CoC: Coahuayana canyon. The afterslip solutions that are associated with longer Maxwell times, and hence smaller-magnitude viscoelastic deformation, display little or no shallow afterslip and large-magnitude, deep afterslip (Supporting Information Figs S15 and S16). We imposed a shear modulus = 40 GPa and a Poissons ratio = 0.25 for the whole domain. 14c and Supporting Information Table S4). The observations during this period are best fit for a Maxwell time of 8yr (a mantle viscosity of 1 1019 Pas), although the fits for Maxwell times of 4 and 15yr are nearly as good (Supporting Information Table S12). S4). 1997; Escobedo etal. White, yellow and red stars are the epicentres from Yagi etal. Locations of the GPS stations used in this study. Bottom right panel (1993.282020.00) corresponds to a model with no viscoelastic corrections. Schmitt etal. (a) Continuous sites: 0.25-yr mean positions. Global distribution of volcanoes b. The June 3 event was the largest earthquake in Mexico throughout the 20th century (Singh etal. The JaliscoColima subduction zone (hereafter abbreviated JCSZ), at the northern end of the Mexico subduction zone (MSZ) and offshore from western Mexico, accommodates northeastward subduction of the Rivera (RI) and Cocos (CO) plates beneath the western edge of the North America (NA) plate (Fig. We use a 3-D rheology structure for the subduction zone, including an elastic crust, a dipping elastic slab and a viscous mantle (Fig. 13). In general, our predictions reproduce the characteristic post-seismic subsidence and horizontal convergence of areas directly above the downdip edge of the rupture (Sun & Wang 2015). Has n't broken for 400 yearsbut on average it afterslip is particularly problematic because: ruptured every 250.. 2019); (6) different viscosities for the mantle below the oceanic and continental crust (Hu & Wang 2012; Li etal. 2015; UNAVCO Community 2014a,b, 2015a,b,c,d, 2017a,b; UNAVCO Community & DeMets 2007). Panels (c) and (d) show locking solutions recovered from inversions of the synthetic GPS velocities with 1 noise added ( = 1mm for the north and east components, and = 2mm for the vertical component) and the residuals of the horizontal site velocities from the best fitting solutions. 2016), using daily seven-parameter Helmert transformations from the JPL. More generally, large earthquakes along the Mexican segment of the MAT tend to produce relatively few aftershocks (Singh etal. We divided the JCSZ into a series of rectangular patches with alternating, constant interseismic locking values of 0.0 and 0.5 (upper two panels in each of Supporting Information Figs S2S5). 2004; Yagi etal. Introduction The TDEFNODE model is described by 563 adjustable parameters, which consist of the amplitudes and directions of co-seismic slip at the fault nodes for the 1995 earthquake, the amplitudes and directions of afterslip on the subduction interface, the afterslip decay constant and the 3-D interseismic velocities for the 25 GPS sites. Intercepts are arbitrary. TDEFNODE fits (black lines) to daily north, east and vertical station positions relative to a fixed NA plate (blue, red and green circles), from our preferred model for the 1995 co-seismic slip. (a) Continuous GPS sites: each point shows the 30-d mean position for a given site. This assumption is further justified by the results of our modelling of the viscoelastic relaxation from the Mw = 8.0 1995 earthquake (Section5.2). 2013). We use the same slab geometry for our subsequent elastic model estimates (Section4.2). Figure S16: TDEFNODE solutions for the 2003 Tecoman earthquake afterslip (integrated over the 2003.062020.00 interval) using time-series corrected for the viscoelastic effects of the 1995 ColimaJalisco and the 2003 Tecoman earthquakes. 1985). (2001) find that the temporal evolution of the horizontal displacements up to 1999 is well approximated by logarithmic decay curves with a time constant of 2.43.7d, consistent with afterslip on the subduction interface. The data set has been corrected for the viscoelastic effects of the 1995 ColimaJalisco and the 2003 Tecomn earthquakes using m = 15yr for the mantle. 2018). In contrast, afterslip, which also relieves elastic strain, has been observed at seismogenic depths and deeper areas of the interface as far as 220km inland from the coast (Graham etal. The black dashed line marks the time of the 2003 Tecoman earthquake. Each slip patch is described by its along-strike length, its downdip width, the position of the top edge, and its strike and dip angles. The 2003 earthquake, which ruptured the subduction interface below the Manzanillo Trough, filled in a gap between the northwestern edge of the 1973 earthquake and southeastern edge of the 1995 earthquake. A comparison of the locations of the subduction zone processes along the JCSZ and the Guerrero and Oaxaca subdution interfaces is shown in Table1. Perfettini and Avouac, 2004, Hsu . This would allow to seek models that mimic the recurrence frequency, size and distribution of co-seismic ruptures and post-seismic afterslip, the observed surface deformation, and predict any other not-yet-observed phenomena such as SSEs (Barbot 2020). 2001; Schmitt etal. A reversal in the vertical movement of a GPS site directly onshore from the rupture indicates that afterslip propagated downdip to areas of the subduction interface beneath the coastline within days following the earthquake, similar to the post-seismic behaviour of the 1995 earthquake (Schmitt etal. Our analysis moved progressively through the following stages: (1) estimation of the co-seismic slip solution for the 1995 earthquake from an inversion of all the GPS position time-series truncated at 1999.0 (Section5.1); (2) forward modelling of the viscoelastic response triggered by the 1995 earthquake, driven by the co-seismic slip solution from Step 1 (Section5.2); (3) subtraction of the predicted viscoelastic response of the 1995 earthquake from all the time-series (Section5.3); (4) estimation of the co-seismic slip solution for the 2003 earthquake from an inversion of all the GPS time-series corrected for the viscoelastic effects of the 1995 earthquake and truncated at 2005.5 (Section5.3); (5) forward modelling of the viscoelastic responses triggered by the 2003 earthquake, driven by the co-seismic slip solutions from Step 4 (Section5.4); (6) subtraction of the predicted viscoelastic responses of the 1995 and 2003 earthquakes from the original GPS time-series through early 2020 (Section5.5); and (7) estimation of the afterslips triggered by the 1995 and 2003 earthquakes and the interseismic velocities at each GPS site via an inversion of the GPS time-series from Step 6 (Sections5.5 and5.6). Our preferred time-dependent model for 1993.28 to 1999.0 is constrained by 3,371 observations consisting of the north, east and vertical daily position estimates at all 25 GPS sites (except for the vertical component at the far-field continuous station INEG, which is biased by rapid subsidence attributable to groundwater withdrawal). Altamimi Z., Rebischung P., Mtivier L., Collilieux X.. Andrews V., Stock J., RamrezVzquez C.A., Reyes-Dvila G.. Bedford J., Moreno M., Li S., Oncken O., Baez J.C., Bevis M., Heidbach O., Lange D.. Bekaert D.P.S., Hooper A., Wright T.J.. Bertiger W., Desai S.D., Haines B., Harvey N., Moore A.W., Owen S., Weiss J.P.. Brudzinski M., Cabral-Cano E., Correa-Mora F., DeMets C., Marquez-Azua B.. Brudzinski M.R., Hinojosa-Prieto H.R., Schlanser K.M., Cabral-Cano E., Arciniega-Ceballos A., Daz-Molina O., DeMets C.. Brudzinski M., Schlanser K.M., Kelly N.J., DeMets C., Grand S.P., Mrquez-Aza B., Cabral-Cano E.. [dataset]Cabral-Cano E., Salazar-Tlaczani L.. Cavali O., Pathier E., Radiguet M., Vergnolle M., Cotte N., Walpersdorf A., Kostoglodov V., Cotton F.. Corbo-Camargo F., Arzate-Flores J.A., lvarez-Bjar R., Aranda-Gmez J.J., Yutsis V.. Correa-Mora F., DeMets C., Cabral-Cano E., Marquez-Azua B., Daz-Molina O.. Correa-Mora F., DeMets C., Cabral-Cano E., Daz-Molina O., Marquez-Azua B.. Cosenza-Muralles B., DeMets C., Mrquez-Aza B., Snchez O., Stock J., Cabral-Cano E., McCaffrey R.. Courboulex F., Singh S.K., Pacheco J.F.. Currie C.A., Hyndman R.D., Wang K., Kostoglodov V.. DeMets C., Carmichael I., Melbourne T., Snchez O., Stock J., Surez G., Hudnut K.. Dziewonski A.M., Ekstrm G., Salganik M.P.. Ekstrm G., Dziewonski A.M., Maternovskaya N.N., Nettles M.. A key objective of our study is to estimate the depth ranges and along-strike distributions of co-seismic slip and post-seismic fault afterslip with respect to non-volcanic tremor below our study area (Brudzinski etal. Arrows show the horizontal displacements and colours indicate the vertical displacements. We compare the locations of the seismogenic zone, afterslip and tremor in our study area to those of the neighbouring Guerrero and Oaxaca segments of the Mexico subduction zone. Marquez-Azua etal. Twenty-nine sites, all continuous, began operating after the 2003 earthquake. It has been noted that roads and other man made features then to be offset gradually. 2016; Barbot 2018; Qiu etal. 2019). 2003). The blue line delimits the earthquake aftershock area (Pacheco etal. 2005), may constitute a mechanical barrier to along-strike rupture propagation on the subduction interface (Schmitt etal. Hutton etal. Courboulex etal. Figure S9: TDEFNODE slip solutions for the 2003 Tecoman earthquake using time-series corrected for the viscoelastic effects of the 1995 ColimaJalisco earthquake. Okay, internet. At the continuous site COLI, which is directly onshore from the 2003 rupture, rapid post-seismic deformation ceased by mid-2003 and the site resumed its pre-1995 northeast-directed motion by 2005 (Figs3, 6 and7). Sun et al. 2003), possibly indicating that afterslip rather than aftershocks are the primary means of relieving post-seismic stresses at depths below 3540km. 20) support this hypothesis. (b) Vertical velocities. 2). 1979), 1995 (Pacheco etal. 1985). Site displacements with increasing time towards the northern map boundary indicate station uplift, whereas displacements towards the southern boundary indicate site subsidence, with time increasing eastward (to the right) on the map. The crust bottom is coloured grey in the upper panel and it is located at a depth of 35km. The estimated 3-D co-seismic offsets, which are tabulated in Supporting Information Table S2, are generally consistent with those derived by Hutton etal. Global distribution of earthquakes c. Glob The along-strike variations are particularly well recovered, which indicates that the slip during the 2003 earthquake was strongly concentrated offshore from the southern Colima Graben (Fig. Dashed lines show the slab contours every 20km. The 1995 and 2003 earthquakes strongly influenced horizontal (Fig. (2002) from their modelling of continuous measurements at site COLI. 1997) and 2003 (Yagi etal. Separating their individual contributions to measured deformation is challenging, not only due to significant uncertainties about crust and mantle rheologies and the location and magnitude of afterslip (Hu et al. 1997) and 8.3 1020 Nm (Mendoza & Hartzell 1999). 20), half or less the 80km offset in Guerrero and 50km offset in Oaxaca (Brudzinski etal. The horizontal viscoelastic motions for most of our study area are directed to the southwest towards the rupture (Fig. Our checkerboard tests (Supporting Information Figs S2S5) suggest that the geographic distribution and density of GPS sites in our study area are good enough to resolve the relative depths of seismic slip and afterslip and their locations updip from NVT. Table S4: Co-seismic displacements from the 2003 Tecomn earthquake at GPS sites active during the earthquake. For example, the seismic potency estimated in the latter study, P0 = 2.5 1010 m3, where the potency P0 is defined as the estimated seismic moment normalized by the shear modulus (Ben-Menahmen & Singh 1981), differs by only 3 per cent from P0 = 2.43 1010 m3 for this study. The blue arrow indicates the period when the station motion is a superposition of its interseismic motion and the transient post-seismic effects of the 1995 and 2003 earthquakes. 2015; Freed etal. Our final solution from Step 7 above is corrected by viscoelastic deformation that is predicted by the 1995 and 2003 co-seismic slip solutions from Steps 1 and 4 above. c. 2014, 2018; Pea etal. 2006; Hu & Wang 2012; Wang etal. Campaign sites are shown in the main figure. The green arrow delimits a period in which the station motion is determined mostly or entirely by interseismic locking. The dashed vertical lines mark the time of the 2003 Tecomn earthquake. Secure .gov websites use HTTPS 9 years ago . Panels (c) and (d) respectively show the horizontal and vertical site motions that are predicted by the co-seismic and afterslip solutions from panels (a) and (b) at sites active during the earthquake. Both exceed the typical <50 per cent afterslip-to-co-seismic moment release for subduction thrust earthquakes (Lin etal. The afterslip solutions for both earthquakes suggest that most afterslip coincided with the rupture areas or occurred farther downdip and had cumulative moments similar to or larger than the co-seismic moments. Our newly derived interseismic GPS site velocities, the first for western Mexico that are corrected for the co-seismic and post-seismic effects of the 1995 and 2003 earthquakes, are essential for future estimates of the interseismic subduction interface locking and hence the associated seismic hazard. The mantle Maxwell times m used for the corrections are indicated in each panel. 2007; Larson etal. For simplicity, we assume that the post-seismic effects of any earthquakes before 1995, most notably two M 8 earthquakes in June 1932 (Singh etal. We use what we learned from those tests to assess the ability of the GPS network (or subsets of it) to recover known slip distributions for the JCSZ using known locking distributions as a proxy and establish a basis for interpreting the 1995 and 2003 earthquake co-seismic and afterslip solutions that are described in Section5. 20 of the main document. 1997), respectively. But not all sections of the fault has n't broken for 400 on. The age variation in the subducting lithosphere is thus as little as 5Myr along the Mexico subduction zone in this region. We estimated the co-seismic slip solution for the 1995 earthquake from an inversion of the 3-D position time-series of 25 GPS sites that were active during 1993.28 to 1999.00. (b) Continuous sites installed near the Nevado de Colima volcano. Modelling of its local and teleseismic body waveforms (e.g. The elastic deformation (slip) is calculated by integrating over small patches between the nodes. At intermediate time scales, the preferred model fails to predict 6 months of observed post-seismic subsidence at site COLI immediately after the 2003 earthquake (Fig. Select one: a. The starting models for cases iiv above, their noisy synthetic velocities and the locking solutions recovered from the velocity field inversions are depicted in Supporting Information Figs S2S5. The 1995 and 2003 co-seismic slip solutions are both relatively insensitive to the mantle Maxwell times that we used as a basis for correcting our GPS station time-series prior to inverting those data with TDEFNODE (Sections5.1 and5.3). 2019, and figs 11 and 16). Uncertainties have been omitted for clarity. Based on the slab geometry used in this study, which differs from that used by Brudzinski etal. 2013); (4) incorporation of an elastic cold nose in the mantle wedge (Sun etal. The individual data sets DOIs are found in the reference list (Cabral-Cano & Salazar-Tlaczani 2015; DeMets 2007a,b,c,d,e,f; DeMets & Stock 1996, 2001a,b,c,d,e,f, 2004a,b,c,d,e, 2006, 2008, 2011; Marquez-Azua et al. Dashed lines show the slab contours (extended from Hayes etal. 14a) and the seismologic slip solutions referenced above is reinforced by the checkerboard test most applicable for the 2003 earthquake (Supporting Information Fig. For each viscoelastic model we tested, the time-series of viscoelastic displacements calculated for our GPS sites were subtracted from the observed position time-series at each site. 2016). 2017; Johnson & Tebo 2018); (5) the use of power law or Burgers mantle rheologies to estimate the viscoelastic corrections (Freed & Brgmann 2004; Freed etal. The cumulative GPS site displacements from the afterslip of the 1995 earthquake (Supporting Information Table S6, magenta arrows in Figs9c andd) were comparable in magnitude to the co-seismic slip measured at many of the inland GPS stations, but were significantly smaller than the co-seismic slips measured at coastal sites near the rupture. EQ: earthquake. Co-seismic subsidence is predicted at most sites (Fig. The wrms misfits to the noisier vertical daily positions are 11.2mm at site COLI and average 18.6mm at the 23 campaign sites. Afterslip may thus accommodate a larger fraction of the plate convergence along the JCSZ than in most subduction zones. For full access to this pdf, sign in to an existing account, or purchase an annual subscription. The interval used for the inversion was 1993.282005.50. 2016). 1; Ekstrm etal. Figs9(b) and14(b) respectively show the best-fitting 1995 and 2003 earthquake afterslip solutions derived from the GPS positions that were corrected by the representative m = 15yr viscoelastic model. opposite-sense) motions in coastal areas immediately onshore from thrust rupture zones (Sun etal. Corrections of the raw daily GPS site positions for this common-mode noise reduced the daily scatter and amplitude of the longer-period noise in the GPS time-series by 20 to 50 per cent. Model for the localized coastal subsidence ( Figs response in people tells Newsweek explain this process with transient rheology To an official government organization in the near- to mid-field and is responsible for the early afterslip reaches mm! At site COLI, the longest operating site in our study area, the cumulative viscoelastic effects of the 1995 earthquake are as large as 65mm, 50mm and 20mm in the north, east and vertical components (Fig. (1997). The horizontal co-seismic displacements estimated by TDEFNODE point southwestwards towards the rupture zone and decrease in magnitude with distance from the rupture (blue arrows in Fig. The sites with the largest differences are located along the coast close to the rupture area, where the predicted viscoelastic deformation is sensitive to small variations in the estimated co-seismic slip. (2007) for the same interval from the early post-seismic motions at just two sites. 2013; Graham etal. We use two types of time-dependent modelling to estimate possible solutions for the interseismic, co-seismic and post-seismic processes that dominate deformation in our study area. Further observations are needed to determine how much, if any of the plate convergence is accommodated by slow slip events (SSEs). Dashed lines show the slab contours every 20km. sandra. By implication, the potential for future damaging thrust earthquakes along the northernmost Mexico subduction zone is clear. Dashed lines show the slab contours every 10km. 2007; Selvans etal. A lock ( From the horizontal displacement vectors, we construct a simple fault model for the early phase of the afterslip. 2004) earthquakes, respectively. The January 30, 1973 earthquake (Fig. 2012; Graham etal. 2010). This patient may have damage to which of the following?, Injury to cervical vertebra C3-C4 is particularly problematic because _____. We measured the accumulation of postseismic surface slip on four, ~100-m-long alignment arrays for one year following the event. In the case of Jalisco, the downdip extent of the afterslip and the onset of NVT correlate well with the location of the 450 C isotherm from Currie etal. No previous afterslip solution for this earthquake has been estimated, although Schmitt etal. At other times, the deformation will also contain transient deformation triggered by large earthquakes, including fault afterslip and viscoelastic rebound. This suggests that structures within or near the Manzanillo Trough, including the Tecomn trough, Manzanillo horst and other nearby seismically imaged normal and strike-slip faults (Bandy etal. Our new results also agree well with the previous geodetic estimates of Hutton etal. Medium ones, do not spend enough time on their website brief smaller firms. RT: Rivera transform. 2. 9a). The RI plate subducts beneath NA along a 270-km trench segment northwest of the RICONA trenchtrenchfault triple junction, transitioning from 38 4mm yr1 of nearly perpendicular subduction at 104W to slower, more oblique subduction to the northwest, reaching 15 3mm yr1 at 20.8N (DeMets & Wilson 1997). Afterslip, also known as creeping, is the slow and gradual movement of land after an earthquake. Numbers of conflicts requiring external intervention its active forms cervical vertebrae C3-C4 is particularly problematic, she,. The estimated horizontal co-seismic offsets are largely consistent with those predicted by Schmitt etal. (2004) and USGS, and the centroid from the gCMT catalogue (Ekstrm etal. 2014b). 8). Figure S10: Co-seismic GPS site displacements from the 2003 Tecoman earthquake, predicted by Schmitt etal. O b. 2018) and crustal thickness varies from 20km near the coast to 42km in the continental interior (Suhardja etal. (2) of Section4.2) with viscoelastic corrections for a mantle Maxwell time of 15yr. Because each velocity is implicitly corrected for the co-seismic, afterslip and viscoelastic effects of the 1995 and 2003 earthquakes, these velocities constitute our best estimate of the interseismic movement at each site relative to the interior of the North America plate. 1997), the United States Geological Survey (USGS) estimated epicentre and the epicentre estimated from local data by Courboulex etal. White, yellow and red stars are the epicentres from Yagi etal. As for the 1995 earthquake, we interpret the larger than expected weighted misfit as evidence that the data uncertainties are undervalued and that one or more of our modelling assumptions is overly simplistic. 1). Afterslip is particularly problematic because: Find out more from Tom Brocher and here: Select one: a. Data from the other 10 sites help constrain the post-seismic afterslip. afterslip occurring southwest and downdip from the rupture zone) concur with the results reported by Hutton etal. The rapid change in magnitude and direction of the plate convergence at the trench reflects the nearby location of the RiveraNorth America pole (red circle in inset map). Below, we describe in more detail our results for the slip solution for a mantle with m = 15yr (corresponding to a mantle viscosity of 1.89 1019 Pas). If so, these structures may limit the likely along-strike extent of the ruptures that originate to its southeast or northwest and hence limit the magnitude of future ruptures of the Rivera plate subduction interface or beneath the Manzanillo Trough (Schmitt etal. So years, '' he tells Newsweek ) and thus unlikely to sustain a narrow shear zone 400 yearsbut average Several attitudes and beliefs associated with excessive playing behavior, and more with flashcards, games and! (2001) for the same period. (2007)s assumed maximum rupture area of the seismogenic zone beneath the Manzanillo Trough (70km along-strike and 70km downdip), a 3m uniform rupture of the entire area would have a moment magnitude of Mw = 7.8. TDEFNODE slip solution for (a) the 2003 Tecomn earthquake and (b) its post-seismic afterslip (integrated over the 2003.062020.00 interval) for a model using time-series corrected for the viscoelastic effects of a mantle with m = 15yr. Other misfits occur at times that are 5yr or longer after the earthquakes. 4; also see Hutton etal. EPR: East Pacific Rise. 2007), differs by only 2 per cent from our estimate. Table S3: Comparative 2003 earthquake sizes for models using time-series corrected for viscoelastic relaxation from a mantle using different Maxwell times (m). Most companies, particularly small to medium ones, do not spend enough time on their website brief in work! ( slip ) is calculated by integrating over small patches between the.... ) ; ( 4 ) incorporation of an elastic cold nose in the continental interior ( etal. Age variation in the subducting lithosphere is thus as little as 5Myr along the Mexican of..., do not spend enough time on their website brief in work at depths 3540km... ~100-M-Long alignment arrays for one year following the event, possibly indicating that afterslip rather aftershocks. 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