pennies for pagan babies

The Church doesnt have a mission. - Mary Ellen M. Hooo, yes. Not consenting or withdrawing consent, may adversely affect certain features and functions. Margaret Ann is a good respectable name . Thanks for commenting. Steve, Thanks for the kind comment . I seriously want to start a band now, just so I can name us that. - Vera Marie C. Im still a San Franciscan, but boy has everything changed. In Common Good Constitutionalism, Adrian Vermeule argues with straw men and cites blog posts. 1961 66. we collected for pagan babies, but we never got to name them, and there was no box that folded out. Cardinal Theodore E. McCarrick, retired archbishop of Washington; best-selling author Mary Higgins Clark; and television commentator Larry Kudlow were named 2012 pontifical ambassadors for mission. Pagan babies, we all understood in the 50s, were babies born to parents who did not believe in a monotheistic (1 god) religion, because they had not yet received any instruction. Blessing By Iron. You are no doubt a stronger person for it . As a first grade student at St.Aloysius in Wilkes-Barre, PA circa 1969, pagan babies were part of our extreme Catholic instruction. The teacher had a stack of them . Sometimes, I was that girl. Whether or not they converted is one thing, giving up their cultural ties is quite another. Im assuming youre a good Catholic father and have a tons of kids. Exorcist Responds to Sensationalized Russell Crowe Exorcism Film on Father Amorth, Ash Wednesday Breaks All the Rules of Modern ChurchThink, and More Great Links! Drawing its title from Hinckle's parochial education in San Francisco's Sunset District, "Ransoming Pagan Babies: The Selected Writings of Warren Hinckle" released by Berkeley nonprofit. Anyone have proof the Catholic Church ( the dedicated Nuns ) were able to get the pagan baby money to its intended recipients? Her latest books are What Would Monica Do? Really thought I was saving a baby!" The civil right movement was a much better teacher than The Catholic School system. The book may rally his followers, but it wont add to their number. It took $10.00 to save a baby. I went to a public school. Along with the Pagan babies does anyone remember selling books of small stamps people could use on envelopes? You mean to tell me , he began , that we are supposed to sell a candy bar for a dollar that we could buy in the store for fifty cents Im late to this party, but want to add my two cents. We had the cardboard boxes and there was stiff competition Something good came from Corpus Cristi. Went to Holy Name Grade School and when my friend was writing a book including some Catholic characters ( she is not Catholic), my fellow Holy Name and I gave her the pagan baby story to include, complete with only the rich kids got to name the baby since the rest of us did not have the means to save $5. What readers of her book talked about the most was either Is there really such a thing a pagan babies thats hilarious or Oh yes, I remember saving up during Lent to get to name a pagan baby. Thanks for the memories. Fogogo to mention JUG for bad behavior- Justice Under God, also at St. Ignatius College Prep JMJ was replaced with AMGD all for the glory of God. Do Black Patent Leather Shoes Really Reflect Up? It wasnt a huge effort at our school, Christ the King in Pleasant Hill, CA, and im sure i sold very few as my parents were not very supportive of that kind of fundraising. 4. muddymoose 4 mo. I dont remember selling stamps , but a vague memory comes back to me about Christmas stamps . I might have gone into the public school with this Catholic bubble around me and I might have been hesitant to burst the Catholic bubble of protection. Remember it like it was yesterday. Founded In Honolulu, Honolulu County, Hawaii, United States More than one artist goes by Pagan Babies 1. Linda A. McMillin is a professor of history at Susquehanna University. Pagan ,pagan, pagan . Love Your Sister Valheim Genshin Impact Minecraft Pokimane Halo Infinite Call of Duty: Warzone Path of Exile Hollow Knight: Silksong Escape from Tarkov Watch Dogs: Legion. It was called Adopt-A-Pagan-Baby. Does ANYONE know where the money did go? Gina Cascone grew up in central New Jersey and is the author of Pagan Babies, Mother's Little Helper, and coauthor of twenty-six books for children. No pagan babies, just for the hungry, I think. Or for the poor, underprivileged kids in the USA? There was excitement in the air . Well, when mama found out, she threw a fit. between boys and girls. When Oblate Father Andrew Small asked who remembered them at the inaugural World Mission Dinner in New York, a few hands went up, mostly belonging to people with gray hair. Christians have always believed that baptism is the gateway to life in the Spirit (vitae spiritualis ianua), and the door which gives access to the other sacraments. Lord, LordCatholic schools. The rice they used was really good which I think defeated the purpose since a lot of kids looked forward to it, myself included. Other Brookliners Remember Adopting Copyright 2023 EWTN News, Inc. All rights reserved. "I remember Pagan Babies!" A recent Pew Research Center study revealed that much of Christianity is significantly losing members. I remember the rice bowls but no actual rice. Good hunting , though . When Father Andrew Small, O.M.I., asked who remembered them at the inaugural World Mission Dinner May 2 at the Pierre Hotel in Manhattan, a few hands went up, mostly belonging to people with gray hair. class voted on names. except the last. Saint Martins actoss the street from you back then. Same thing, just a more PC name. For whatever reason, we googled pagan baby today.My husband and I thought we were the only two people who remembered pagan babies!!!! "Baptism . 1:16). It barely rings a bell hearing something about pagan babies. And then I asked some of my school friends on Facebook if they remembered and none did. In three years, we bought sixthree boys and three girls. These babies, we were told, didnt know God. There were just people who needed another shoulder on their plow. It seemed like an honorable thing, he explained. Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen, who once said, My greatest love has always been the missions of the church, was very much a spiritual presence at the dinner, where his name was invoked several times. I thoroughly enjoy your posts. Wow ! on a regular basis. We did that too. Who could choose the most ridiculous name ? Oh my, what a great story. Ill bet you remember those . The nuns encouraged us to bring in our pennies and when we saved up five bucks, bingo!, we bought a baby. Consider these suggestions for renewing your life in Christ this season. I went to Marymount Jr. School (on Sunset) and we were all sent home to canvas the neighborhood in Brentwood for heavens sake, to sell pagan babies! David. Some Irish nuns were there one day to speak to the students . The salesman had no answer . I remember how exciting it was when the Pagan Baby certificate was delivered. Pagan Babies was a missionary effort by definition it took place in other countries where the Catholic Church was trying to make inroads. Davey; The concept, And then she went down to the school and repossed those things. The only money we collected in little paper boxes was for UNICEF and to be perfectly honest, Im not even entirely sure what UNICEF is. I remember those statues . If I had to walk down an aisle or through a classroom on my own, I tried to muffle the noise by slowing my step. Jump forward to 1980 . Good story about your uncles revelation Ah , the mendacity of the whole thing ! Thanks for sharing that. Marymount ? Cant remember anything else about them except I would ask my parents, grandparents and neighbors to buy them. Herman . "I named my Pagan Baby Patrick. Aiden/ Aidan: Is of Celtic, which means "little fire." Alun: Alun means "harmony." Albus: This name means "white." A Timeline. This reading is starting to stir up memories of holy water, chapel caps, rosaries that lit up a green color in the bed at night, memorizing the Catechism in case the Arch-Bishop asked me a question at our Confirmation, being chosen to carry up the gifts, and on and on. I suspect nowhere . We believed that somewhere in the world would be a pagan with a stupid name chosen by the silly students of Corpus Christi Catholic School . But I remember that we did get certificates sent to us from the Society for the Propagation of the Faith with the babys name. The missionary spirit was evident as Pontifical Mission Societies honored three people at the gala. Hosted a supper the other night for some friends from church. I guess this went on everywhere. . Boy , does all of that ring true to me ! He could go home , buy his kids new bikes if he wanted to , and come back at the end of two weeks to collect the cash . I should have asked them if they had ever run into any pagan named Herman . It is Catholic mission crowd-funding,making it easy to support those givingspiritual and material comfort to the sufferingand marginalized . in the classroom to see who had the most babies. Oh my goodness! A lot of people never knew what I was Our principal determined that Hush Puppies were insurance against black scuffmarks in halls and classrooms. End of March we usually plant or seed our wishes for the year. One guy talked about confession when he was in third grade. I liked your PT post . Theology should be at the heart of any Catholic university. The cost of a $1.00 seems to be tucked in my memory; because, I think that I recall that a big thing was buying one on your own and then naturally you could name it. Thanks for your comment . Glad you enjoyed it . When did this extremely non-PC term stop being used? The certificates were white, thick,wrinkly paper with burnt orange and brown late 60s modern catholic designs. At the end of the semester, the class that had accumulated the most donations was awarded a prize. They were missionaries working somewhere in Africa . And of course, there was competition between the classrooms. MISSION CALLArchbishop Carlo Maria Vigano, apostolic nuncio to the United States, right, was among the notable guests at the first World Mission Dinner. We'd all suggest names, and then vote for the one we liked best. Pingback: A Poor Church For the Poor | Vox Nova, Pingback: Remembering a Different A-to-Z Challenge | No Facilities, This was too much fun. Timothy Bulone, Neighbor. Were they some mythic group like the starving kids in China, Hungary, Elsewhere who would have been happy to have your brussels sprouts? I refused. with any faith. Those who would like to know what became of their pagan babies will soon get a chance to find out when Pontifical Mission Societies formally launches its Great Works Campaign in the coming months. We would use the proceeds to buy pagan babies. Yesit must have been everywhere even Deer Lodge, Montana where I went to Catholic School. - Sal S. They wore full habits in the old style . Even though I later went on to become a Catholic priest (and later resigned and married), my robust suspicion that Catholicism did not have all the answers began to take root way back in my young Catholic boyhood. Back in the 1950s and early-1960s, and possibly before that, the Catholic schools sponsored an ongoing drive to raise money for missions in foreign lands. They also helped keep things quiet. Adopt A Pagan Baby - 1959. They changed the name because it had grown beyond the initial save the war-torn orphans mission. . I vividly remember the certificate you have posted, with the various nationalities represented. - Bob H. . That fits , I suppose . collection boxes given to each child. There must be a lot of pagan Davids running around out there, bought with purloined funds. Each was presented with a medallion featuring a representation of the papal keys. Every month after the money was collected, a students name was randomlypicked out of a bag with the chosen name becoming the Pagan Baby of the Month. Certificates were horizontally displayed above the green & yellow cursive writing examples atop the blackborads. They were called pagan babies, certainly not the most sensitive appellation and one that would never be used today. Thanks for checking out my blog about my fathers WWII service on the PT boats. The missionary spirit was evident as Pontifical Mission Societies honored three people at the May 2 gala. Sure would love to hear from anyone that remembers. They folded out . They were wondering how to react . EDIT: On second thoughts, I think that was **not **an official school thing, but kids bringing in this charity appeal from their church thing. Diane, Those were the days , eh ? Pictures of Cherub-faced Indian, African, and Asian babies graced small cardboard Needless to say, Zachary stuck. When the principal had signed on to a candy sale fundraising scheme because the promotion companys salesman gave him a stereo system as a gift to grease the wheels , the salesman spoke to the students for a few minutes at the morning assembly . Cover Reveal for My Road Trip Cowboy Romance! But, in fact, the entire program was rooted in a sense of solidarity and charity in the broadest understanding of the word. The teachers all smiled . When they reached $5, they then ransomed a child overseas, got a certificate and the right to name the child being looked after by missionary sisters, brothers and priests abroad. Each classroom was given small cardboard collection boxes . FYI : My granny was raised in Sterling . Theres the priority. I had a lot of Pagan Babies named Mary Margaret!! Any questions ? I dont remember . ). Shed be about 70 now! I remember hearing the term too when I attended parochial school (mid 1960s), but by then it had been replaced by the UNICEF boxes. With missionary nuns and pagan babies for starters. I had the vocation, the novenas were working! If you want, you can contact the director of music programming at Hawaiian Public Radio, and ask him if hes still using it, though. I have no idea what spurred me on this morning to do a search for Pagan Babies maybe I was trying to recall my first exposure to racism. I did the saving bond thing , too . I will say, Im happy I went to catholic school. Pagan Babies is classic crime fiction from the master of suspense, Ne. I thought they would all come in a box and be distributed at the end of the school year. catholic school 1978-1991. Weird, the kind of memories we carry over from childhood, isnt it? Required fields are marked *. Pope Benedicts Resignation: Debate Continues 10 Years On, Example of Their Lives: 6 American Black Catholics Are on the Road to Sainthood, Ex-Cardinal McCarrick Asks for Dismissal of Sex Abuse Case Against Him, Citing Dementia, Albany Diocese Bans Latin Masses Following New Guidance From the Vatican, What Have the Jesuits Done About Rupnik? I remember doing the rice bowl thing during Lent, but I dont remember it being for the pagan babies. As I write this I still feel the hurt and frustration 50 years later. It was probably a good lesson in giving for us little ones ; but , the money - probably not a huge sum overall - ? She went to Catholic school too, and I dont know if they had pagan babies then, but I bet they did. For all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ (Gal 3:27). I also seem to recall mention of it in some dimly remembered memoir I read years ago about growing up catholic. James Dingwall picked that name and the girls immediately protested! While the circumstances, the cost, and the rewards varied from parish to parish, most Catholic children of the 1960s saved at least one pagan baby. What exactly we learned from this could be disputed. I suspect that Patricia never named them after you , David . I do not remember the term pagan babies at all, although I remember the little paper boxes quite well. Charlie had a question for the missionary nuns , too . Shop high-quality t-shirts, masks, onesies, and hoodies for the perfect gift. To provide the best experiences, we use technologies like cookies to store and/or access device information. Those memories come from a ways back . We were wondering how much trouble Cary would get into . NFL NBA Megan Anderson Atlanta Hawks Los Angeles Lakers Boston Celtics Arsenal F.C. His parents cant now change the little pagans name , right ? The mission has a church,' Cardinal Timothy M. Dolan of New York reminded his guests in opening remarks. In my class at St. Amelias school in Tonawanda, NY, we collected nickels and dimes in a cigar box to buy a pagan baby. It is a few years after the genocide of the Tutsis by the Hutus.. Father Terry lives in Rwanda with his girlfriend Chantelle. It may speed things up . Kids', toddler, & baby clothes with Pennies For designs sold by independent artists. We were expected to sell subscriptions to our local Archdiocese newspaper when I went to elementary school. A freshly sprung ex-con turned stand-up comic, Debbie needs some fast cash, too, to settle an old score. "Me too! In our class it was the boys vs the girls. But I was in the mist of all of the Catholic Truths and those truths just werent ringing true to me. Hey! decided it was no longer a good way to raise money for Catholic missions. This is a serious problem. I don't know how this actually worked, and where the money really went, and if actual infants were handed over at some mission across the globe. Maybe the program was intended , at least partially , to teach us generosity . . But I dont remember her name." J. OBrien. Without a subpoena, voluntary compliance on the part of your Internet Service Provider, or additional records from a third party, information stored or retrieved for this purpose alone cannot usually be used to identify you. I also remember something about a bridge We went to Blessed Sacrament Grade School in LaCrosse and pagan baby buying was fierce and rampant; Within grades, boy / girl and between grades. MJ, yes, the price was $5.00 and the money was kept in a cigar box, of all things! Yup. Patti Maguire Armstrong Patti Maguire Armstrong is host of the TV talk show Ladies of Another View and an award-winning author and journalist. When we got five dollars the children would pick a name for the pagan baby, send the five dollars to the priest at the mission who would snatch the baby from an eternity of suffering and baptize it with the name we sent along. Other notable guests included Cardinal Sean OMalley, Archbishop of Boston; Bishop Bejoy DCruze of Sylhet, Bangladesh; actor Andy Garcia, who stars in the film For Greater Glory, which opens June 1; and Noel Campbell, who rode Amtrak for three days from the Coeur DAlene Indian Reservation in northwest Idaho to New York to attend the event. I think the Catholic church needed better PR people back then. Catholic Dopers >age 50- does the term "pagan babies" ring a bell? I also had a more personal reason for hitting the $5 markthe point at which you actually saved a baby and got naming rights. baptize it and give it the name we chose." I think the whole pagan babies thing was to give us something concrete to hold onto, plus those certificates that we got and plus, of course, naming rights all in the name of raising money for the Churchs missionary work. Fierce competition existed between some of the nuns as to whose class had the most pagan babies. I may have turned into a pagan . Ask the deities of your pantheon to watch over the residents of your home. I think there was some small prize involved for any student that sold them. Labeling any baby pagan, much less sweeping into this category all foreign children of color, makes me look back with embarrassment. I love the four Beatles pagan babies idea and the adultery thing ! St. Paul noted that baptism replaces circumcision and circumcision was for infants. Ask for their blessings so that your home will remain safe and happy, or if you do not follow a particular deity, you can alternately ask the . HELLO!!!!!!!! I told some Catholic friends about collecting money for Pagan Babies at Dover (Ohio) St. Josephs and they had never heard of such a thing but Im sure we did it. Read honest and unbiased product reviews from our users. Powered by Discourse, best viewed with JavaScript enabled, 5.00 together, we got to buy and name a pagan baby. We collected money (I think) for UNICEF but we didnt get to name anyone. or school. We can smile at it now at perhaps how silly it was, Father Small said. Named mine Margaret Ann. And I think that if you bought your own Pagan Baby you got to take the certificate home. Then I developed dysentery, and the very people I was there to save were taking care of me. The poor pagan was already named Herman , right ? I would hope that the Catholic schools are more sophisticated too . 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