bauer family rothschild

Seventeen years later theyd be known as the Rothschild family. Whats more, each Freemason Lodge is officially warranted by the British government, meaning all Freemasons the world over are swearing fealty to that nation when they give their vows and say their rites. Random House: New York, 1993. It was still, with oil being the main commodity, and the Knights Templar and Rothschilds used the religious aspects of Judaism to secure the land they needed. All of this allowed the power of the corporations and the banks that funded them to expand, something that created the Eight Families. Solomon had many temples built for his foreign wives, and pagan abominations were worshipped there, including idols to Moloch. Stan Bauer was a man who mysteriously simply attracted material possessions to himself without any visible source of money. They are literally above the law. Like a window into their day-to-day life, Bauer Rothschild census records can tell you where and how your ancestors worked, their level of education, veteran status, and more. It was during the time of Erechteus, who was known as the earth-born king of Athens and was raised by the Greek goddess Athena, so its claimed. (Ferguson, p 88). Its origins lay in the banking crisis known as the Panic of 1907. Solomon had many temples built for his foreign wives, and pagan abominations were worshipped there, including idols to Moloch. John is related to John Thomas Klette . In 1917 alone forty-one new national banks came to Montana, often competing with state banks in towns of just a few hundred people. In 1832 he said that foreign stockholders controlling our currency were more formidable and dangerous than the naval and military power of the enemy. (Henderson, p 461). Vol. In 1844 Abrahams son, Henry Lehman, came to America and settled in Alabama. (Gould, p 23-5). Retrieved 3 June 2015. Serapis was eventually suppressed in Rome in 391 but it morphed into Zoroastrianism in Persia. What this meant for the country is spelled out very well by Dean Henderson: The 1913 creation of the Federal Reserve fused the power of the Eight Families to the military and diplomatic might of the US government. Weve already discussed the Rothschilds, a family that was very close to the Kuhn Loebs. During the 5th century, the theory goes, Jesus descendents married into the Frank royalty from which France takes its name, thus creating the Merovingan dynasty. (Henderson, p 122). The Federal Reserve was a private company, and one that had no reserves of currency. Retrieved 2 June 2015. August Rothschild died at age 86 years old on February 20, 1992. He also revealed that the Saudi Royal Family owns 80% of the New York Federal Reserve Bank, the most powerful in the American wing of the international banking system. Every US President since FDR has been a 33rd Degree Illuminated Mason, except Ronald Reagan, who Dean Henderson says, was given the honorary title, and John F. Kennedy, who was assassinated. (Henderson, p 159). Over six years from 1920 to 1926 there were 214 banks in Montana that went under, half of all in the state, and more than anywhere else in the country. That lay in their war-making abilities, a pursuit dependent upon finance and debt. Piermont Morgan: Collector. The The Illuminati was taking over, consolidating power, and secrecy was becoming the order of the day. The Priory believes the couple fled to southern France and had numerous children. WebBorn in Frankfurt-am-Main, Germany, on September 19, 1743, Bauer showed immense intellectual ability from a young age. Proudly powered by WordPress. Bauer recognises the significance of the red hexagram and changes his name from Bauer to Rothschild, after the red hexagram or sign signifying 666 hanging over the entrance door ("Rot," is German for, "Red," "Schild," is German for, "Sign"). Freedman, Benjamin H. The Hidden Tyranny. Sickle, Eugene Van. Web. Over time these Houses of Lazard had much influence and like the other families, they began to build connections to other powerful businessmen and industrialists. Before that, Jackson had consolidated the remaining $75 million of debt held by the states and done everything he could to pay it off as fast as he could, depriving the Rothschilds of the interest they so thought they deserved. The Warburg family was a Venetian banking family of the 1500s, one that came to prominence in 1814 after teaming up with the Rothschilds. America has had many presidents that can call themselves Freemasons. WebBorn in Frankfurt-am-Main, Germany, on September 19, 1743, Bauer showed immense intellectual ability from a young age. The University of North Carolina Press: Chapel Hill, 2002. In 1917 alone forty-one new national banks came to Montana, often competing with state banks in towns of just a few hundred people. Having world wars was very important to the Illuminati, the secret society that the Rothschilds had created back in 1776. The first mention of a Freemason temple on official records was in York in 926 under King Athelstan. In 1822 Czar Alexander had banned Freemasonry from Russia. The Rockefellers had enormous wealth as well, and $100 million of that was funneled into the Rockefeller Foundation in 1913 to promote the wellbeing of mankind throughout the world.. The Federal Reserve Act of 1913 was signed into law by Woodrow Wilson on December 23, 1913. From there the Seiff family got into banking and was heavily active in the Zionist Movement to see a Jewish state started in the Middle East. In 1812 Mayer Rothschild died, but his family was large enough to continue he had five sons and five daughters and an immeasurable quantity of wealth, enough so that he could hold Prince William IX of Hesse-Hanaus $3 million personal fortune in safekeeping. Interest Rate Controls: The United States in the 1940s. The Journal of Economic History. This comprised 40% of the churchs total debt. Serapis was eventually suppressed in Rome in 391 but it morphed into Zoroastrianism in Persia. Railroad financier E.H Harriman was another, and together these men benefited from Rothschild banking money when it came to funding their operations and expansion. By 1885 the firm had changed its name to Goldman Sachs & Co. and started striking it rich with paper products. The Eight Families are the Goldman Sachs, Rockefellers, Lehmans, and Kuhn Loebs of New York, which is the American side. He learned the value of money and about the lending business from his father. (Gould, p 23-5). Its mission was to take as much wealth from the American people as possible to benefit the Rothschild family and their cronies. He went to work in a bank in Hannover after his father died. The total cost of interest on the money borrowed came to $16 million and long-term veterans costs equaled $50 million. (Henderson, p 159; Gould, p 13). In 1620 we have records of Freemasons in London, and a short time later a strong sect rose up in Scotland. 20 September 2008. The Priory believes the couple fled to southern France and had numerous children. Their plans for the French Revolution went forward after all, and that allowed them to stop the Catholic Church from issuing taxes as well as create favorable new banking laws through the new nations constitution. WebRothschild were to follow all key positions in the family business were only to be held by family members; only male members of the family were allowed to participate in the family business, this included a reported sixth secret bastard son (It is important to note that Mayer Amschel Rothschild also has five daughters, so today the spread of the The Federal Reserve played havoc in Montana. Sometime in the 720s BC the Assyrians invaded the Kingdom of Israel and defeated it. WebThere are 3,000 census records available for the last name Bauer Rothschild. Republicans had control of Congress, and they didnt want to raise taxes so that meant more borrowing, $19 million worth. Learn how your comment data is processed. Instead of paying off the modest national debt of $45 million that had existed in 1812, the country now was looking at a national debt of $127 million in 1815. WebThe story of what Edmond Rothschild (full name is Edmond Adolphe Jules Jacques Maurice Baron de Rothschild) did with BankCal expose to the world that men like the Rothschilds do not have to play by the same rules as everyone else. Select this result to view John David Rothschild's phone number, address, and They cornered markets and saw their wealth grow exponentially. After battling J.P Morgan and James J. Hill, Schiff was able to gain control of the Northern Pacific Railroad in 1901. Timeline: The Rockefellers. PBS American Experience. It was in Paris that the Rothschild connection was made, in 1897 when the family joined the Rothschild bank. 1 June 2011. This angered the Rothschilds, who called for America to be brought back to colonial status. Using loaned Rothschild money, England declared war on the United States, starting the War of 1812. Buta, W. Bro. Most critics lamented the Rothschilds Jewish heritage, and the family used that anti-semitic thought to further their own ends. Harvard Business Press: Watertown, 2006. p 104107. They were in charge of the Holy Roman Empire until its demise in 1806. Retrieved 3 June 2015. Untermyer was well-known in the Democratic Party, had advised the government on interpreting and enforcing income tax law, was also involved in anti-trust legislation. That was also the same year his father had put the red hexagram above their doorway. It had six points that formed six equilateral triangles, something that allowed the insides to form a six-sided hexagon. Like a window into their day-to-day life, Bauer Rothschild census records can tell you where and how your ancestors worked, their level of education, veteran status, and more. Index includes name, sex, date and place of birth, date and county of death, father's last name, and mother's maiden name. He learned the value of money and about the lending business from his father. The following year saw the third and current Bank of the United States form, the Federal Reserve, which was passed with the Federal Reserve Act on December 23 of that year. By 1911 theyd joined with the Rockefellers to take over Equitable Trust Company, the precursor to Chase Bank. (Gould, p 34). Liberty Bell Publications: Reedy, 1981. These were the first official Freemasonry lodges, and America saw its first in Philadelphia in 1730. Get Ready For The First Pluto Return in American History, OPERATION JAB INDIA: A Slow Motion Genocide, JOHN POULOS: LIAR-IN-CHIEF FOR DOMINION VOTING SYSTEMS, MEDICIDE: How American Hospitals and Doctors Methodically Murdered Covid Patients. Goldman Sachs first started as a bank in New York in 1869. (Henderson, p 472) After that his family, centered in the major financial capitals of Europe, did their best to buy up all the various government bonds right when issued, selling them off to their network of brokers at an inflated price while still paying the initial offering price to the governments. Loaning to governments directly was the logical next step, mainly because it was more profitable than loaning to individuals. The star symbol, or hexagram, helped with this. The Serapis spread east toward Persia while the Mithras spread west toward the fledgling nation-states of Europe, both eventually incorporating aspects of Christianity. In fact, the six-pointed star was so significant to them that Mayer Amschel Bauer decided to adopt it as his new name - Mayer Amschel Rothschild (Rot-schildt = Red Shield). They also partnered with the Warburgs during this time and married into the Goldman Sachs and Lehman families. Montanans werent so lucky, and 11,000 farms failed as mortgage debt soared to $175 million. In 1831 Pope Gregory XVI borrowed 400,000 from the Rothschilds, or the equivalent of $43 million in 2014 dollars. The Knights Templar is another organization involved, and one that has grand designs on the world. The Illuminati knew it would be, so thats why they set up the Anti-Defamation League in 1913, so that anyone speaking out against the Rothschilds or the Illuminati would be labeled as anti-semitic, anti-Jew. Research Notes (Continue here). Back in Europe the Vatican became more entwined with the Rothschilds. At that point the Jews found themselves exiled until Assyrian king Nebuchadnezzar conquered Jerusalem in 586 BC, setting the groundwork for the Jews return in 539 BC. That was also the year his son Mayer was born in Bavaria. Untermyer informed Wilson that the womans husband wanted $40,000 to keep the affair quiet. Of twenty-one marriages involving descendents of Nathans father Mayer Amschel Rothschild that were solemnized between 1824 and 1877, no fewer than fifteen were between direct descendents. (Ferguson, p 88). 52, No. WebRothschild were to follow all key positions in the family business were only to be held by family members; only male members of the family were allowed to participate in the family business, this included a reported sixth secret bastard son (It is important to note that Mayer Amschel Rothschild also has five daughters, so today the spread of the Seventeen years later theyd be known as the Rothschild family. Also called the Millionaires Club, the club was founded in 1886 and included some of the wealthiest families in the country like the Morgans, Rockefellers, and Vanderbilts. (Henderson, p 450-1). Now they just had to get the president to sign it the idea into law. Philip Lehman started Lehman Brothers in 1850. Retrieved 3 June 2015. There are twelve Federal Reserve branches, named: We know these banks are in control as J.W. WebThe Bauers use of a hexagram as their family sign points to their involvement in Jewish Cabalism. After some time with the bank, he returned to Frankfurt to purchase the businesses his father had established in 1750. (Henderson, p 218) His bloodline the Holy Grail lives on, however, and its through the Hapsburg line. August B Rothschild of San Francisco, San Francisco County, California was born on February 10, 1906. The first mention of a Freemason temple on official records was in York in 926 under King Athelstan. So powerful and so wealthy did the Templars become that in 1307 the king of France and the Pope both teamed up to discredit the group, saying they used black magic and necromancy. So did the nations, and Jacksons successor, President John Tyler, also refused to sign a new charter for the bank. Web. I intend to expose you and by Eternal God I will route you out.. Following that they moved up to New York, in 1870, to start the New York Cotton Exchange. Select this result to view John David Rothschild's phone number, address, and By 1791 Rothschild was extending his reach to America, where he convinced Alexander Hamilton to set up the First Bank of the United States with a 20-year charter. Mayo, Anthony J.; Nohria, Nitin; Singleton, Laura G. Paths to Power: How Insiders and Outsiders Shaped American Business Leadership. By the 1200s theyd used their extensive wealth from the Crusades and banking to buy 9,000 castles across Europe. WebBorn in Frankfurt-am-Main, Germany, on September 19, 1743, Bauer showed immense intellectual ability from a young age. Retrieved 2 June 2015. All the presidents after Lincoln had kept Jacksons pledge not to have a bank, all that is, until Woodrow Wilson swept into the White House in 1912 on a divided Republican ticket more than a united Democratic ticket. Having world wars was very important to the Illuminati, the secret society that the Rothschilds had created back in 1776. Many that converted didnt want to, and these people became the basis of the Ashkenazi Jews, a group that many believe rejects Jesus and accepts Satan. Retrieved 3 June 2015. Nations would lose, and citizens would suffer, but the bankers would have their way of life. Graham, Michael. The family profited handsomely from the American Civil War and moved into banking before branching out to their native France and then into England. They are literally above the law. By 1814 the country was looking at another $30 million budget deficit and by 1815 estimates put that at $56 million. The Hapsburg family started on the Habichtburg estate in Switzerland in 1020. They cornered markets and saw their wealth grow exponentially. Retrieved 3 June 2015. From the Greek world the ideas circulated, heading to the Romans to become the Mysteries of the Mithras, or sometimes Mysteries of the Persians.. BRITISH RIOT PHOTOS: The Brits Finally Begin to Take Back Their PowerBIG TIME! The Bauers use of a hexagram as their family, sign points to their involvement in Jewish Cabalism. It was in Paris that the Rothschild connection was made, in 1897 when the family joined the Rothschild bank. Web. The total cost of interest on the money borrowed came to $16 million and long-term veterans costs equaled $50 million. Explore Rothschild-Bauer genealogy and family history in the World's Largest Family Tree. WebThe third result is John David Rothschild age 50s in Santa Clara, CA in the South 101 neighborhood. Unlike the popes, all American presidents were able to keep their financial house in order, even Lincoln when he ordered the printing of Greenbacks during the Civil War instead of borrow from foreign banks or allow another on American soil. Mullins, Eustace. As the Dark Ages took hold after the fall of Rome in the mid-400s the old mystery school ideas morphed with Christianity and eastern belief systems to take on the rudimentary form that Freemasonry has today. In fact, the six-pointed star was so significant to them that Mayer Amschel Bauer decided to adopt it as his new name - Mayer Amschel Rothschild (Rot-schildt = Red Shield). Chernow, Ron. Rockefellerss J.P. Morgan Chase Bank of New York. The Treaty of Ghent was signed on Christmas Eve 1814 to cement the deal. In 1620 we have records of Freemasons in London, and a short time later a strong sect rose up in Scotland. America has had many presidents that can call themselves Freemasons. September 19, 1812, Frankfurt) and his five sons, Amschel Mayer (b. It would be nearly a thousand years later that those mystery school ideas came to Greece. A Brief Encounter with Adam Weishaupt in 1804. Bavarian Illuminati. That day, however, the man had something else on his agenda. Their plans for the French Revolution went forward after all, and that allowed them to stop the Catholic Church from issuing taxes as well as create favorable new banking laws through the new nations constitution. The Templars consolidated their power by legitimizing usury so they could lend from their banks. Web. The family eventually moved to Ohio, and it was there that Rockefeller got involved with oil in 1863. The Templars were influenced heavily by Gnostic thought and the world knows about their crazy schemes because of an event in 1884. In 1812 Mayer Rothschild died, but his family was large enough to continue he had five sons and five daughters and an immeasurable quantity of wealth, enough so that he could hold Prince William IX of Hesse-Hanaus $3 million personal fortune in safekeeping. Before Woodrow Wilson had put the nation in war, the country had but $3.6 billion in national debt. Congress was able to provide the funding through increased customs duties but in 1813 revenues were only going to be $17 million for the country, while costs would be $36 million. In 1897 there had been just sixty-nine mergers but by 1899 there were 1,200, an increase of 1700%. I intend to expose you and by Eternal God I will route you out..

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