen Rhea of Daxam, made her plans to take over Earth, J'onn attempted to stop her, but she put him in a never ending nightmare, leaving Alex in charge of the D.E.O., in which she worked with Kara and Maggie to stop Rhea. They succeed in taking the site, but during the conflict Martin Stein got injured. Prior to entering the base, Alex had rigged explosives around the area and had Jeremiah make a choice, her and the aliens or Cadmus, he chose to side with his daughter and the father-daughter duo worked together, but Jeremiah was knocked out and taken. headquarters with a powerful alien escapee and, while fighting side by side, she found out he is not Hank Henshaw, but a martian named J'onn J'onzz and that her father died protecting him from the real Hank. M'yrnn J'onzz apologizes to the D.E.O. Alex wakes up Kara in her apartment and eventually has her memory of the original multiverse restored by J'onn. Back on Earth, Nyxly and Lex teamed up to find the AllStone Totems. Lena accepts and soon grows attached to Alura, as well as her mother. Saving Esme, Alex and Kelly led her away from the scene. Read to find out what happens next. When Lena tells Kara something that has the possibility to change their entire world what will she do? Lena would like nothing more than to disappear until its all over. [66], In 2031, Alex attended Eobard Thawne and Iris West-Allen's engagement ceremony alongside Team Flash, Ryan Wilder, Ryan Choi, and Marcus. [8], One night, Kara took Alex flying, in spite of the latter's initial protests. Its no surprise to her when she quickly finds herself falling for more than just Lenas musical talents. One that caused her to need to improvise. Then Kara promised her that they will find Jeremiah.[28]. Alex attempted to continue the relationship, but upon seeing the relationship between Samantha and Ruby Arias, she confessed to Kara, her desire to have children. And what will she tell her publicist? They're sent to protect their baby cousin Kal-El but end up getting trapped in a Marine mammal behaviorist, Y/N, doesn't really have friends, she's very shy around others. In the final battle with the Nazi's, Alex and Sara teamed up against the Nazi's and won after the deaths of Dark Arrow and Overgirl. training to help her survive. Suddenly, an assassin begins firing at them, causing them to run for their lives. Sentinel managed to obtain the Destiny Totem to exchange it with Nyxly. ec epileptic users can stop all running animations with the click of a button . Contents 1 Ships 1.1 Femslash 1.2 Family 1.3 Friendship 1.4 Poly 2 Canon 3 Fanon 4 Fandom 5 List 6 Navigation Ships Femslash AgentCol the friendship between Alex and Lauren Haley Agent Canary the ship between Alex and Sara Lance Agent Lane the ship between Alex and Lucy Lane [ 8 ], Alex runs into a size, that the is..., seeking a reprieve from the scene in smokes her after her ordeal, they had to a! Her friendship with Samantha and Ruby Arias 103 notes Apr 26th, 2017. team. Town of Midvale when Kara was finished, Alex runs into Sara and was nervous, though Sara did think. 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