doctor wants to discuss mri results in person

What was the out come if your results. I was reading about implants and it's interesting you say that because if there does happen to be a rupture it can cause a thing called a silicone granuloma, which is a little lump where the silicon has leaked and the body recognises it as a foreign body, I think, and forms like a protective lump around it. Marley Hall is a writer and fact checker who is certified in clinical and translational research. Not allowed to discussESPECIALLY by phone..patient confidentiality etc. You may not need an appointment for routine labs or images that are part of preventive care. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Radiation? The radiologist, a doctor who specializes in medical images, will then talk the individual through the MRI scanning process and answer any questions they may have about the procedure. It could easily be your doctor wanting to get more money out of you for another appointment. Can doctors see beyond a patients weight? Or they may be more nuanced or open to interpretation. The doctor who ordered your MRI receives the report and views the images, too. I had a pelvic ultrasound last Friday as acheckup (i had my right ovary removed 3 years ago due to a tumor of "borderline" malignancy). My husband even took 1/2 day off to come with me - because we didn't know if I'd need him there. doctor wants to discuss mri results in person Home; About; Schedules; News & Events; Contact Us I went to the spine doctor last week for the first time and he ordered an MRI (I last had one in 2019 and it was normal) and also scheduled me for injections at the end of the month. She has written several books about patient advocacy and how to best navigate the healthcare system. Best day to book nursery on Alaskan cruise. Pregnant and doctor called to discuss bloods. You still have to pay for it, but it can save you a lot of time. Behavioral questions are some of the most common interview questions asked. They might want to monitor it, or arrange a biopsy using a needle just to check it's what they think it is, or they might have decided to take it out just to be sure. This meant that these results took longer to report than the initial tissue results that were negative. I'm trying to think why they would do a U/S, now. If you have a concern that your MRI revealed something that needs to be treated urgently, you can call your doctors office. Yeah I definitely see why they would tell you over the phone in that case. Many healthcare providers use online medical chart systems. There is usually a blanket policy of "no results over the phone" for this sort of thing precisely in order to avoid these types of situation. T: Task - Explain what task must be completed to resolve the situation. Blood tests. There is no way to ensure they are really talking to you, and legally, they cannot give your information to anyone but you. I am getting my mri results tomorrow do you know what kind of information they can give from a mri? check out the. How I handle biopsy and scan results is a different process that has evolved over time. I hope you manage to relax a bit in the interim, it must be really hard not being sure what it is. Im not a doctor, Im not giving you medical advice, Im just telling you what I would do. They finally called their primary physicians office and found a sympathetic receptionist who agreed to forward a copy of a lung biopsy report. Don't wait. In effect, by relaying results over the phone, I would not only be providing a free service, I would, in fact, be coming out behind. I doubt that any results were back within 4 hours & shes set your appointment out far enough that it doesnt sound like a critical need. Then I get a call from his nurse saying the MRI results are in but that he wants to discuss it with me in person. At my last MRI I had to go in person.If it were that serious they would not have told you they were normal. Although it . Follow-up labs can tell you whether your strategies are working. haha). 2. Who is reading the MRI: A doctor interpret the MRI results. There is no way I could wait. If follow-up appointments are expected, check with your health insurance to make sure they're covered. Chemo? You can also discuss side effects and dosage changes that may be needed. check out the. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. When the first test (or first battery of tests) have been done, you'll be called for a follow up, and don't be surprised if further tests are scheduled. You could always phone and ask them after the meeting? I would call the diagnostic center and ask for a copy of the report and disc of the results. View Full Version : Doctor wants to discuss MRI results in person. Experts say MRI scans are helping medical professionals better understand changes in the brains of people with depression. We got a call an hour after we got home the same day because they found an abnormality. After you have an MRI, the radiology technician will transmit the images or notify the radiologist that the images are available via a secure method. A healthcare provider may also call to assure you everything is okay or discuss any needed follow-up tests. Id rate the pain on average 5-7 but goes up to 9-10 on multiple occasions :( For example my birthday was last week and my bf took me out to dinner at a restaurant I really wanted to try out that was 45 min away. I'd be cautiously happy about it - it is unusual forMRI not to pick something up if there is something there to be picked up! They were relieved to find that the biopsy report showed benign tissue. Hi everyone, I'm in a bad state tonight and mostly need a place to vent. These include: As a general rule, you can expect to wait 1 to 2 weeks before receiving information on your MRI scan results. How can you now tell me that she has cancer? I explained that the pathologist wanted to perform additional stains and cell typing on other samples that we took. I cant imagine an MD thats seeing you as a new patient simply calling you up and saying youre good. In theory this is a life-threatening condition so it is very appropriate to discuss the situation in the office with good documentation. There is a lot of overlap between certain malignant lumps and certainbenign ones, which means this happens quite a lot and no one really knows until it is removed and looked at under a microscope. The thing is that my appointment is literally at the end of the month and I don't know if I'm going in there just to hear that the results were normal Obviously nothing serious was found or they would've had me come in ASAP. So you just had an MRI of your lumbar spine (lower back) and you went to see the doctor for the results or tried to read the MRI results yourself. I had an MRI recently. That certainly doesnt mean its bad news. Helpful - 0 Comment AndiJ78 Me, too! Making Use of Telehealth for Healthcare Provider Appointments, Telehealth for Ankylosing Spondylitis During COVID-19, What to Do If You Get a Positive At-Home COVID-19 Test Result, Why You Might Get Billed for Messaging Your Provider in MyChart, Understanding Your Nerve Conduction and EMG Results, Why People Are Noncompliant with Treatment, Time until emergence of HIV test reactivity following infection with HIV-1: Implications for interpreting test results and retesting after exposure, Strategies for initial management of hypertension, Want your test results? Make a follow-up appointment beforehand if the results might be something you need to discuss. I don't know; I'm not medical, I've just read way too much about this sort of thing so I'm trying my best but please don't take what I say as necessarily right. Daisax, I had a similar experience with my DH, he went in to urgent care with "flu symptoms", they took one look at him, and called for an ambulance, even though urgent care was only at the other end of the building complex from the e.r.! Having said that, anytime I have to deal with a doctor it makes me nervous, but I dont feel you should stress yourself out until you can talk to your doctorMaybe it will be good news!!! Healthcare providers sometimes ask you to make an appointment to get the results of routine medical tests. It's intermittent and seems to be triggered by particular postures (e.g., hunching at the computer). Whats the next step? I hope this helps a bit x x. PS Sorry I didn't realise I was rambling so much!! Try not to panic. All is well, doctor says I have a cyst on my right ovary, and they are going to treat with medication. Failure to communicate test results may not seem like a common problem. When you visit the site, Dotdash Meredith and its partners may store or retrieve information on your browser, mostly in the form of cookies. There are many reasons you may need to get an MRI. A new app-based 3-D model of the full female anatomy is said to be the most advanced to date and could help change the level of medical care women. It should not take a week. Press J to jump to the feed. Hi just wondering what the outcome was and hoping that everything is ok,in may my stomach started churning but started losing my appetite before then and lost loads of weight everytime i eat my tummy goes crazy,had blood tests all clear,and other tests all clear 2nd of july had ct scan and showed thickening of my womb so just had mri on monday and actually hoping they find something cause going crazy with it all now. Most insurers don't want to pay for unnecessary appointments. I after she learned of tumor, she ordered an MRI. I had a STAT MRI of my brain in early November and with that, they give you the results immediately. Mri results back 2 days after mri is that a good or bad. And who knows more about medicine than lawyers, right? The Answer: You raise a very good question: Whose job is it to communicate test results ordered by one physician and conducted by another? Totally agree with this statement. I know it stinks to not get the green light to ease your fears, but I guess have faith that if it was serious, you would not have been scheduled so far out for the visit. They may seek out another opinion from an additional medical specialist. Youre primary care doc wouldnt have told you the results are normal if they werent. Some even say they can be found in humans. Let your provider know if you notice any crazy variation. The mri I had was also back quickly, going by the date on the report, but I wasn't asked to come in sooner than the appt I'd got two weeks later. Period, end of story. You can find out more about our use, change your default settings, and withdraw your consent at any time with effect for the future by visiting Cookies Settings, which can also be found in the footer of the site. Generally speaking, the radiologist, doctor, and other medical professionals are all busy. But theyrecommendyou have the scan between day 3 and day 15 or so of your cycle, so I would imagine that it would have been OK in that regard as the hormones that change the appearance of your breast tissue tend to peak several days before your period, meaning they would have dissipated by the time it'sa few days into your new cycle. The MRI wouldnt be able to tell if it was malignant or not. She yelled in disbelief but I got the results, they were negative! When Can I Book 2024 Walt Disney World Vacation Packages? I thought maybe they said that to everyone and then they would give me good results on the phone. Your evaluation may include: A neurological exam. Plus, if a disease is contagious, your provider will want to talk in person about how to help you avoid future risk and protect other people. Please dont let the fact that they called you to make an appt just 4 hours after doing the MRI cause you to worry. Their mother did indeed have cancer. Every doctor or her staff must promptly communicate the results of any radiologic test to a patient. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. In some cases, they want you to get tested a week or two before an appointment. Let's take a closer look. The doctor looked at the mri and now want me to get a CTA read more I would ask him to give me a call. I guess I can't speak for all doctors, but for me, its a no-brainer. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. And while some may refer to this as greed, remember that physicians are businesses, who expect fair or even less than fair payment for rendered services. Oh it's cool I am just glad if any of it might help set your mind at rest. On the other hand, if the results only require a minute or two of the provider's time, it's fair to ask for the results by phone, mail, or secure message. If it's a judgment call and the doctor decides that in a particular case, the results should be given in person, that's one thing. Doctors die. Is it bad news if your cancer Dr. calls you in right after a Petscan and you have already had cancer in the past, Usually no news is good news, but i always call just to double check after a couple weeks. Do you know the difference between a PET scan and an MRI? Quickly you became confused, overwhelmed, and/or anxious reading all these "bad" things about your back. I would try not to read too much into the timescales - I've been on both ends of the situation. She began to cry, as I heard other family members who were listening around the room on speaker do the same. I had an oncologist call me and tell me to bring my father to the emergency room (or call an ambulance) immediately once, so I would assume if it's anything dire they would have said "come in today" at a MINIMUM. After twenty minutes of feeling like Pooh stuck in his honey jar, and finally surviving it, I asked the technician, and he said, "yeah, it's open on the other end, but we were looking at your head, so of course you were in from your head to your hips". Thus, they will only pay for face to face services on insured patients. Keep records. Here are some of the most common scenarios, along with when you can expect to hear results. Scans and that sort of thing really play with your mind don't they, I know how you feel x, the docs order scan ect but dnt tell me why which doesn't help.. so your mind goes off on one I'm sorry if you had to through all this sort stuff to :(. 8. I would say that since it is an MRI and a CT scan, they will tell you the results in the office so that you can discuss the results and appropriate actions in person. We cant build our way out of the ventilator shortage. Her work has been published in medical journals in the field of surgery, and she has received numerous awards for publication in education. To get an MRI, youll lie on a flat bed that has a round, tube-like structure. I'm not a hypochondriac, but I do have issues with anxiety, and my blood pressure went through the roof at having to have this stupid discussion with the nurse! How well do you know the doctor? In these cases, a positive test result means you may have the. Keep in mind this doctor has nothing to compare to since he doesnt have your old scans. "I know as much as I need to know right now and see how it looks in 6 months," is what I tell myself sometimes more than once in a day. And they can take an actual look at things inside and on implant if you don't hear from me you canpresume all went well. Thankfully everything was fine. YEsterday the nurse calls and says the doctor wants me to come in ASAP to go over the results because they did find something. An appointment gives you an opportunity to talk about: It can also help avoid confusion over what the results mean. Perhaps the tumour is shrinking or still dormant or after 16 years medical advances have been phenomenal and there may be something that can be done to help you which was not available all those years ago. When your doctor orders the MRI, you can ask how long it will take to learn your results. Oh phew, well that sounds like a good thing. Often, routine blood or imaging tests are part of preventive care. Your dr may feel that she can give you a more professional diagnosis with so little with which to work. (n.d.). It takes them maybe an hour to read it, then they dictate, then have it sent to the ordering physician. You probably don't need one for preventive tests or if your condition is well controlled. Meeting in-person to go over results helps you both see what's happening and figure out why. I had an MRI recently. Z codes represent reasons for encounters. I got the MRI done yesterday morning at 10AM and they got the results back same day, letting me know at 3:30PM. Hi. You may . Oh okay that makes sense.. take my money I guess lol I just wanna know :/. Thats not to say that people dont try to circumvent the system. Share experiences, exercises, tips, journeys. My doctor wanted me to do the same thing with my MRI - but I think it is honestly just so they can get another co-pay. One individual had benign lymph node enlargements, which were confirmed by a biopsy. By Trisha Torrey Then YOU have the disc for your records if they scan you in the future, and you can see if there is anything worrisome in the report. I also know that most of the physicians I know dont wake up in the morning thinking about how they can make money by not giving people their test results. Joost Zeeuw is a data scientist and product owner at Pacmed, a data-driven healthcare and AI startup in Amsterdam that combines medical expertise and machine learning to create stronger patient outcomes and improve healthcare experiences. My doctor charged me $117,000 and all I got was this lousy hospital gown. A Biopsy would do that. MRI results can vary in the amount of time it takes to receive them. Furthermore, she states, we do so while hiding behind a feigned wall of privacy concerns. The first few times I had to go in for the results, even though they and I knew it was nothing. I was right. If its serious the doctor calls you. I obviously don't WANT anything to BE wrong, but if I burn a half sick day for no good reason, I'm going to be ticked. I am in the uk and it should be policy to call with an abnormal result but my doctor didn't bother telling me my calprotectin levels were abnormal. If you decide to use the healthcare provider, be sure to review the Terms of Agreement included in any intake documents you sign. The doctor will present the MRI findings to you either over the phone or at a follow-up appointment. Family Practice. Thank you, {{}}, for signing up. (My breast cancer results were given to me over the phone by my NP of twenty years, my doc was off that day and they knew I wanted the results asap. You will typically go to a follow-up appointment to review not only your results, but also the treatment options relevant to the MRI findings. For example, you may ask if a radiologist is in-house or on-call to read the MRI or if the results may wait until the next day. A corresponding procedure code must accompany a Z code if a procedure is performed. First, you have the right to see the results of every test you undergo. Ill let you guys know what happens. November 30, 2011. MRIs reveal disc degeneration in 20 percent of 20-year-olds, 40 percent of 40-year-olds, and more than 80 percent of patients over 60 who do not have any back pain. The upshot is that they can't usually be 100% certain of a diagnosis using MRI, but they might get quite a good idea about the nature of what's in there, and it will help them decide if it's worth taking out so that they can check what it is properly. They're an easy way to view detailed test results as soon as theyre available. well I'm seeing the surgeon on 9th March so even if the US still doesn't explain nothing I know some point after that the implants will be out soon. But here's what she really got. I am just shocked how quick the results came back I had a ct with contrast due to lymph nodesdone in August and results took 10 days to come back. It is simply more expedient to say that any testing with potentially far-reaching implications (like surgery) should come in for a follow-up visit. Daisax, I had a similar experience with my DH, he went in to urgent care with "flu symptoms", they took one look at him, and called for an ambulance, even though urgent care was only at the other end of the building complex from the e.r.! In her article, Ms. Rosenthal refers to the case of a man who had to returnto their doctors office to get results of an MRI which turned out to be negative (apparently the good news that he did not need surgery did not offset the anger at having to pay for another office visit). 22-10-18, 23:04. They will have looked at a lot of breasts and a lot of lumps so sometimes it is obvious to them, but even then it often has to be checked with a biopsy, or taken outto be on the safe side. This is one of the reasons why patients with certain medical tests are asked to come in for results, and this is what I try to explain to them when I ask the question of why tests simply can not be sent to them. Call the doctor that requested the MRI and ask if they have the results yet. Is there any way to speak to the doctor over the phone just to see what's up? Read our. ), she didn't say, "Bring a driver", which is a good thing! Comments are moderated before they are published. You will usually receive ear plugs or headphones with music to help make the process less stressful. I'm sorry other places still do stuff by phone. 2010;132:531-42. After twenty minutes of feeling like Pooh stuck in his honey jar, and finally surviving it, I asked the technician, and he said, "yeah, it's open on the other end, but we were looking at your head, so of course you were in from your head to your hips". 7. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. You must log in or register to reply here. You basically know he will see something on the scan, he will at least see what you know is already there. PDA. Show up to your appointment prepared to discuss your condition and the medications you're taking. My husband even took 1/2 day off to come with me - because we didn't know if I'd need him there. If results are shared by phone, email, or online, how does the office ensure they will only be shared with me or my designees? Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. I just wish I had a better idea of whats going on since Ive been waiting for so long and have bounced from dr to dr. Definitely challenges my patience but Ill keep hanging on for now haha. Its quite possible that the radiologist happened to be close by, or was even reading other scans and yours was next. Healthline has strict sourcing guidelines and relies on peer-reviewed studies, academic research institutions, and medical associations. Your doctor is not one of them. Good luck, and let us know if you are okay with that. Sometimes you need to know more than just "positive" or "negative.". Please let us know what happens. Blood pressure, cholesterol. Don't be alarmed, you're not being selected for special treatment. All were fine, but she gave me each and every one in as much detail as I wanted. I think it's quite likely that because you have some swelling they weren't able to see very well what was going on, and they might get a better idea with ultrasound. By FakePlasticTrees in forum General Anxiety / Generalised anxiety disorder (GAD), Doctor wants to discuss MRI results in person, Contacting NMP with comments, questions & concerns, How To's and Technical help, Palpitations, Ectopics, Missed beats, Heart Worries, Throat/Swallowing/Choking/Globus Hystericus, Depersonalization/depersonalisation & Derealization/derealisation (DP & DR), General Anxiety / Generalised anxiety disorder (GAD), Birthday Wishes / Celebrations / Other Announcements, Going to the doctor's for the first time to discuss anxiety. Maybe (s)he want's to tell you to cut out the pointless self diagnosis in person. It's also an opportunity to discuss starting treatment. Could he have told me that over the phone? I'm ready to help. What would you consider urgent, and non urgent? Like some of the PPs I see my lab results in the portal before the doc gets in touch with me. Categories Z00-Z99 are provided for occasions when circumstances other than a disease, injury or external cause classifiable to categories A00-Y89 are recorded as 'diagnoses' or 'problems'.This can arise in two main ways: Hope it all goes well and just try and take each day as it comes. All of these things are pretty standard and don't mean you have got cancer. I met with my doctor to discuss MRI results as well. I guess it is possible to get results that quickly if it was an emergency that the MRI was being done for. We explain the primary difference between the two diagnostic tools. Once the. Thanks! Best day to book nursery on Alaskan cruise. That could be from an infection, cancer, genetic disorder, or chronic health condition like heart disease or type 2 diabetes. It simply does not take that long. What @filmfann said. Add to the fact that she said they're closed for the day. Transparency is good, and as both a purveyor of medical technology and as a preacher of the merits of social media, I look forward to the increasing openness of medical information. Getting test results may prompt new questions, which you can ask at this appointment. Plenty of stories abound online providing advice for getting a defined or chiseled jawline. You're right See-Ann (sorry, that's how I think of your name, literally! Ms. Rosenthal makes these bold statements on the basis that they must be factual because a Harvard Law professor told her so. That's the really complicated bit I don't understand very well! ; re taking selected for special treatment speaker do the same it sent the... Then they dictate, then they would give me good results on the scan, he will least... Lab results in person do you know the difference between a PET scan and an MRI if they.. Called their primary physicians office and found a sympathetic receptionist who agreed to forward a copy of lung. 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