kara and mon el fanfiction fluff

Youre right, he says, nodding. How did she take it?, Well, at first. He didnt want to be the prince. Alex grabs it from her and hovers it over Karas body, staring with wide eyes at the shards of bone floating in the heros torso. Wife. Youre a bad man!. It was unnecessary. You really meant something to her. I never used her, but she thought I did, and looking back now I can see why. This isnt how you die. He turns to Alex, waving at her. Kara smiles, waving back at him. See how shes doing.. But if Kara doesnt believe she will ever forgive herself, we need to show her she can., She smiles, turning to him. Live! Kara spreads her fingers on her left hand in confusion, and the move reminds him of one final act. Kara had a thick arm crossing her chest, a handful of her collar in her fist. Shh Kara says, closing her eyes. Fate doesnt want us together, Mon-El. Thank you, Winn. She embraces him, squeezing him tight. Deleted all her social media. I know it isnt. There is only one pair, and whoever obtains one will have absolute power and divine blessings. I didnt know you were back! And now the same is with Lena. This night will be great. Unable to do anything more with several news cameras watching them, she sighs, gluing her eyes to the man. Not too many items are in this one, he didnt come to Earth with anything anyway. And she said nothing.. Alex takes a few steps forward, her eyes growing accustomed to the deep darkness and spots Kara slumped in the middle of her loft. She stands, holding Kara against her. But you lied., No. Alex, before we start, you must know that I only allowed you here because I feel it is necessary that we keep each other close. How did you get in here?, She pulls her keys from her pocket and holds them up, shaking them. Kara had flown in at her top speed as to not be seen by the governments bounty hunters. I cant I cant stop myself from loving you. He would tell her the truth, he knew that. She glances down, checking on him. Just not today. A helicopter emerges on the skyline, skimming over the tops of the buildings. Other than the desk and his table, nothing else is in the room hes in. Quietly, she hops down from her bed, silently screaming when she lands on her leg that had her femur on the opposite side of where it was supposed to be. I try, she says mockingly, flipping her hair and laughing. Theres been an explosion-. But I didnt bring any of my material with me, Kara says, trailing off toward the end of her sentence when she spots Lenas pen sitting on her desk. When she has two feet on the ground he smiles, eyebrows raised. It was humbling. The entire ride home, her thoughts are of Alex and Mon-El, and how she cant wait to be in their arms again. Theres a spider in the shower. I know. But she cant even get her words out before Mon-El jams the key into the lock and collides with her, hugging her to him so tightly she thinks she might burst. Mon-El waves her into a booth near the corner. Ill allow it. Tell me everything. With the cuffs lying on the table, they still weaken her powers, causing the blood to continue pouring from her lip and decorate her shirt. Im afraid of you, Lena, Kara says slowly. A project or weapon to be made. No, not that kind of nostalgia. The man locks the cell, pointing to the bath he has made for her. Alex flinches. What about me? Lena asks, stepping over to the gurney. The Super smiles, allowing her eyes to water and spillover. Her heels touch land on soft dirt and sink softly beneath her. He startles Kara and she grips his arms tighter. She will be ruined. Although she wouldnt be against holding his hand. She seemed fine with it. But she herself did the same. Her head hangs low, thinking hard about what to do next. Youre kidding, right?, Her gaze shifts to his expression, searching for a hint of teasing but finding nothing. In 2x12 (Luthors), she admits she has feelings and a creature from the 5th dimension shows up but he is defeated. Kara sits against a wall down a long corridor, her knees up to her chest with her elbows resting on them. book, and puts two and two together. And you will save, and protect, and rescue, and provide anything the people of National City need. It's been months since Kara and Lena broke up, and Lena has no idea how much it affected Kara until Alex breaks down her door. Kara releases her, pulling back so she can see her face. Alex She gasps. I know, she says, looking at him desperately. How in the hell did they ever get here?! She needed to figure out how she could have saved everyone. So tell me, Alex, do you see it as a flaw?. What is going to happen between you?. They still treated him as the ditzy alien who didnt know any better. This takes place when kara is sixteen and Alex eighteen monel is also sixteen The doorbell rings and she jumps, dropping the Chapstick into the box and closing the drawer. But?. This would be her last day in this cell, her last day in this grimy basement. Her glasses glint in the light, and Lena cocks her head at her. Our friendship was the best thing that tethered me to the human world, and Im sorry the truth came from Lex rather myself. Slowly, her lids close heavily, but she fights to keep them open to finish her point. As if she wasnt National Citys hero, who could never take a sick day or PTO. Come with me, he whispers, putting a hand on her knuckles that are snuggled into his elbow. Were not friends. Karas gaze rises to Lenas as she drops the rubber from her hand. When I came to this city, I promised myself that I would never trust anyone again and Her eyes water and her head sinks to one side. No importance. His eyes twitch at the movement, and for a second he thinks hes given himself away. Winner buys lunch? Kara proposes, giving an arch of her eyebrow. His hair is long, swept-back neatly but whatever he did during the day has caused it to fall slightly. Her hair is down, and it sways slowly in the breeze that floats in through her open windows. Im going to go. Wow! Lex shouts, walking towards her with a large gun now in hand. When I saw that man, my heart almost burst. Has he contacted you at all?, Lena watches her with a puzzled expression. Karamel is the het ship between Kara Zor-El and Mon-El from the Supergirl fandom. I can wait. Kate smirks then, giving Alex a wink. And that terrifies her. No, Im not leaving. Im surprised to see you still here., Kate smiles at her formality. But youre not, Kara. Kara opens her mouth, conflicted and not able to speak. When that was revealed to me, all the little mannerisms, the characteristics I thought noble of you, surfaced. For once, Im telling you the truth. And Im sorry if you had seen me as such and my betrayal changed your mind, but just know I had thought of you as family., I did, Kara, Lena cries, tears falling. And I love you now. She closes her eyes, sighing. It also comes with cloaking for traffic cams and surveillance so they cant follow you through the streets. All the children who looked up to her, everyone who looked up to her, would be devastated. I know it probably was hard., I dont mean to. Alex Director Danvers Had detained her after she interfered with one too many DEO crime scenes, not abiding her contract of keeping away from the agency. Lena will never look at her the same way. She hasnt met her yet. What good would acrylic nails do? Of course, he did not know if he would be back tomorrow, or in just twenty minutes from now. She pulls her into her lap and Alex lays her head on her shoulder, sobbing. A huge grin, baring all his teeth. I deserve it for hurting you., The Luthor sobs, holding the gun with two hands to keep it steady. Clark. I called Andrea and got you the day off. Mmm, not until I finish my glass, please. Kara, Mon-El whispers, reaching a hand out to brush a strand of hair. Kara slowly looks over at her sister. She walks over to Alex, crossing her arms over her chest and watching as her sister saunters back and forth. You cant stop me. I cant tell you. But there were all sorts of new things she was learning about her. She wants to get on her good side, the side that trusts, and the only way to do that is to help her with the one thing shell love more than anything. So I reversed the formula. With the flick of a hand, Kara is wearing her hero identity. Copy and paste the link into your browser to complete form for requests. Shes too afraid Lena might shut her out. She had found her way to an old closet in the building they were in, beginning her search for history on the Anti-Monitor, space frequencies, plans for taking on the force they were about to be met with, anything that could help. I dont know, I guess. She wears no boots, limping barefoot and dragging streaks of blood across the tile floor. Youre never going to get that date, a voice calls from behind the desk. But Blake kept treating Melissa like trash. Alex hadnt even let Kara fly home to sleep in her own bed. Maybe not. So she lets her sleep, and soon they are both snoring on the couch,Funny Face playing quietly in the background. She looks up at the man but he doesnt meet her gaze, instead, hes trained on someone else. Maybe, she whispers. Kara frowns at her, sticking out her bottom lip in exaggerated sympathy. Whered you come from? She looks up and just as she scans the park that rests right in front of her place of work, the worried face of an old lover appears. Earth joins the GU and immediately Daxam sends their official diplomats, the Crown Prince Mon-El and his wife, Princess Imra. The smell of alcohol stings in her nose and she slips out of his grasp. Her boots are melted, exposing red feet, her shins have bubbled in welts. A certain someone. Why?, Kara sighs, her eyes squeezed shut. Supergirl and I will demonstrate some fighting positions, and then you will pair up and try them out for yourself. Something happened that allowed me to piece some events together. The doors are open, allowing a steady wind to circulate her home. Hows Clark and the baby?, Kara smiles. Did she hear her right? Because now he has Kara. They walk a few more blocks, occasionally commenting on the smell of Antonios meal in the bag, a passing shop theyve gone into, or walking in silence with Kara leaning into his shoulder. Alex Kara cries, her face crumbling as she collapses into her sisters arms. I remembered the pain in your voice, the lack of trust you had in me. Agent Danvers has met her before, notDirector., Karas arms drop to her sides. Whats the dream, William? Ive been trying, but not hard enough. She sucks in a deep breath, then nudges her sister. They hate each other. That wasnt our first kiss. Kara hums, deflecting her gaze from him. Same goes for the doppel. Will the arrival of a mysterious foreign student with silky brown hair and legs for days be able to fix Karas mind? But that still leaves the rest of his three hundred immediate family members. Hes right, she says, shaking her head. Its strange, isnt it?, How you can be desperately in love with someone even if you havent seen or spoken to them in years. Heroing and all, Lena teases. That I wont ever be Kara again., Lena bites her lip, having to look away. All the while, telling you about my Achilles heel. And since everyone in my life has left me, the only person I can count on now is me., Kara sucks on her bottom lip, and lets go of Lenas hand. Now, Lena waits at her desk with a glass of bourbon, her balcony door open as her chair is turned toward it, watching. Okay. Okay, Kara, relax, Alex tries, putting a stiff hand on her suits symbol. *An AU where Kassandra's uncle Pleistarchos was killed when Alexios was five years old. Danvers. Kara can feel herself dying, her suit becoming soaked with her blood. Kara lands on the balcony of Lenas penthouse gently, her boots making no sound as she balances herself on the concrete. Yes, Lena answers softly. My marriage is seven years in the future, Kara. So, if were not sitting down, where are you taking me?, He sighs, thinking. Tears had sprung from her eyes after all the pressure was built up inside her head, forcing them to leak. Prove it., Jonn looks at Kara and she glances over at him. Lena never lifts her head. Thats what she was trying to keep from you, Lena. Put that down, she pleads. Hes right. He is starting to understand her little mannerisms, the movements she does when she is uncomfortable or relaxed, and the more he learns the more he wants to spend time with her. Why do this? Havent had a bad date?. Lena lurks in the shadows in the alley beside the DEO, a specially enhanced pistol in her hand loaded with a poison Kryptonite bullet. Im a Luthor, Kara. Her eyes open and she stares down the barrel of a specific Kryptonite pistol. On a table are Lexs journals, pages open and dog-eared, highlighted and annotated. The love. What would that be called? So him being on Earth was difficult for me. Her eyes went a heavy gray and the light on her face dimmed too dark. Why are you back so early?, What! Kara cries, leaning back. I did, yes. I thought I was your best friend., You are! Kara says quickly, nodding. You will be able to see and interact with people you havent seen in months, years, even. Do you ever sleep?, Alex hums, a soft smile playing at her lips. Her name was crawling across every screen, every report. She sits on a mound of rubble, grabbing her cape and wrapping it around herself. She furrows her brow at them, confused as to why they are not helping her, but then realizes what she must look like. And just as quickly as the warm thoughts of her fantasy family arise, Mxys blue magic swirls around her, taking the crib and pictures of her life with it. What for?, Kara almost smiles, but with the situation they are in this is no time for smiling. I interviewed Antonio for my piece, wrote a glowing article for his restaurant. Now, now, Ms. Danvers. But as the questions begin to fill in her brain, her eyes drift to the glass and two bottles of empty wine sitting on the table. I believe you. Kara, I never wanted to love someone else., She brings herself to look at him. Long range and precise, holds enough Kryptonite to do the job successfully., I will, Alex blurts, glancing up at her. The doppel was strong, stronger than she was. But now, shes found a new appreciation for the humans that go out of their way to experience what she does so easily. Who are you?, He sucks his teeth, pondering. Lena doesnt move, just gazes at her like shes seen a ghost. And the worse thing is that Im still waiting for an apology. Hi, its Lena. Yeah, youre right. You can practically see the whole city from up here, she says, looking out over the skyscrapers. Understands where he is, who he is, what he is capable of. Clark looks up at Kara and at her expression. He raises his eyebrows at her, pursing his lips. Shes strong, but shes exhausted. And suddenly I was, I am, this face and feeling of being secure and safe. Before Lena can stop her, Alex wraps strong arms around her sister, hugging her tightly. He knew her work side, the reporter that would stop at nothing for the truth, and he loved her compassion for it. I think its worth a shot.. The Fortress of Solitude, Kara whispers, staring out the window. I think its incredible how despite the distance between people, youll never stop loving them. They stand in silence for a moment, until Nias anger with him boils to a steam. She sees right through her. Yeah, Im gonna do it. She stands eagerly. She clenches her fists, pinching the bridge of her nose. The woman who showed her sister how to be herself, who taught her how to demand what she wanted. Ill ask again, my sweet daughter and Mon-El of Daxam. I still believe that. You need to pick her up right now before the DEO does.. She had taken their friendship so seriously because she knew Lenas history, she knew Lenas past. She understood that she lied, betrayed her, but Lena let her believe that they were going to be okay. Shes really in her old office, restored from Andreas drab decor. She was smiling dreamily upon him, cradling him lovingly. It would risk altering the past, present, and future if I did, and that would be catastrophic. So what am I supposed to do then?, Lena laughs, throwing her head back. Dont give me the hope that you can be good.. He tells Imra hell be back and jogs after Kara. As she stepped in, she answered the call. Now, Izuku Midoriya is the bearer of the watch with the master control still unlocked. Keep making the world better. it's based on what happens in BVS-DoJ and JL (2nd). I think I should have a turn., But isnt this selfish? Kara argues, gesturing at him. She could finally be herself. Im here. You flew me there., You risked everything for me. Someone in the ship who is awake shoots and yells something in Saturnian and then Kara discovers it is Mon-El. And weapons dont weep.. After several minutes, the pair digs up weapon after weapon and shield after shield. Shes right. Theres not enough Earth, enough light for her to use. Fifteen minutes later, Alex walks into the bar in casual clothes, her hair now falling to the side of her face. And the city may have been fine before me, but now its not. The man sighs, closing his eyes and nodding. And finally, a taller figure on the other side of her sways. She remembers thinking about the scenario of a crimeless world. Feel what I felt., Kara nods, definitely feeling the pain. No family? And since you should be dead, youre expendable. What happens to them then?. Not entirely, it would scar over and take several years to go away, but it was enough for her to act like herself again. Kara gives him a look and he marches over to her. What happens in them can set the guidelines for every other relationship you have. I am your mother. But at a cost. How could she kill her after all of that? What?. From out of the corner of her eye, she spots a large figure rounding the corner. Lena, Im so-, I want you to go, Lena interrupts, brushing past her and opening to door to her office. All in a days work, Kara remarks, sighing and filing away the folder into a larger stack. It made her soft. I hope you dont mind, I let myself in., Not important how, he says, slipping off the bar stool. Not as close as punching National Citys hero in the face based on a request from the President. She snuggles into his cape, hugging it tighter around her, and closes her eyes. I want to show you that the fantasy world youve created in your head, that perfect and pristine life, its not what you think.. Right, she mumbles, finishing her glass. Alex sighs, dropping the charts into Winns hands and following him. Ive read your thoughts, Kara. When I first came to Earth, and Clark brought me to the Danvers house, it was the first time I was treated as equal by society. Alex gasps, covering her mouth as she sees the look on Karas face. The sliding door to the infirmary opens and he waits eagerly for Kara to come up beside him. There he was. Kara clenches her jaw, pushing forward. We are going to get you clean. He was trying, surviving. Mon-El stutters his words and she steps aside smiling.

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