importance of photography in questioned document examination

Required fields are marked *. Photographs b. prove indications of genuineness and falsification of documents; LO5. As with any questioned document, the forensic examiner also will examine the printout to determine the type of paper and class of ink utilized, as well as taking careful note of watermarks, and staple hole patterns etc. Preliminary investigations of questioned paper documents involve testing the color, thickness, weight, weave pattern, and fiber analysis in order to determine the source of the paper. Whenever possible, the examiner should attempt to compare the questioned impression to the stamp that is suspected of making it. Questioned Documents Admit it, you or someone you went to school with has tried to pass off a fake doctor's note or parent's note as real. Tools and Methods Document examiners of the 21st century use microscopy, chemistry, laboratory instrumentation and digital photography to uncover important clues. The importance of ink analysis has been noted in case of obliterations for differentiating the ink on basis of its chemical composition; further, the source and also the age of ink which ultimately gives the approximate age of the document providing leads and clues in the investigation process. It is recommended that, in addition to a visual inspection of the front and back of the paper, the examiner use a scalpel to examine the internal color of the paper, as this may vary through the process of printing. Previous research has totally focused on development of science and technology. c. White balance b. extremely dark or extremely bright. a. T/F The most important prerequisite for photographing a crime scene is that the scene be in an unaltered condition. It is a valuable tool for recording the crime scene and explaining the evidence to others. Documents may be altered by erasing or obscuring writing, or by changing, extending, or adding text or signatures. Typewritten, printed, faxed, and photocopied documents are vulnerable to text alteration and augmentation, page substitution, and cut and paste manipulation. This article is an excerpt from Practical Applications in Forensic Science, authored by Mark Songer, published by Crime Ink Publishing, LLC. Disguised writing is distorted writing that is intended to mislead the reader or forensic examiner as to authorship, and is often present in questioned documents. Any forensic document examination involving a fax machine also should include consideration of the Transmit Terminal Identifier (TTI), which is typically found in the heading of any transmitted document. This makes the watermarking more detailed. Promote self-regulation, documentation, training, continuing education, and research (ibid). Read the article. The preliminary visual inspection of a stamp impression is to examine it microscopically, during which time the examiner may be able to identify a number of factors, including the ink source and condition of the ink die. Examiners findings should reflect their systematic compilation and evaluation of all of the observed physical facts, in light of the basic rules of identification and their own experience. with the examination of the questioned writing, these additions may produce a certain amount of confusion and tend to delay the laboratory examination. Paper is brought in between the arrangement of dandy rolls with stamp marks and supporting cylindrical drum. Document examiner uses their experience and skills to determine the authenticity of a document. Ink used for drawing, writing, painting with a pen, pencil, brush, quill or . These are: As the name said, these manufacturers are made during the manufacturing process. SERIES OF QUESTIONS TOPIC I: Topic I Know/discuss the relevance and role of questioned document examiners in crime detection Q1 : Q1 A document examiner with a good collection of typewriting samples can often date a typewritten document by the difference in type. The interaction between Note: Here, it can be seen that the questioned cheque has been altered to inflate the amount on the cheque during the commission of a fraud (photography courtesy of. It is important to note, however, that not all distortions in handwriting are the result of intentional disguise. The color of a piece or pieces of paper may be compared against a white standard or through a side-by-side comparison. Research has also found that faxes may undergo significant dimensional changes that can result in changes in size or even distortion, further complicating the investigation of transmitted questioned documents. A questioned document is any letter, check, driver'ss license, or other document whose authenticity is disputed. That document is a questioned document. More recently, an instrument known as an Electrostatic Detection Apparatus, or ESDA, is used to produce a visual image of the indented writing on transparency film. Moreover, the extent of pressure is responsible for the watermark opacity. The exposure compensation settings on a digital camera would be used to capture an image that is: When examining seals and stamps, it is important that the forensic examiner first determine that the marking(s) were indeed caused by a seal or stamp, as opposed to being computer generated. They use specialized chemicals with a refractive index similar to cellulose and make impregnated areas translucent. Difficulty/different shade in writing ink pens, pencils, typing, and print over the chemical watermark. This can be done with vary degrees of sophistication and success. Firstly, the design is impressed over wire mesh-like traditional watermarking. Trained forensic document examiners systematically inspect questioned documents and compare aspects of the document to known standards in order to identify the nature and source of the writing or printing. This process typically culminates in the presentation of gathered evidence at preliminary hearings, pretrial depositions, or in a courtroom. Honeybees, the most commonly known type of bee, are organized social insects. However, more sophisticated insertions or alterations require careful examination of the document as a whole to identify discrepancies. b. The word, derived from the Greek photos ("light") and graphein ("to draw"), was first used in the 1830s. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Questioned document, Likely, Known; questioned and more. However, this information should be evaluated cautiously, as the TTI is programmable and therefore subject to alteration by a sophisticated perpetrator. For example, an infrared light filter, combined with other light sources, causes ink that has faded over the years to be enhanced and therefore legible. Ultraviolet Light Analysis Ultraviolet (UV) light technologies are used for multiple purposes in forensic investigations, including authenticating paintings and other fine art, authenticating signatures, analyzing questioned documents , illuminating latent fingerprints at crime scenes and trace evidence on clothing, analyzing ink stains, and revealing residual stains of body fluids . This process of producing life from unfertilized eggs is known as parthenogenesis. The bee colony consists of specialized individuals: the queen bee, worker bees, and drones. The judge Simulated Writings and Tracing As they collect pollen, some clings to the hairs on their bodies. Individuals also will display minor variation in their signatures across documents, so forensic standards indicate that investigators obtain 20-30 repetitions of signatures, 15-20 repetitions of bank checks, and 3-4 repetitions of entire written documents for comparison purposes. Say a suicide note is found at the investigation scene. Typewriting d. the notes are recorded as the observations are made. Honeybees live in complex colonies in which large numbers of individuals act together nearly as a single organism. How did World War I help to bring about the Russian Revolution? Queen bee. Questioned Documents was published in 1910, and a second edition in 1929. Your email address will not be published. Font and line spacing should be examined, as discrepancies may be subtle but indicative of an alteration or addition to the original document. As the Lindbergh baby trial proved, testimony offered by document examiners in court can be used to strengthen a case, and it could even be a deciding factor for your situation. Thus, forensic document examiners may use magnification, usually 20-40X, to better identify pen lifts and breaks, which is more often found in simulated writing, as compared to natural writing. As with most other forensic analysis, questioned document examination is generally a comparative examination. Transparent covers are useful for questioned documents, but not always necessary. Ink can be a liquid, paste or powder which used to produce images, text, or to make designs. Photography is then used to preserve the shadowed indentation. Questioned document examination is a skill and an art acquired with a great deal of experience and practice and requires thorough training by a seasoned forensic document examiner. As compared to a freehand copy, tracing a signature often results in a very close approximation of the original; in fact, they may provide a more exact copy of a signature than would normally be found due to natural variations in handwriting. d. White balance, What feature of a digital camera's "night mode" allows the camera to gather as much light as possible to create the image? Questioned document examination consists of handwriting examination, typewriter examination, and ancillary examinations, and the effectiveness of the examiner depends greatly on courtroom presentation and training. Her only job is to lay eggs. The Role and Importance of a Forensic Examiner. The advantages of recording crime-scene notes on an audio-recording device include all of the following EXCEPT: The examinations primary purpose is to provide evidence about suspicious or questioned documents using a variety of scientific principles and methods. The latter has yet to demonstrate valid and reliable results, whereas research has demonstrated that expert forensic document examiners are significantly more able to accurately compare handwriting samples to determine authorship, as compared to the layperson. Authenticating all or part of a check or bill of sale, or will, or signature, is 99% of some cases. Facsimile and Photocopy Machines Abstract. The discipline covers wide ranging non-destructive examinations including handwriting, indented impressions, typewriting, printing processes, inks, and paper. Remember: Dyne is a metric to measure the surface tension (dynes/cm). Although structural characteristics are often still evident, subtle details, such as hesitations, pen lifting, and retouching may not be reproduced. c. Semi-conductors Most charts today are created using digital photography, scanned images, video spectral comparators, and specialized computer software programs like Write-On 2, Photoshop, and PowerPoint . We first apply oblique or low angled lighting to the furrows of indented writing. Once this is accomplished, the examiner may turn his or her attention to the specific nature of the markings, specifically noting any defects that may be unique to an individual stamp. Adobe Photoshop or similar software may be used to assess line orientation and spacing, which may be particularly useful in helping to identify anomalies or distortions in the text. Watermarks are frequently visualized simply by using transmitted light or soft x-rays, which produces an image of the density of fibers. The Scientific Response and Analysis Unit provides end-to-end case support, from initial assessment of investigative or intelligence information, "hot zone" capable scientists, crime scene processing and collections, evidence examination, and courtroom testimony regarding: PURPOSES OF PHOTOGRAPHS IN QDE: 1. serve as record of the initial condition of a disputed document; 2. make clear what otherwise may be hidden or indistinct; 3. enlarge a writing in question so that every quality and characteristics of it can be clearly They can even be used in representing the evidence in the court, and multiple copies for juries, if any. It uses flexo printing plates with translucent chemical polymers that on impart creates chemical watermarks. b. This can include objects like suicide . Less than 45 percent Typically, visualization of evidence is in the IR and requires the use of IR sensitive film or a Digital/Video camera with IR sensitivity. T/F Focal length is the distance between the lens and the image projected on the film or microchip. The ABFDE requires that examiners obtain a minimum of a baccalaureate degree and complete a two-year, full-time training program or apprenticeship in a recognized forensic laboratory or with an established examiner in private practice. This technique has resulted in the recovery of indented impressions on paper up to seven layers beneath the original writing, though findings may vary depending on pen pressure and paper thickness. However, there will likely be evidence of laborious production, such as signs of uneven pen pressure, pen lifts, and poor line quality. It explains the basics of document examination and helps . This article treats the historical and aesthetic aspects of still photography. Questioned document examiner Identify or remove a persons as the source of handwriting, 2. ESDA works by creating an electrostatic image of indented writing, which is then visualized by the application of charge sensitive toners. A counterfeit pen. Given the poor quality of faxes in general, they are subject to alteration, however, so careful scrutiny should be applied to any discrepancies in pixilation across the document, as well as any variations in handwriting or print type, spelling, punctuation or formatting. There are two internationally recognized programs that accredit forensic laboratories: The American Society of Crime Laboratory Directors Laboratory Accreditation Board and ASI-ASQ National Accreditation Board/FQS. Ink Examinations 3. For example, a fraudulent entry in a will may be added with ink that is visually similar but chemically different from that of the rest of the document, indicating that it was not included at the time of its original writing. Writers may also write with their unaccustomed hand in order to disguise their handwriting, which usually results in a drastic reduction in skill level characterized by a loss of fluency and larger letters than when written with their dominant hand. c. Everyone involved in the case Know more: Forensic Watermark Examination of Paper: Destructive And Non Destructive Analysis. b. Defining Questioned Documents Whenever typewritten or machine-produced documents are called into question, each page of the document should be carefully compared to all of the other pages of the document, and, whenever possible, compared to collected specimens from the source machine(s). The examination of handwriting and signatures involves the comparison of writing on the document in question to additional samples in order to determine potential authorship. Therefore, when faxed documents are called into question, both the source and receiving fax machines should be entered as evidence, as well as sample faxes from both fax machines transmitted around the date established by the TTI. For more information contact Mark Songer. Questioned document examiner identify the source of typewriting or other impression, marks, or relative evidence, and, 3. Watermark is a distinctive form of image, shape, text, or any design that appears translucent and fainter when light passes through it. Silver halide grains Tracing a signature or handwriting can be achieved through a number of means, assuming the individual has access to an authentic sample of writing. IR photography. Worker bees. Chemical tests are important in the examination of printing inks because they also allow examiners to provide an approximation of when the document was written. Adding new information that was not in the original document or substituting an entire page also may perpetrate fraud. a. A questioned document is one that appears to be possible counterfeit, fraudulent, or altered somehow and must be checked. Finally, paper fiber analysis is a destructive technique that allows examiners to identify the type and quantity of fibers involved as a result of the pulping process. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Patching occurs when the writer notices an error made in their writing, such as not fully closing a letter or omitting an embellishment characteristic of the original, and corrects these errors after writing the letter or word. history of photography, method of recording the image of an object through the action of light, or related radiation, on a light-sensitive material. Charge coupled devices For example, the examiner determines whether the document was printed in color or black-and-white ink, whether the document was printed with ink or toner, and whether the printing process was impact or non-impact. Photography with reflected light. Lets look at how these types of watermarks aids questioned document examiners (QDEs) in their examination of the paper. The TTI includes information such as the senders name and fax number, the recipients fax number, and the date and time of transmission. Chapter 3 -Crime Scene Photography-What's new, frans - parties du corps et la sante (SYNONYM), Chapter 1 Quiz CJ 1350 Intro to Forensics, Chapter 20 Terrorism and Homeland Security, Chapter 18 Drug-Related and Organized Crime, The Language of Composition: Reading, Writing, Rhetoric, Lawrence Scanlon, Renee H. Shea, Robin Dissin Aufses, World Civilizations: The Global Experience, Since 1200, AP Edition, Marc Jason Gilbert, Michael Adas, Peter Stearns, Stuart B. Schwartz. The process of creating a scaled drawing using specifically designed computer software, The amount of area in the foreground and background of an in-focus photographic subject that is also relatively in focus, The use of electronic means to capture light and save and image on an electronic medium such as a memory card, The measure of ease with which the silver halide grains of a given film react to light, A type of camera that uses the same lens for viewing and for taking the picture (i.e., the view through the viewfinder or on the LCD monitor shows how the photo will turn out), The setting on a camera that controls the aperture diameter to determine the amount of light transmitted by the lens, a compression method for digital files that decreases the file size without discarding digital data, one million pixels: used to describe a digital camera in terms of sensor resolution, A form that records the details of each photograph taken at a crime scene, The mechanism within a camera that exposes the film or microchip to light for a specific length of time and then closes, The most common methods of crime-scene recording do NOT include which one of the following? 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