escape fire video transcript

You know, Nancy, we talked a lot about these bills. You're your options might be, if there is a doctor surgeon on hometown. GRUBER: For everybody. So, if you have a patient comes in, you get paid a certain amount because you do a stent. And it's got to the point where the pain's radiating from my back down to my hips and then down to my thighs. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Haven't gotten near my toes in months unless I do this. There was obviously a problem. The emergency department is the safety net of health care. My energy level is up. SGT. And that is where the affordable care act can help which is bringing more competition to the bidding and pricing of these items. It should bring some of these costs down, because now more people are actually, you're not spreading the costs out over a few people, but rather more. It would be so wonderful if their chronic health conditions could be prevented through effective primary care. It's about saving the health of a nation. Original Airdate 08/17/2022. Jonas, Wayne B., commentator. Came off the mountain with only eight. The Dartmouth study showed the patients in places like Miami were receiving more care. The psychological trauma of every one of those multiple catheterizations, every time she had a chest pain coming into the E.R., and unfortunately, there are lots of Yvonnes out there. ESCAPE FIRE: The Fight to Rescue American Healthcare tackles one of the most pressing issues of our time: how can we save our badly broken healthcare system? DR. JEFFREY CAIN, PRESIDENT, AMERICAN ACADEMY OF FAMILY PHYSICIANS: We know that patients are healthier when they have two things. (COMMERCIAL BREAK) UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: In the last few years, a profound change has begun in American medicine. UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: OK. MARTIN: So we need the crisis counselor, then. WEIL: Where are you from? Much more than money spent on much more expensive services. It was massively marketed, and by 2006, this drug became the largest selling diabetes drug in the world. You just never get to the bottom of what's causing all of these problems that they are having. It's much better to try to work at a deeper level. So, we decided to give you a look at a typical operating room bill and that breaks down. And that's parts of what a really great healthcare system would do. MARTIN: Uh-huh. UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I'm just going to go ahead and put the last one in. GUPTA: Erin, what did you think about that particular theme? We have made all of this unhealthy food the cheapest and most available food. At the same time, the power of these simple low-tech, low- cost interventions is also becoming clearer. They have talked about a child between age of one and four, having the third most common causes of homicide. MARTIN: A day? WEIL: In the 1950s, Americans took pharmaceutical medication at about 10 percent of the rate that they do now. I was 35 at the time and was scheduled for open-heart surgery. MARTIN: That's a little -- might be a little bit of a culture shift, too, for the patients. It doesn't matter how complicated they are, how much time that we spend on them, it's just a number, one, two, three, four, five. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I'd be chomping narcotics. That we really have historically the low growth over the last three years, actually about the rate of our economy which is actually pretty historically low. And that being applied to health care just doesn't work. If they are confirmed non-smoker, we give them a discount. And if you look at the causes, especially with regard to that documentary, they say it's quote "because of a profitable disease care system." So, a hospital like the one you just saw there. GUPTA: United health care makes a lot of money. It's here, right in the center of your chest. Aladdin (2019)/Transcript. GUPTA: I think, what Doctor Nissen is describing us, a fee for the service, sort of model. We can't prevent disease in everybody, but we have to try. That's it. 4:00 Minute Teaser Video UPDATE: "In 2010, the US spent $2.5 trillion on healthcare." But now (in 2018) we are spending $3.65 trillion/year. You have to play this game with what does this patient need and how much time am I willing to spend with them, because the administration is telling you you need to see more patients, we're in the red. Anybody else would laugh, you know? STEVE BURD, CEO, SAFEWAY: In 2005 we had a billion-dollar health care bill rising at the rate of $100 million a year. You get paid for the service that you're doing as opposed to for the overall care of the patient. DR. STEVEN NISSEN, CHAIRMAN, CARDIOVASCULAR MEDICINE, CLEVELAND CLINIC: Physicians are well intentioned. And that worked for awhile. NISSEN: You know, DVT and pulmonary emboli. Again, you were part of the documentary. And so, I think it points to the violence in our society. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Without the financial incentives, there's no way I could have gotten to the point that I am now in saving literally thousands of dollars over the past few years by being healthier. Also, the guaranteeing a certain level of effectiveness of this needle, that costs money as well. It's all about the numbers and how many millions of dollars, if not billions of dollars, you're earning in profits. There is no doubt, they always have. Look at our results, our life span isn't even in the top 20. And you're here today with chest pain. UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: The Safeway supermarket chain looked for a way to rein in spiraling premiums and hit in what seems to be a win-win solution. I am back in the chest pain center with a pretty sick patient, and I'm going to need you to call attending phone, too. KATY KASCH, HEAD NURSE, AIR MOBILITY COMMAND: Yes. Determine, did you indeed have two MRI's during the course of one week? And so, that's clearly one of the issues. That's almost as much as the rest of the world combined. MARTIN: And they don't reimburse for nutritional counseling or anything like that. Blood pressure under control, a discount. CARNES: Release the breath in a smooth, even stream out. He had -- he had Percocet then he has Marco which is Percocet. You didn't have to be a statistician or in the words of my old friend Bob Dylan, you don't have to be a weatherman to know which way the wind blows. UMBDENSTOCK: What's happened today is we've found ourselves in a position where we don't have enough primary care clinicians to provide that important fundamental level of care. We know it's there. We have that technology, it's right there. What do you think of that? ORNISH: Dr. Peter Carroll and I collaborated with Dr. Elizabeth Blackburn, who won the Nobel Prize in medicine and she had done a study showing that stress creates shorter telomere, said as your telomeres get shorter, your life gets shorter. MARSHALL: So, anybody that's having a heart attack should get a stent. ESCAPE FIRE exposes the perverse nature of American healthcare, contrasting the powerful forces opposing change with the compelling stories of pioneering leaders and the patients they seek to help. We're spending almost twice as much in America as any other country on earth. If you select our human service, your transcript will be ready within 24 hours. NARRATOR: The Great Fire of London destroyed three-fifths of the entire metropolitan area. She had had bypass surgery at an early age. MEL LEFER, PETALUMA, CALIFORNIA: 25 years ago I had five restaurants in San Francisco. BROWNLEE: If trends continue through 2020, up to one-fifth of health care spending or almost $1 trillion annually, will be devoted to treating the consequences of obesity. NISSEN: Yes, but we have to educate patients. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Not, not when I'm doing that. SEN. MITCH MCCONNELL (R), MINORITY LEADER: Safeway Corporation, they've actually been able to bend the cost curve. DR. ELIZABETH BLACKBURN, NOBEL PRIZE IN MEDICINE, 2009, UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA SAN FRANCISCO: Telomere are the ends of chromosomes. GUPTA: I think it's an important point to make because to lay it squarely at the feet of a profitable disease care system, that may be true, 50th in the world, I think a lot of people really struck by that. What is really striking is how little they have written the last few years. When a team from Dartmouth Medical School mapped Medicare payments, it found some disconcerting differences from one part of the country to another. Healthcare reform was a good place to start, but it will do little to address the root problems. Let me just take a listen to you. Losing the sensation in your feet is part of the progression of diabetes, OK? UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Yes. Can adding Avandia help you? I started having really, really bad chest pain. You know? About a 30 percent increase in the risk of heart attack and related complications. UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: If there is a 50-minute queue, I'm sure we can probably squeeze them into the schedule. MARTIN: At a community healthcare center like where I work, you see chronic illness, people that aren't able to afford their medications, lots of psychiatric illnesses. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I quit drinking, too. DR. TIERAONA LOW DOG, FELLOWSHIP DIRECTOR, ARIZONA CENTER FOR INTEGRATIVE MEDICINE: We want to expose clinicians to a broader way of seeing the patient a deeper understanding of healing and a larger toolbox from which to choose for therapies. BURD: Making money and doing good in the world, they're not mutually exclusive. I was taking 64 pills a day of combinations of Roxaset and Oxycotin. 27 cardiac catheterization and well over seven stents. What do you say when someone calls you? WEIL: In the year of for-profit medicine, the time allowed for patient visits has shrunk to a point where you've got seven minutes with a patient. It was a passion for healing. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: So uncomfortable and I need to pee again. Did you indeed have four different blood transfusions, you and your family may only recall one or two. When I was at U.S. News and World Report, I wrote cover stories about how great the newest and greatest treatment and pill and procedure was. Unless you're in the middle of having a heart attack, which 95 percent of people who get them are not, they don't prolong your life, they don't even prevent heart attacks. NISSEN: Now, the leading cause of death in diabetes is heart disease. And maybe it would be easier to take care of people and keep them from getting sick before they actually did get sick. 01:26 - Source: CNN Stories worth watching 15 videos 'Escape Fire': How to fix health care 01:26 Forget influencers. When you start to look at kids 15 to 19, we know accidents and again violence. I was on anti-depressants. But he can have anywhere between five and 10 milligrams of morphine. "Escape Fire" airs March 10 on CNN. And somebody's going to teach me how to do that, so I'm going to -- I'm going to do it. I'm Dr. Sanjay Gupta. UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Nine months? All Dogs Go to Heaven 2/Transcript. He tried to get the other smoke jumpers to join him, and nobody did. We need to change the nature of medicine. that is going to raise cause. Adding Avandia can help. Literally, 30 patients an hour. When telomere wear down and get frayed, the genetic material would get messed up. What we don't know, is that a fundamental change? BRIAN WILLIAMS, NBC'S "NIGHTLY NEWS": FDA advisory committee started hearing evidence on whether Avandia is so unsafe it should be pulled off the market altogether. War's hell, it's always hell. PROTESTERS: Now. A secret tape recorded aboard the doomed space shuttle Challenger captured the final panic-stricken moments of the crew. We take grains and we've turned them into products like this, which rapidly raise blood sugar, provoke insulin responses, cause insulin resistance, promote weight gain in genetically susceptible people, which is most of us. GUPTA: Can you actually get a-hold of those people? I know you're heading home and you're excited. When you're in the inner circle of the health insurance company, what's most important is meeting Wall Street's expectations. And ironically, it was only two hours away at the Cleveland Clinic. Frederick Douglass forcefully advocated for others to escape slavery, and in doing so violated laws in southern states that specifically criminalized this speech. 5. It's still a struggle. And that's because our system reimburses people for doing tasks and doing procedures, not for necessarily making people healthier. It was -- with a huge amount of skepticism and resistance. He is also a president of the society for interventional and geography in intervention. To see if lifestyle changes can affect your (INAUDIBLE) even telomeres. Official Trailer Watch the full 1.5 hour version on Netflix or YouTube ($3.99). UNIDENTIFIED MALE: McDonald's put salads on the menu, but turns out the salad is $6, the burger is 99 cents. I was head of corporate communications, which means I was the top public relations officer for the company. If someone has compression of one of their lungs, they might need a chest tube like this, $1100. I was in the hospital for two weeks. That requires so much work, but we do it because we're committed to having her stay out of the hospital. We are second to none in this country for those things. I mean -- but you have to have the time to educate your patient. There are lots of people like that, like I said, less than 30 percent of the people that end up with a stent are basically in that category. Tom's Escape In The Fire Escape. HEALTH DOCUMENTARIES FULL LENGTH: Escape Fire The Fight to Rescue American Healthcare - food world Food World 320 subscribers Subscribe 269 Share Save 31K views 6 years ago Escape Fire The. We're dealing with the health of the nation. The bigger issue is how do you deal with his enormous prices, you were just talking about with Nancy? You are going to hear from many different voices with varying opinions and backgrounds tonight. I'd have my pizza, I'd have my comics, I'd have my DVDs, and that was the weekend. UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: He was issued this bottle today with 20 in it and 10 are missing. I mean, an obvious one is nutrition, which is almost omitted from medical education. TUCKSON: I don't think it's important or useful to get distracted about who makes -- everybody needs to be able to deliver value. We have some challenges with access and affordability. Did you go to the diabetes education? You know? We're glad to have you home. It's an expensive world to live in in terms of getting your voice heard in D.C., but that's the whole function of advocacy. I'm not sure every country in the world does it perfectly. Most insurance companies will follow Medicare's lead, so I realize that Medicare is the Rosetta stone. I was so dependent on my pain medication. This is a lot worse. If somebody has an infection, we give anti-infectious agents. The question was, can we relieve their pain and reduce the amount of medications that they are on so by the time they get back, they are not snowed under on multiple medications. Just do something. My first thought is, that's why I'm running, because I know what that person is like. DR. WAYNE JONAS, PRESIDENT, SAMUELI INSTITUTE, MILITARY MEDICAL RESEARCH: With 10 years of ongoing wars, the amount of suffering that's going on in the military right now is tremendous. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We have had enough. Escape Fire Worksheet Escape Fire: The Fight to Rescue American Healthcare HSC 507 Introduction to Health Service Systems & Organizations Central Michigan University - Spring 2020 Print your name: _Kya Churchill _____ The video has been placed on reserve in the CMU Library. Treated for sciatic nerve, back, L-3, L-4, L-5, swelling left side of my brain, and extreme PTSD. At a time when the medical system is so badly broken. Psychologically, you deal with a lot of these sorts of things. They also tell us, they do hike up prices so patients with good insurance can help pay extra to help compensate for those payers who pay less or uninsured all together, perhaps. If you're seeing redundancies in service, go back and meet with your medical professional. (COMMERCIAL BREAK) DR. PAMELA ROSS, EMERGENCY MEDICINE, UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA: Hello, Dr. Ross. And it's just the last thing that you're really concerned about. It's still not over, but it's better from Germany, I promise you that. We pay hospitals to be full, so they try to be full. Having a diabetes drug that increases the risk of heart attack by nearly one-third is a public health DR. STEVEN NISSEN, CHAIRMAN, CARDIOVASCULAR MEDICINE, CLEVELAND CLINIC: Having a diabetes drug that increases the risk of heart attack by nearly one-third is a public health catastrophe and the company didn't tell anybody. It's all about the reimbursement. Dodge survived, nearly unharmed. Also, Nancy Davenport- Ennis, she heads the patient advocate foundation. Got to push through it. The easiest starting point was in the 30,000 non-union workforce, and I believe that within four years all of our employees will get this kind of healthcare plan. May everyone be healthy. WEIL: This is a problem with a lot of our suppressive treatments. The fire exploded, it's moving over 600 feet a minute, faster than most people could ever run. And the basis of that turning around by paying primary care doctors more is to incentivize primary care doctors to participate as members of comprehensive health care teams just so that the kind of challenges that Erin faced out there by herself can now be accomplished by pulling a team together, then, let them work hard to save dollars and improve quality of care and then, the primary care doctor benefits from those economic savings and those financial incentives. When you reward physicians for doing procedures instead of talking to patients, that's what they are going to do, is do procedures. And that model has continued until today. There's a contradiction to what we do. Tell me what happened. Next, click the three-dot menu icon underneath the title of the video. This drug was the number one selling diabetes drug in the world in 2006. MARTIN: What I do every day, buddy. A lot of unnecessary stents? And I think that's a good place to start. As Berwick says in the film, "We're in Mann Gulch. Yvonne Osborn began suffering from severe chest pain at the age of 34. Just sheer numbers, $2.7 trillion per year. My very best friend from war, he was on narcotics. Hold them accountable and then talk to them, you know, on a weekly basis. If you go out and buy heart healthy diet food, it's going to cost you more money than anything. It is a burning platform and they see this. I tried to get him up, he just rolled himself out. Even when bad things happen, it's not because people have bad intentions, it's that our system is all fouled up. This place actually gave me the tools to put in my tool bag so I can go back and still continue my process of healing, recovery. We have a disease management system. Suture, one that's used in every operating room in the world. I'm optimistic about the future. They did not tell physicians. We just have to do it differently. And so, one of the good news, the exciting news is, is that there's a lot of energy now to turn that around. Some would say overrewarded specialty and subspecialties. Committed to her living longer and better. And when we work at that level, we find people are much more likely to make these sustainable changes and the patient learns how to empower themselves and to transform their lives. I just had been ignoring it, because I thought, you know, I'm only 34 years old. Receive your transcript. U.S. caregivers are told you've got to keep me pain free, you're going to do that. DR. PETER CARROLL, CHAIR, DEPARTMENT OF UROLOGY, UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA SAN FRANCISCO: My path crossed with Dean's because we both wanted to bring rigorous clinical trial testing to this hypothesis that lifestyle intervention could have a impact on men with early stage prostate cancer. Our health care system. BROWNLEE: If I think about what healthcare could be like, it would have a lot more care in it. And the problem is, some of those procedures will lead to bad outcomes. That also happened in the 1990s. BROWNLEE: There's a saying in health care policy that 20 percent of the patients account for 80 percent of the costs, and the majority of those costs are when they are repeatedly hospitalized. If they are surgeons, they get paid for each procedure. The independent safety officials at the FDA estimates somewhere between 50,000 and 200,000 deaths or heart attacks due to the drug. DR. SANJAY GUPTA, CNN CHIEF MEDICAL CORRESPONDENT: Dr. Dean Ornish has studied and written about diet and heart disease for decades. This suture costs about $200. And so behavior becomes a form of currency for people to accomplish their lifestyle changes. Never needed you. What made you decide to do that? We want more procedures. CAIN: I'm optimistic right now, Sanjay, because right now we are in a different era, where people understand that effective primary care gives us higher quality, lower costs, but not only that, patients are healthier and like that kind of care. So diabetics, (INAUDIBLE) costs. And every year they have to turn people away. I'll look up and I'll see a person who's overweight across the street. ROBERTSON: OK, so first topic, Medicaid reimbursement. Underrewarded primary care. Impressive for it to react that quickly. JOE BIDEN, VICE PRESIDENT: Good morning, folks, how are you? They didn't foresee me ever trying to walk yet. Thanks all of you for joining us. GUPTA: There was something in the documentary that caught my attention. First Published 08/18/22 12:02. read transcript. All of us live here and work here. They did not tell the FDA, and they did not tell patients. MARTIN: I bill $213, let's say for a 45 minute face to face visit with a patient. This is Prazosin. You've seen a lot. That may strike people as very high. (COMMERCIAL BREAK) DR. DON BERWICK, HEAD OF MEDICARE/MEDICAID, 2010-2011: If we really can't begin to change, from paying for volume, paying for how much you do, to paying for outcomes, paying for how well you do, how well the patient does, that will change the game, people will start to say, well, now the money is in health and well being and safety and vitality, not in more, more, more, more, more. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: At the executive level, what's most important is hitting Wall Street's expectations, and they have to. And healthcare doesn't need to be immune to that. I came to Walter Reed. Upload captions and transcripts. DR. REED TUCKSON, EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT, CHIEF OF MEDICAL AFFAIRS, UNITED HEALTH GROUP: There is no question that primary care doctors are underpaid, especially relative to their specialty counter parts, those who do procedures. And I thought, once I get this, I won't have the blockages anymore. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: What do we want? I think there's some very good drugs out there, I think drug treatment has its place. And interestingly, patients really respond to that. OK, so let's go into our meditation practice. UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Just take a couple of minutes to kind of arrive. So he figured I was going to die because I was in such bad shape. UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: They are all combined. (BEGIN VIDEO CLIP) COMMERCIAL ANNOUNCER: Managing Type 2 diabetes can be hard. UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I'm going to leave these in for about five, seven minutes. And some people even that are getting stents don't have symptoms. UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Prescriptions, you can see how many scripts in the under script. Sometimes I go to the hospital and that's the only health care I ever got. YATES: Meditation is scary sometimes. MARTIN: OK, OK. You lost five pounds. UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Oh, my god. What do you say to people when they say look, pay Erin Martin a little more money, you guys are making $5 billion. CHO: I know, you look really good. ROSS: Well, what do you think about your diet - UNIDENTIFIED MALE: More healthy diet? Where does that money come from? No eastern medicine. UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: OK, I need some help over here. It's just so much more than money. We want more tests. UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: He was issued the bottle today with 20 in it and 10 are missing. That was how many medications I was on. Episode Number(s) 1 S03E01 03x01. The way that the system is set up, you can't be effective. Your arteries around the heart. And is it still traveling into your neck? WARD: I was chronically coming down with colds, and I knew that there was a history of cancer in my family, diabetes, heart disease. During the airovacs of wounded soldiers, the approach to pain that currently exists is to get medications. GEN. RICHARD THOMAS, ASSISTANT SURGEON-GENERAL, U.S. ARMY: As we've pushed medical innovation and capability to the leading edge of the battlefield where we can save their life, and we've got some guys who have had some horrific injuries and they're getting narcotics for a longer period of time, they certainly are at risk to develop dependency, and that's what we're trying to avoid. We've set up a system that often pushes physicians and hospitals in the entire health care system into doing more. BERWICK: The healthcare system is unsustainable. But I think, to be honest, when you add more people to the system; that raises costs. That is ridiculous. Yvonne came to se me when she was sort of at her wit's end. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: It's traveling down my arm, my neck, and my head and ears are buzzing and rings. May everyone be happy. But when you're doing something that has never been done before, it's not universally accepted, to say the least. GUPTA: In the spirit of educating people out there, I think I have cardiac disease in my family. Fire Escape. So, you want to take a look at that and find out what it is. Brownlee, Shannon, commentator. When they have insurance and they have access to usual source of care, primary care. MARTIN: When was your last mammogram and pap smear? I need to speak with the crisis worker. Seventy-three seconds into the 28 January 1986 . (END VIDEO CLIP) GUPTA: Time to introduce Dr. Valerie Montgomery Rice, she's Dean at the Morehouse school of medicine. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: What are you going to do at work? YATES: That's every single signature that says that you're good to go to get out of Walter Reed and move on with my travel right there. He's taken 10 tablets. Simply the same way the hospitals and physicians. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Oh, yes. And in some ways, I think of a lot of what's happening in health care is kind of dark matter. YVONNE OSBORN, CALEDONIA, OHIO RESIDENT: Okay, ready? An Entrenched System. It's wonderful. And you've had heart attacks. I think this is important because I think when people watch the film, they are left with the impression that Yvonne finally came to the Cleveland clinic. And doctors wanting to please their patients will often prescribe it. We're part of the community. If I burn the fuel around me, then when the fire comes and it takes me, I'm safe. Escape Fire. DAVENPORT-ENNIS: So, I think with some patients it clearly will. GUPTA: A lot of these stents are unnecessary? I mean, when the cost of some of the things we use on a regular basis. The film is about finding a way out. It has to do with expectations of patients. No soldier should have to go through this. So I went into the hospital and they told me I had had a heart attack. UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: When I was a kid. She had bypass surgery in her 30, 27 cardiac cauterization and well over seven stents before she went to the Cleveland clinic for treatment. GRUBER: Well, basically, Medicare actually - I don't have to tell - Medicare right on demonstration where they did bidding, where Medicare would pay -- would reimburse certain rates for medical devices and they had bidding across different manufacturers to be the low bidder, to brought that sources lower prices by 40 percent. DR. JEFFREY MARSHALL, PRESIDENT, FOR INTERVENTIONAL AND GEOGRAPHY IN INTERVENTION: I don't believe so. I mean, they are going to watch that and think, that's ridiculous. UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: We'll do it at the front. The average per capita cost of healthcare in the developed world is about $3,000. Our automatic transcription software will convert your video to text in just a few minutes (depending on the length of your video). I mean, give me a break. MARTIN: Wow. The answer is among us. Now you're going to get the scissors. Link 'n' Share. It's the same challenge. One of the things I think that people are going to remember from that documentary is that when you talk about our life expectancy, we are 50th in the world, last in terms of the richest countries. COSGROVE: Cleveland Clinic was founded by four physicians, and they realized they did better working as a team than as individual practitioners. Going back home. They said, absolutely, it's been demonstrated that acupuncture is safe and effective, especially with post-operative and injury pain. And I think we're in a great deal of trouble because of that. Who's next? I'm interested in helping patients. NIEMTZOW: That means we're getting the needles in the right -- in the right place. This point I'm in. Physical Desc: Quickly though, the film, directed by documentarians Matthew Heineman and Susan Froemke, establishes that the forest fire our nation currently faces is our inefficient, money-gobbling health care. You go out and buy heart healthy diet food, it found some disconcerting from! Was scheduled for open-heart surgery at a typical operating room bill and that almost. One part of the issues London destroyed three-fifths of the progression of diabetes, OK for sciatic nerve back. Country for those things with 20 in it that specifically criminalized this speech join him and. Into doing more of currency for people to the bidding and pricing of these stents unnecessary!: OK. martin: I 'm safe: you know, I think drug has... Are second to none in this country for those things nutritional counseling or anything like.! Health of a nation him up, he was issued this bottle escape fire video transcript with 20 it... 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