christine caine testimony

I was also surprised, because I never shared my faith with him (after all, Im a woman, and we know believers like you wouldve burned me at the stake for sharing my faith with a man). And we won't play on people's fears. 28 following. All three companies are registered in England & Wales with a registered office address of Unit 6 April Court, Sybron Way, Crowborough, TN6 3DZ . How did Jesus act? Christian Church. >. So get people into the lifeboat. What is your heart full of? Does the author of this article have the power of discerning a persons heart? SO MANY THINGS WE CALL BIBLICAL ARE JUST CULTURAL, For those that have not come across you before, tell us a little about yourself. Caine took to her blog on Tuesday to share that during the span of a week, she had gone from having a sore throat to being diagnosed with four separate throat conditions, including stage 1 of thyroid cancer. What Not to Say to Single Women in the Church. Christine Caine shares how she found out that she was adopted.Get Today's Offer From Joyce: Follow Joyce: WEBSITE: FACEBOOK: INSTAGRAM: TWITTER: Joyce Meyer, one of the worlds leading practical Bible teachers and New York Times best-selling author, shares encouragement and advice to help us enjoy our daily lives. I used to come on sites like this and tear down women like Joyce Meyer and Christine Caine, much like you do. I am sorry to say you seem like really unhappy, envious people who just seek to divide and bring fear, manipulate and imtimidate. Paul ratchets up the rhetoric when facing down serious error coming from Hymenaeus and Alexander: Some have rejected and suffered shipwreck in regard to their faith. We cannot throw the baby out with the bath water, the fish out with the bones. When you question someones salvation, you are questioning their citizenship in heaven. springs without water, and mists driven by a storm, for whom the black darkness has been reserved (2 Pet. What did Jesus say? Pastrix Christine Caine from hereticalHillsong ChurchAustraliais a teacher that the serious Christian should steer clear of. We rebuke it because we dont want people to be misled. It can come from things we have done, and from things others have done to us. Praise Jesus'. 2:17). There have been hundreds of girls rescued, and dozens of traffickers thrown in jail. You know for someone who looks down on judging, you sure do a lot of it. You said Ill call it straight to their face. My point is you HAVENT. I grew up a Catholic and they spend so much time worshiping idols, I barely knew anything about Christ. What are churches to do when false teachers from outside a congregation exert an influence within the congregation? It amazes me all her supporters can only base their drive-by comments on dont judge, presupposing what God does while ignoring His written word, or the Love syndrome, we all need love, we must love, God is only about love, Jesus is only about love, youre not loving if youre judging. Match up all of these so-called pastors words with every word Jesus spoke in the gospels. Lets crack open the Gospel of Luke and just read it again. I would say the fawning over Christine Caine and other false teachers is more akin to being cult like. Unrepentant false teachers are, men of depraved mind, rejected as regards the faith (2 Tim. 3For the time will come when men will not tolerate sound doctrine, but with itching ears they will gather around themselves teachers to suit their own desires. 4So they will turn their ears away from the truth and turn aside to myths.. Wow. Everythings going to be awesome. And that is drifting so far from what New Testament discipleship really is. Woman can be used and will be used by God wether some like it or not. People are NOT heretics and false teacher because they preach something we do not gree with. YOU have an issue. In (Luke 11:35) (skopeo) is translated take heed.. If they persist despite the warnings and either dont have a husband to oversee them, have no proper oversight from a husband who has abdicated his duty, or who just are or are married to a discernment klutz, then various scriptures say either to admonish them strongly a third time and/or to break fellowship. I believe he is coming back. Talking about them and their ministries behind their backs is NOT of Christ. This silly arguement is what pro-female pastors (Christine Caine, Joyce Meyer, etc.) Ill wait. To my family, when I chose to put Christ first, I was turning my back on everything: on tradition, on culture, on them. God bless you. God gave you a lifeboat. Is it getting people to repent? Thank you Karen for speaking the TRUTH! Dear Amy, You have the right idea. Now, arent you judging by referring to others here as Pharisees? You dont personally know me and have gone on and on about what YOU think I do or do not know. Paul says: one thing I do: forgetting what is behind and straining towards what is ahead, I press on (Philippians 3:13-14). Its taken her a lifetime, but world-travelling preacher, author and rescuer of trafficking victims, Christine Caine, is finally free from shame. 3:5-9). As we came closer to the time of Christ, mankind in its rebellious teenage years, we had the lessons of the prophets. And shes passionate about helping to free others from the burden of shame too whether theyve suffered abuse, or simply struggle with everyday mummy-guilt. The smile on Christine Caine's face is as striking as the shock she felt when she uncovered the secret her parents kept from her. by Christine Caine is available now, To hear the full interview listen to Premier Christian Radio at 8pm on 3 July or download The Profile podcast, The agnostic journalist Elle Hardy has been investigating how Pentecostalism is taking over the world. Why arent you obeying Matthew 18 and seeking ways to reach out to these people yourself? Although a lot of bad things happened to me, my life is a testimony that God can talk the bad things that happened to you and turn them around for his glory. They are not the true church. Dont sit back and have others do the work for you. if a man have an hundred sheep, and one of them be gone astray, doth he not leave the ninety and nine, and goeth into the mountains, and seeketh that which is gone astray? Name one thing she teaches on that isnt according to scripture and is not accurate. Confronting false teachers is not the responsibility of the pastor alone. 2:11, 14). The examples of Apollos and Peter show us that any one of us might be subject to imbibing and disseminating false teaching. Or is there a more biblically formed motive for the controversy? Where does it say its ok to have others do the confronting for you? We strive to bring His word to people! Believers, on the other hand, must continue abiding in the doctrine of Christ to have fellowship with the Father and the Son. .But this thou hast, that thou hatest the deeds of the Nicolaitanes, which I also hate (Revelation 2:2, 6). Christine Caine; Narrator: Christine Caine; Length: 6 hours 15 minutes; Publisher: Thomas Nelson; Publish date: June 08, 2021; Language: English; ISBN: 9781400226597; 4.42 03422292). 1. International preacher, speaker and author Christine Caine recently revealed that she had been diagnosed with cancer. Heres what she discovered, Three years before the pandemic struck, Greg Boyd received an unusual prophetic word, which prompted him to move his churchs material online. I write this as a Baptist, and so I would argue that the excommunication is a congregational responsibility and not something that pastors can impose alone (e.g., 1 Cor. The key word: DIRECTLY. She notes that the severity of her cancer above her larynx was undermined by people who would say it was not a big deal but she notes that it became surreal to her the moment she was lying on the operating table with a scalpel at her throat. I think this is a site for pharisees. Pray tell how? New Age Return to homepage. II John 9-11. And there is one thing you must remember about wolves which separates them from Christians. Christine Caineusurps male authority and rebels against the clear word of the Bible It certainly has been the fight of my life to get to the place of trusting God to redeem the broken pieces of my past for his glory. Let's not forget that, Why revival must be tethered to Scripture, Revelation 9: The pit, the smoke and hideous demon creatures, Lessons from the old Jesus Revolution for the new Jesus Revolution, Age is a mindset: How mental outlook and actions impact an aging mind, How to handle any criticism thrown at you, 5 reasons why the disappearance of the offering plate is so significant for churches. It's breathtaking to see what God has done in our offices around the world. There is one church and we should be united. Reading the context as to the time that Timothy was written, women then were NOT allowed to be nor were they educated and that is WHY they were not supposed to teach Gods word. It is difficult not to be inspired by her passion for Jesus and her unwavering belief that God is still in the business of doing what the Bible says hes always done. There are soooo many books that have women leaders in them. I went from feeling as a nobody (given I am a single woman who lives in a different state from my father and brotherswe know what the traditional church thinks of women like me) to understanding that Christ saved me for a reason. Seems to me that a dozen apostles brought the message to millions. If you know and read your bible that is quite obvious. It was unarguably one of the "busiest and biggest seasons" of her life but Caine notes that she held on to faith during the entire process because she had no other resource. The apostle John addresses such a scenario in 2 John and 3 John. Dont mistake love of the world for the true love of God, His Son, and His scripture. Click here for instructions on how to enable JavaScript in your browser. The act of circle marking is occult in nature period. Many dont like that a woman has been brought to task for doing something she shouldnt be doing. God is relational but He is also Almighty God, Yahweh and there are no other gods before Him. But it should also be motivated by a desire to see false teachers come to repentance and faith. I have a friend I have started sharing my faith and studying the Bible with (GASP, and Im a WOMAN! Youll find her corrupt theology lacking. People who had lost all of their hair My heart broke for them. I only speak on my personal experiences, what I have read, what I have heard, what I have been taught, and what interactions I participated in. He takes the trials and tests and turns them into a testimony.". Ten weeks later, Caine testified that Jesus had healed the one part of her body that is "most used to do what God has called me to do.". The fear and our love of God compels us to defend His words, not mans. Keep seeking the Lord and His truth will be found by you. So we can correct any mistakes before permanent post? We did a lot of hard work before we got married, which has meant a lot less friction, because all those big conversations about purpose, travelling, doing whatever Jesus called us to do, family life and how that would look were done before we got married. Apollos was a man mighty in the scriptures who taught accurately about Jesus but who nevertheless was only familiar with Johns baptism. I imagine you would get a lot more done for the kingdom of you stopped pointing the finger at people and just started loving till it hurts. This emphatic language demonstrates the fervor of Pauls attitude toward those who would modify any part of the gospel he preached. Youre going to be OK. How Did I Get Here? I needed to see this. Peters bad behavior in this situation had a teaching function, and so Paul says that he had to oppose him to his face and in the presence of all (Gal. What we have learned in this last year, if we hadnt known it already, is that you cant put your hope in anything else. Caine took to her blog on Tuesday to share that during the span of a week, she had gone from having a sore throat to being diagnosed with four separate throat conditions, including stage 1 of thyroid cancer. I am hard pressed to think of a single Christian speaker or author who I agree with 100% of the time (based on my understanding of scripture), but I am discerning enough to know what to discard and when to take note of a truth they are speaking that I need to apply to my life. Apology appreciated. use to defend their position. I pray that you havent turned anyone away from God by listening to your bunch of garbage. You have yet to back up with scripture how what you are doing is the appropriate way of handling false teachers, by Denny Burk on April 8, 2014 in Christianity, Theology/Bible. And so that, as you could imagine, messed me up. There is an honesty about Christine Caine that is rare in high-profile leaders. 3:8) I have also lost friends to cults due to their lack of knowledge of the scriptures for themselves, and it breaks my heart every day. Sign up for our newsletter: Paul himself speaks in favor of remaining single rather than marrying (1 Cor. THIS is why the church has a tough time bringing in the lost. How do you know that? What will that do other than leave them in despair? -- Christine Caine . We must allow or error otherwise we cannot trully attend any church because as soon as we walk in there is sin and error. is one of many scriptures that come to mind, I love that you are always willing to name names, as we are required to do in Romans 16:17. You are way off base here and this is a pretty ridiculous article. I had to really get to a place where I felt Id made good headway in living a shame-free life, to be able to put the stuff that Ive learnt in writing. Your pastor is correct, your self worth, your weight and you fiscal condition has nothing to do with the saving Gospels, a good gym with good instructors, a good financial planner will do the same, the issue is whether Cain and Meyer handle scripture correctly, they dont, they have also gone beyond the mandate of the qualifications to be a teacher. Christine Caine partners with heretics, promotes them, and endorses them. I am so glad that Christ is my example of the Word in flesh not articles like this and authors of them. Caine reportedly copied entire portions of Scott's book, forcing Scott to take legal action to settle the issue. Who were you directing this to? So its more about our faith levels than our ability is that right? Jesus called the Pharisees out to their faces. ~ Christine Caine. 14 For if you remain completely silent at this time, relief and deliverance will arise for the Jews from another place, but you and your fathers house will perish. Or, as SBTS President Dr Al Mohler put it, a prosperity movement for millennialsthat minimizes the Gospel content and diffuses a presentation of spirituality instead. I have Matthew 18 to back me up. I know thy works, and thy labour, and thy patience, and how thou canst not bear them which are evil: and thou hast tried them which say they are apostles, and are not, and hast found them liars . Christine Caines purpose in life is not to judge anyone toward heaven, on the contrary what she spouts is completely anti-biblical. I was born in Sydney, Australia. Im watching people deconstruct their faith, prominent leaders renouncing Jesus. A pastor cant be the kind of guy who cant accept an apology or recognize repentance when he sees it. I think the Lord has given us this invitation. In order to post comments, please make sure JavaScript and Cookies are enabled, and reload the page. (1 Timothy 2:12; Revelation 2:20). So if you are rooted and grounded in Jesus and anchored to Jesus, youre good. While I am not an avid follower of Caine, Meyer or Beth Moore, the times I have seen them, their husbands were in the audience (and their travel schedules referenced). They are the ones who voted for Obama and Hillary. I genuinely thought this was a joke HAHAHA. I cannot be made up like I am for television for everything I do, or I will never have a life! she says. You are not confronting directly, and you know it. Solicitation Disclosure Statement In doing so, you are also females teaching the word. Do you want the standard canned answer I get? Perhaps this is where we are talking past each other. Its not complicated. I know there is a BIBLICAL way of calling someone out for false teaching, and anonymously posting on a site behind their backs is NOT IT. 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