delphi murders professor

Logan was never formally named a suspect and never charged in the Delphi murders. Not important? For five years, the murders of 13-year-old Abby Williams and 14-year-old Libby German have hung over Delphi, ghosts that couldn't be put to rest. However, I do not believe it was sexually motivated, but believe theres potential for multiple motives. The two girls had gone for a walk on an old railroad bridge along Monon High Bridge trail near Delphi, Indiana . Twice in the the Evansdale Murders, LE thought they were certain that they had the right man. Hey, its a capitalist country, right? I dont know what these names mean. I heard that at the 2019 conference, she burst into tears. The rumor is that his alibi is a Delphi police officer, Nate Allen, who committed suicide in December. The Reddit sites are pretty useless too, mostly because most posters regard the best sources on this crime as false. This is what happened. Delphi Homicide Investigation Tip Line at 844-459-5786 Indiana State Police at 800-382-7537 The Carroll County Sheriff's Department at 765-564-2413 Email I can only hope that justice is served for Abby and Libby and that their families are one day able to find peace. However, smudged prints are of very dubious value. I would like to know if he has any motorcycle club affiliation, especially regarding a certain outfit with a reputation to be feared around that area? In the first four years, two LE officers only affirmed one rumor each. Theres no evidence that Tony Kline has ever been a suspect or has ever been interviewed by the police. I think he may have had over 1,000 photos/videos on his drives or possibly more. BG was dressed in clothes similar to what Ron wore, and he took the girls to Rons land and killed them there. Im leaving it at that. However, it is still not clear that Mr. X did this on his own or if someone helped him. My ideas, of course, are just speculative like those put forth by others. The roommate also said he suspected Mr. X of the Evansdale Murders because during the time of the Evansdale Murders, Mr. X and the roommate were both over in Evansdale being put up in hotels for months while they worked on a plant there. He got turned in because two brothers for some reason were saying that he was BG. See the photo Weve got a secret? We think the secret is that one girl is pregnant. They go up to the knee and are designed to be waterproof. Particularly this statement. Thats technically true but in all my years of playing the part of a PIO and putting out press releases, Ive never intentionally told a lie. Thanks again for the interesting and jaw dropping article!!! I read most of those posts over there and of course I read any post about me. Because that is a deer kit around his waist. You want me to put it up? Also, if I look at a map showing where the girls were dropped off, seems there is a pretty long trail from that spot onto the railroad bridge. Heavily redacted court documents say that state police and the FBI encountered Kline in 2017 while conducting a search warrant in Peru, Indiana. Although no arrests have been made in the case, the transcripts detail information that puts the case back in the national spotlight. We know he had binoculars with him and he told the girls that he was a railroad policeman who had spotted them with binoculars. These guys are mostly narcissists and they dont believe in cooperation. She has been featured in Psychic Investigators, Paranormal Witness, and interviewed by Nancy Grace! Reminiscent of a small hatchet, not a typical knife. Did he not see BG? I didnt mean to imply that, sorry. Libbys phone did not record him for 43 seconds. How about getting your moneys worth? Its odd how there is that other photo of what looks like BG sitting on park bench. How do they know he sent audio/video to one of the girls phones? I saw this being explained in some YT comments to a bunch of brainlets. Mr. X has is not even at the Person of Interest stage in this case. It says they are looking for photos, videos, cameras, videocameras, film, etc. $20/lifetime membership. At 8:20 PM, the police scanner said that A., Mr. Xs wife, was coming to bring Mr. X a spare set of keys. And Mr. X or BG is the one who used that catfish to bring Libby in. I dont know about you, but when I go to a nearby town, I dont generally take my cellphone and throw it in a bunch of weeds for the five hours that I was gone, coming back to my home hours later to retrieve it from the weeds. Were you a member of the private group? Hes been on my radar for a long time now. Both of these people were probably ragers before, so its not like they did a U-turn. This proves more of Leigh Kerrs testimony where he said BG sent photos or video to one of the girls phones after the crime. I dont get it. He met few if any of those girls he was talking to. We think the girl knew she was pregnant. If any of you want to sift through there and find some interesting stuff and post it here, please feel free to go for it. Abigail "Abby" Williams, 13, and Liberty "Libby" German disappeared from the Delphi Historic trails while taking an afternoon stroll on Feb. 13, 2018, as previously reported. Are you speculating? Thats why all the smoke and mirrors. You just dont know what a person is capable of. I see you may have particular interest in the Evansdale case due to proximity. Ok he has committed some sort of sex crimes or other or weird crimes like peeping and whatnot. Then there is always the question of his occupation. I do not feel comfortable using his initials or certainly his name. We agree with that because we think they were sitting in his pocket the whole time! There is a lot of controversy about that but it does appear that you can hear on the audio, Is that creepy guy still following us?. Any info you can get us on this will be much appreciated! She has channeled her pain into grief and sadness. If the father was an underage boy, Im not sure anyone cares. I would like to email this , as it is not particularly relevant to the comments on this page. But its definitely him! We believe she never showed up, he never called the wife, he never lost his keys in the first place, and there was no spare set. Robert, I believe Mr. X has an ex-wife. I dont know if he actually used the binoculars to spot them. Specific mention is made that the girls were abducted at exactly 2:13 PM. No, at least not in this case. Can we prove it? We believe that his truck got towed later on when his wife never showed up with the keys, that Mr. X searched Ron Logans land that evening with two other men, and that he left his truck sitting in that same spot for 18 hours until the next day when the bodies were found. Sexual age orientation: Pedohebephilia, nonexclusive, AOA 8-14. At this point, they dont even have enough for an arrest. The category below Proven is ally called Unverified with Different Qualifications. He saved society a lot of money by eating a bullet, freeing up some fresh air and making the world the tiniest bit of a better place. Empiricism is a thing. This GPS device showed that his phone had been at the CPS building from 12-5 on the day of the murders. Whatever it was that caused her to react in such a way, I just hope she shared with law enforcement. I see hot, humid conditions. Holder has an alibi that he was working out at a gym at the time. No one knows if Mr. X is guilty or not. Put the competing theory to the logic test. He was right in the middle of all the police and media, and no one suspected him. I am a retired Detective Chief previously responsible for the Criminal Investigation Department and all of the 80 plus detectives within as well as a senior investigative officer with experience of leading murder enquiries. Thank u. LE asked him to move the vehicle. In general, the less said about the other aspects of his life the better, and they have no relationship to this case anyway. Police: for a few hours at a sleepover and then you blocked her because she was annoying you, remember? Thats a GoPro on BGs waist and he filmed his crime. DELPHI, Ind. The event, entitled New and Old Wars, New and Old Challenges to Peace, takes place from 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. on Wednesday at McKenna Hall in rooms 215/216. Tip Line: (765) 822-3535. Hence, none of his DNA from the forest around the girls is usable. Also theres only one way for LE to know that BG filmed his crime if the rumors about sending video of the crime to the girls phones afterwards is true. Crime. He was 18 in 1984, so we figured he graduated that year, but maybe he graduated in 1986 when he was 20. What? Theres just journalists. He took it with him in some sort of hunting pack? No, he came up with the lost my keys gambit to explain why his car sat at the cemetery from 6:30 PM the day of the crime to 12:30 PM the next day when the girls bodies were found, a period of 18 full hours. A post from the horrible r/LibbyandAbby slime hole on Reddit. I get the impression that LE thought that this officer was lying and were trying to offer him some protection. The sigs are from the FBI and a court official. Try harder. Of course Ron Logan didnt do it. Important residence periods: Moved to Evansdale, Iowa in 2011-2012 to work at a slaughterhouse possibly aligned with Tyson Foods there. It was stated that Libby was nude. Too fucking bad. So, the girls were found on RLs property. I thought nobody looked like the BG in the actual video than PB (especially compared to that FB image with a deer)But now, not a chanceKirts fits that mofo better than allIts in the cheeks, the spit, etcThe cops have known for a while its him too I think. Innocent people are hurt and killed in these cases, but theyre not really high profile and we dont have time to mess with this epidemic. It turns out that we have acquired a sleuth who is a former detective. Im nothing at all like how they describe me. Of course, there are trolls saying that the information Ive given is info thats already known. Search. And-, Kline: I dont think I ever did, though. Why not join the 240+ members who have already signed up for the best Delphi sleuthing team of all? LE blew off their concerns and called off the search, citing safety concerns for the searchers but seemingly had little of the same concerns for the missing teens who could have been severely hurt and unable to help themselves, just waiting for someone in LE to find them that night. Sure hes a greedy businessman, but I doubt if hes that greedy. We all stumble over our words sometimes. And my ban appeal didnt work either. Every podcast is all about them! If they were killed right away, its no problem, but if they were not killed until 12 hours later, its one more thing that makes no sense. Only his hands, particularly focused on his bloody, sausage-like knuckles, could be seen with a caption that read after the brawl.. Oh one more thing. According to News Nation, The Murder Sheet podcast obtained transcripts of an interview between a possible suspect, Kegan Kline, and Indiana investigators. No. Robert, have you heard that Mr X had a deer blind on the Mears property? Theres a connection that has been missed! The main suspect according to police is a man whose name rhymes with Fat Clown. If I happened to be out that day lets say partying or doing some stuff that maybe I shouldnt have been doing, and I witnessed something and had information Im telling you right now, I would think twice, then I would think two more times before I would even consider coming forward because I would be scared shitless that LE would throw my ass in jail for something completely unrelated just like they did to RL. The accusation is that she knows something or knows way too much and is covering for someone, presumably the killer. Why on Earth would anyone hang around near their vehicle for a full day just because they lost their keys? Stupid, stupid, stupid. We believe that those reactions were overblown. BA, Journalism, Cal State University Long Beach, 1981. Hence, following Occams, our theory is the best explanation of the facts. Then they have the nerve to beg for witnesses to come forward with information. See I dont remember ever saying to meet up with me, though, Kline responded. Instead of bashing us, why dont you ask why the cops are telling us this stuff? Considering I often cannot view website news articles because of data protection laws? You will see below where we regard certain things as Proven. All other POIs are dropped or cleared at least as being the killers themselves. Its $20. Theyre swarming all over this crime scene, and the killer is standing right here under their noses in the midst of the chaos for hours, and these coptards cant figure this out. We think he likes to fool and troll LE. Rumor is that Abbys was pink. Back to the POI, in February 2017, he lived next door to the cemetery which makes his actions and ruse around his truck & keys even more suspicious, if that is possible. Hey Robert, absolutely love reading your blogs. Is that also speculation? Its all about the zero-sum game. Faked to make it look like he could not possibly have committed the crime because he was more devastated than anyone else. Everyone was crowding around to look at the crime he had committed. She feels he is a current POI who is working OT to divert attention away from himself and mislead the public. CM: Not even going to bother to reveal his name. Abby may have been naked below the waist. Were their clothes found with the bodies at the crime scene? This claims are quite dubious and we dont suggest anyone put any weight into them. Like a coward, we would add. Now, Im not a member of LE, and I have never claimed to have investigation experience, but I believe Im a fairly intelligent person with at least average reasoning skills. No one knows if he did this crime or not. The only crime on Mr. Xs record is an expunged conviction for statutory rape from 1984 in Indiana when he 18 and the girl was 14. Not long afterwards, the pink stripe was removed from the truck, witnesses say. Here's what we've learned and what remains unclear: At least two prior marriages. If this roommate is correct, it looks like Mr. X worked in 2011-2012 at as packing plant in the Delphi area, and he was moved to near Evansdale, Iowa for a period during these two years to work on a sister plant near Evansdale. Maybe we need to clear him a 243rd time then just to make sure! Kelsis DNA was the only DNA found on the bodies. Also, I was interested in whether you may be able to cover Harmony Montgomerys case? After 5:30 PM, news of the girls going missing went out over the police scanner. Tuesday 27 December 2022 22:58 Bodycam footage from night of Idaho murders A University of Idaho professor has filed a lawsuit against a woman who baselessly linked her to the brutal murders. If LE actually believes that BG was 50 years old, why did they put out this statement that he looks like this ridiculous sketch of a very young man or even an 18-40 year old man? In the documents we have, it is openly stated that BG abducted the girls at precisely 2:13 PM. Kelsi German has been cleared. As CrimeOnline previously reported, Kline, an Indiana man accused of child exploitation and child pornography, says police told him he was the last person to communicate with one of the two girls killed in Delphi, Indiana, in 2017. All I ask is that you say that our suspect is named Mr. X, and we absolutely refuse to identify this man. Also, the props were put at the scene later too, perhaps after the girls were killed. Theres only one parent. A handgun, in order to do ballistics tests on it. Im a real nice guy, I treat my commenters well, and Im basically this mild-mannered, unassuming, intellectual, professor type. They recovered Libbys phone, so they wouldnt still be looking for the audio/video. There is a suspected child killer in the Bay Area who is responsible for 5-10 child murders. I see that you have replied to someone after mine, I am genuinely curious about this difference in graduation dates and would like to chat. Oh, one more thing. Thank you for all the work on the Delphi case. They had both been murdered. Evidence in the Delphi, Indiana, double murder case was unsealed by a county court on Tuesday, revealing key new details, including that suspect Richard Allen's gun was linked to the crime scene. I think he already knew that they would be there. Cookie Notice I guess Im not sure when he graduated. He doesnt want to get uncovered revealing official case documents to the media. Senior high school: First years unknown but graduated from Delphi High School in 1984-85. Delphi police and the prosecutor's office said a public court hearing will be set to determine if the documents, including the affidavit in the case, will remain under seal. DELPHI, Indiana -- A Delphi, Indiana, man, Richard Allen, has been arrested for the 2017 murders of eighth graders Abby . Paul Etter: A 55 year old local man of many interests. Hence, formally, everything Leaker said has gone into unconfirmed rumors other than the things we were able to confirm from other probative sources. Let me jump in here. The LE source didnt work on the case. Who says those videos are from him? In addition, we may have more documents. So if he wore Packers boots to do his crime, he would have been able to cross that cold stream where the water is knee-deep. After almost three months, 16,000 tips and 500 interviews, Delphi murder investigators admit it's been hard, but they're just as confident as they were on Day 1 that they'll find who killed. No, I Dont Lack Credibility or Legitimacy, Alt Left: Hate the Collective But Love the Individual. Our best police source just told us that Ron Logan has been absolutely cleared as a suspect. What is this guy, another Zodiac? Some claims are listed as unverified. Give it a rest, everyone. The rumor that there was a spent cartridge at the scene is therefore confirmed. I also believe there are other factors at play here possibly being protected and I dont think LE wants the truth of what happened to Abby and Libby to come out for whatever reason. Problem is they only have nine markers on that partial sample. Can you email me with her name, please? Kirts knew those backwoods just as good & probably better than Logan didI dunno man, the motive is dead on too (his beast of a girlfriend Garth getting locked up & losing custody of her son because of Libertys dad snitching for jail time easingI first thought this was a serial crimeNow, after looking at a lot more of the detail (& coming in to this in December 21, with most of the pertinent activity already have taken place), Id say chances of it being serial are probably less than 1%. No, the other girl was also having sex with males and she also had a boyfriend. and that you think he already knew that they would be there.. Knives. 10) Regarding crime scene: Red herrings to throw off law enforcement. How bout taking it to heed, everyone? Not quite sainthood, but getting there. Busy location with a diner nearby. Our reporting partners at WPTA in Fort Wayne spoke with IUPUI Professor and Director of the Forensic and Investigative Sciences Program John Goodpaster. And possibly even other rapes and homicides. Similar murder conditions. Its not free though. ? thats tough luck usually)I agree with him that it was probably Logan that gave the cops details on Kirts to get out of the clink The cops say the killer made a mistakeI bet it was probably something left behind in one of Logans barns or shacks. I almost feel as though LE doesnt want to solve this crime, and that scares me. Deer kits have five knives, so we assume this one does too. Garrett Kirts: Local man, all around run of the mill bad person. The documents state that the wound to one of the girls was so brutal that the blood splatter would have been dramatic, drenching the killers clothes in blood. He prefers whiskey, its his drink of choice and hes off without it. Thank you! However, this early searching meant that he could use his lost my keys excuse as a reason why his car just happened to be parked for 18 straight hours soon after the crime and right above where the girls were found because he could say the next day that he lost them during the previous evenings search. Old style 501 blue jeans from the 1980s Dad jeans. Didnt he at the time live down the street from Logan? An officer confronted Kline about knowing that Libby was at a sleepover the night before her disappearance and communicating with her. Nevertheless, as you can see above, three things that we spotted in the crime scene photos have been verified by independent sources in the search party, so the fact that these are crime scene photos is now proven. Lawyered up, not talking. Neither one can possibly be BG. The Narcotics detective did not work on the case. Mr. X was employed by Indiana Packers around 2011 or 2012. 13) Search Shell station footage in between 25 miles from crime scene throughout. How about never? Police found the girls lifeless bodies a short distance from the bridge the following day, near a trail close to the bridge. Kline was arrested in 2020 on charges unrelated to the Delphi murders. They talked to Ron and he allowed them to park on her land. Thats because they havent been told shit. We believe that this happened in the first place because a photo exists of a truck being towed from the CPS building around February 14. (Indiana State Police) Authorities in Delphi, Indiana, have issued a fresh plea for information about a fake social media profile they suspect was used to lure two teenage girls to their deaths. Numbers 1-4 were told to a retired detective who works with one of our team members us by an LE source close to the investigation. Good ones and bad ones, perhaps, but theres no such thing as legitimate versus illegitimate. So who is Mr. X? I just donated via PayPal. She described his eyes as dark and evil. One of our team members talked to a detective in Kentucky a couple of years ago who told us about this expunged conviction. The man who owns the document is not happy with us going public with these docs. We now have a better time frame for Mr. Xs truck being parked at the cemetery. Feel free to post about any unsolved case you think is interesting, high profile preferred. We believe that the running away and months of therapy were also staged. In other words, they were faked. The only reason his wife would be coming to the site to retrieve his keys is if he lost his keys and she was coming to deliver a spare set. No ones been hurt by this case more than Becky Patty. It was also asked How did BG get across that knee-high stream in the middle of winter without nearly getting hypothermia? The girls would have also been subject to hypothermia?? Double jeopardy? It doesnt seem like a normal person would stay at that location for all that time. BG threw toilet cleaner over the girls and every object at the crime scene, thereby eliminating most if not all of the usable DNA. This goes on all the time, however. I must have the wrong name for your POI? She recorded them for a good six minutes and definitely longer. But who was his roomate in evansdale in the hotel they stayed in? DELPHI, IN - It was Valentine's Day, 2017, when the corpses of two young teen girls, Liberty "Libby" German and Abigail "Abby" Williams, were found under a train bridge. 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