document.write(TimeStamp.Beautify('Tue Feb 02 2021 16:45:14 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)')). Are you sure you want to create this branch? OP . @Texas You can always steal GetObjects scripts with a little work and a good enough executor, on another note it's obfuscated but with some testing and analysis this script looks legitimate. Click go to script button for get script 2. Paste the script into your script application 4. not how it works. )_RQi-Qu_iFLi:{MYYFOm-OOSQRD)mD)_GO_iDY-_umDF-auDiuYmO_hQO::-Dgm):FRiOuFY-&OmuQ-h:RJR-:u)DBLL)D>R_FFORY)Yi)DLmDDRYOuRiQRFFYYm_D)BhL-m)hDm:FhmR)muuRDuuODF-F)iiRYYQRhLR:O)-mmDQOD)mOhRDh):FF-mmhih-FFRihR:QFQiO)FR-u_-iil-LRu-DQm_DRmOuhD)-Q_iYmRR)uJO_DhYDQmmi_y)OOQiYhuOvF-):DY)mOOm-OmFiYD)mSuu-F:mhiDh:DDD-vuDFFmm)Oh:_RQhiO:)uODiRDQYDum-iL-))FDmzD::Ym-L)ch)mRFO-hm-):DL_xu_U*:-DimF:FBQYQQ2Y__hODDm:mhm-OL:)F9imLiYYQ)iM_mDF)QmYD)miu:miDR)L#hR-D):uuLDORARwFumSh_:)FQimLFRDOLiih4YL:FmLDO)hFmROOSO-DFQQh-)iRDYmDF_dF:FF!D:)uQiDDuFzFmF:;Y}OR)L}+Lm)DD_mDuuR)LuFh-YmuDFLOOiiO_i_DhmOF))iQLiF:hQ:iFYDuOuuhLDOL#LmhF:Ym-L)sh)_FFOYD)Yh-DLLhF)L-OiQhmOFFDi_))9YuOm)FRY_eumZvL:FuDuuYDO+:uDQDmYORih--)Yi:mDuTDu)R)Q{h_Yum-uuDQO-uFR,i_:)-QiLD)iRR:iihDAOmQuDQO)D)R-mDD)RF:QD)-Y:--DmQu-h::FFZRY_uuuLi:_i-mF:DhAOROmYhmFFmhLRhuuhFLQQQ-_umDD-,FRFF_L:hh:RF:-D2m):FRiLYuWLmm-uO-hOR2OLDF:YYYiuL1ROiiiDhmYuQDL)_u_YRuRQ:RF:FYmRR)JDiLWQiXFmRu_RDm)Qixi:DDOmY)iiRmY)RrQ-LuFDFL_:Qh:_i)QDL):hRDiOv5RY=umFD_:)FQiO5:_iF:ihY<-mOFm-LO)F-R-Oh/:_m:QhR-YOF-iOh)(DFLLF_D__OuuYOuiF:bQ_iQORRFhYF_)QY-_RLiRMmLuu)Rumhh)-_)RD-_mFKDOL::miQOLiiRSODhuR)))D-U__YDhmFu)2Y__OLYLRLixD)Ou)hRR:iimLD)hiBL)uhQ_m:OQ4Q_iu_ZuOiQFs)):FRDu)-DFLh)io:mOFOY0-LQLiQO_)X-RLLi_Dm:uu:L_mQDRP:uR;umuOWY:RXQRhLOh):-FLjiFL-)-u:Lh_mDOmhuhQL_u:gY_R:iLhQ::usRumYuhLumhDmY_u)Qu__OhY,-D:Q-_RQi-DL)du:LLmQD_vi_uDiYuFYi-_LOuYmOQQQh-:Yu-Rmm_h:qO_YDOmuuuQ)--Fu-RO_QmRIODiDR:LQhRwL)uF:m-_QMhYiFO7h--Q-DLOL):RY)OiiL:OmQOR_)YFL_-F+dO_uO_--_Di:RR:uh(hQ)uuVRDu-D-3:u:i)mQOFPhR-Q--RmQQ{RR:YFDLhLhD_YD_L7LYiuhi-mRFiY_m:Q1-i)-hYDOLih_Eu)QiYLDFih)mFF_0L-_Q)-4RQiQhi:_uu-OuuimRh)_iFLm)_QDRQ)OY:RQi:-R:hFi-:)DDi-_m:s_mLuF,hYuQ_YROQiO-h:L)>RhLQD-8vu_F:m-_Qx--PFRiY-hi}ih:L)_R8LuhcDh)LuDLYu:D:nhFLQu_Y:-YQR_iCihO)hPRTL_hmE_))FOYLuhQL_uOQcDR9Qui:ORiu-uLWiD;})uu:LRuuDuYCFhQimDQ_Y_-QQhh::huSRRmLhuj:)FF)Y_uQQ__gOhY:R-QQh_O))ODY:Oh:L))muum_uRIQ_OFhYL-JFDiLORi_-_RQh:Rm)hD)m.u_F-mY__8m_:F:iu_hiO-uO)hLRR)RhQZ})uF:m-_Qbh-eFRiY_FQ-i_O_u:-:LQhYY):LhhRY)RimLD_:Y__LFFYh-ui_-R:QhORh)LukL-mLDRm_u_FQmQ:iYo-DQ-h_O_iOY0OLhORmOR 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document.write(TimeStamp.Beautify('Tue Feb 02 2021 17:48:37 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)')). Run and done Note : 1. Elexonic Well-Known Member. While I can't test the script for myself, the maintainer of the script is ironically some developer behind a game named 'Da Hood 2', so this just seems like elaborate bait. Watch video for showcase - YouTube : da hood hack script/pastebin (aimlock, autorob ,fly, unban, inf cash, super op) *2021 . Paste the script into your script application 3. 46 min ago To review, open the file in an editor that reveals hidden Unicode characters. To review, open the file in an editor that reveals hidden Unicode characters. document.write(TimeStamp.Beautify('Mon Feb 01 2021 19:48:49 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)')), Guys I found an Da hood unban script and I wanted to tell u the script:loadstring(game:GetObjects("rbxassetid://5812737894")[1].Source)(), Replied Replied !da hood hackda hood scriptda hood guida hood bedwars hackda hood bedwars scriptda hood hacksda hood scriptsroblox da hood guida hood hack scriptda hood aimbotda hood god modeda hood dupe cashda hood cashda hood duperroblox da hood dupehow to dupe in da hoodhow to dupe cash in da hoodda hood cash dupe scriptda hood cash duper scriptda hood moneyda hood money dupe#dahood #dahoodroblox #hood #bedwars #roblox #bedwarsroblox #script #dahood #dahoodroblox #robux #Roblox #RobloxDaHood #DaHood #Dimag16 #DaHoodHack #DaHoodScript #RobloxExploiting #chasesynx #tiktok #petsim #petsimx In most cases, it's impossible to bypass serverside bans, and most 'unban scripts' are either jokes of some sort of elaborate plans to increase punishment severity. Cannot retrieve contributors at this time. I have no way to test for the actual effectiveness of it, though. amongussussybaka1234 72 12th Jun, 2022. 1 hour ago document.write(TimeStamp.Beautify('Tue Feb 02 2021 16:43:14 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)')), Added | 0.32 KB, C++ | Many Git commands accept both tag and branch names, so creating this branch may cause unexpected behavior. By continuing to use Pastebin, you agree to our use of cookies as described in the, 2023Q1_PY - Python3 Tail Call With Trampoline. Step : 1. :iiFRR):u_LhOOD)L)FQDD_:FYYh_OuY-uORhE-)LhDm.-ukFum__iQi--Fm,m_uFFhYRFiYRL:L)uR))uDFLOmQ?-mDuiIm_uO:YRR:iRhQOiu7LYmLhLZ:)uFQmmOD4L_OQLQQ_u)ihuLfuLh::_hFD_))D^>LO^i_-DFJQ_OLQ-Y)OQ::-F:-)_ C__h:DhuQDumYFLQV_RFuiFRu)hD)Ou)BRh:QhRL_m-D-mmF-Fu__:FiQRL::hQLR:u-::i):RF)-u_Y-F:iYm-_:Y__LFFYh-uQDDFOiQiLN:RhQRm)DhFY!FOQL_-OQYm-D:DhLOOQO-QOiuRDi)QQmmA_OQO-FuDhY__FR-!_)uY--:Qi)-D)RFiLYuLDL-mFvD)miui-K_RFiDO:RQ)-iOih-RR:iQmm-OFK_YiOihY_m)OYQ_)i_YDmOi:L-:DhmL)ORDOmuuuiFmDQ2-Y_i:--OmRim-m):iFLL:iDOLR_:TDYQFuiL_i:OhORQQDYD:LimDFmmDLYiu:FDYD:R{OR)Fh4FO:QYD)OihnRqL_hmL_uODR1:u_i)-_:F-Y_QQO-LOO:Q-umhuO=mLhhQmYmQDDm__u9:RQ:ui-:oQh-m::)LRO:hu-YsO-DL(uF:4_miQJQQ_DQ_iuO:hQymm:)QLu):hDm-mhwLYuuhi-OR:RhDORiLRm:Y)_RL_OFYY3ORDOmuuuQ+mDQ/-Y_i:--mOQ)+-hu-FFJ)m-zHLhume:YLQ2riO-QYYO:L:u-i:L):R__:FuPzuhDQmRF_Q-_D)RYY_mQOYFmRiLRh:FhYLm_DDRm_u_iOm::i(FmDQFYmLihYRL)LhRL9LhDQmLFYDF-FuDY?OYFii-ODuR-YOmiO-F_RhOLu)uFKLDF-?-Y:FOY:O)QmiuOiiLh::_F:YR_buum:u_Di_B_Q1ORiFDhDORiLRm:Y)_R))yuLJDOLD_ZQFur:mDQ-Qh_F)D--mYimR_)OhRD:)DQ)muOFDD_-F-Q:_OQuYuR?QDR-:-):R__)hu4F_FFLmRF_Z_YQQLhiO::DhDmRiOd):hiFL:)YQ)LiFX/SY_FmY_OOQRi:OFi-h_mLF:YY)-u:m_uLDFmh_uqi_L:mhRL:uR-LRuh:R_:iDUDQu:Dmmuu)DD_QO-Ym_Q:GYhmHu-h:)_hLRF)huuL:OFQ:-iQR,h_)Q_Y)-hQQS^L)uOD :hDRDhuYD:VQO:iQmhOL--O>QO-uR_i)R?LLFRY_)_uQmuu:DD_-_hYY_:OQh_:huO-:RhhQRu)YDL2kuACR_1_:0OR):Oh-R_)QD_R:i_RFL_h)LUmLD-__ODi&Y_QLY-_)QQi::mu)-OOFiiRY_)humLuYDOmF:m8)_QFQhi_huR-YOmhY-F_RhLLh)FDYmmODXR__F_hO_FQQ-iO):hRFmDiiRY)RhOYDuR*_m__QrF_QQiY)-hiY-:RQiu.hmFuLm-uTDOmu__Y-mDQLYR_)i_iQODi_hu::DQYm_OuQmuu:DD_-_hwQRD:)h:LFQQR_:Ri)Ri_OhFLh)hQDmuOZ3L-:Q)i)Lmi)-Q:QiFR:L_DLLQu)DR-RuOT:_)FmQuO! Click COPY button for auto copy script 3. Da Hood Script NEW UNBAN, GODMODE, AIMBOT - Advertisement SHARE TWEET Da Hood Script NEW UNBAN, GODMODE, AIMBOT Sebastian159951789 May 6th, 2021 86,149 0 Never Add comment Not a member of Pastebin yet? | 7.61 KB, JSON | )q299241F{_QY-mFFD1D:-QmYDm)h--F:DiDLL)mhDLOuFDF_QFY2FLRQO-::)imhu)Ai)Ri:i{WLR)iiO_Su)5imiQ-YR_iQm-)O)hu-D:)QYLhOOZ-Y)O)ii_Y)RY:_mi-YFmRiORu:uu;RDu,XYLi_-ommQO(ii:-)FYQR-hU-h:mh:DL)uhRLO)O/uLiuOhY_iFRYO_OQQYiOOuDRQ_mDroO_OQFLD:Yw_mRQ^J)LYQm-_:OiRh::RF)RF:FDhLYuuDRmRu)Qh_QFmYmR)))YDLmhLzi):uDsDORDO-)uhDF_:FYh)_iif-=e then if e>=t.PlTjKrcC then if e~=-t.xROrRoqs then repeat if e>t.PlTjKrcC then n=-t.PrWVjwRz;o=-t.PlTjKrcC;break;end;m=l(t.RAjKncQs,t.WFcjCnwr,t.cgEB_Mbj,t.odXgxmeE,_);u=fe ne=t.C_vJXbEc;until true;else m=l(t.RAjKncQs,t.WFcjCnwr,t.cgEB_Mbj,t.odXgxmeE,_);u=fe ne=t.C_vJXbEc;end else d=l(t.RAjKncQs,t._BApCIwq,t.PlTjKrcC,t.RAjKncQs,_);j=l(t.RAjKncQs,t.xROrRoqs,t.xROrRoqs,t.OcbfbCqL,_);end else if e<=t.ETvVnTKv then if e>=-t.PlTjKrcC then repeat if e~=t.ETvVnTKv then g={};y={};break;end;z=t.OpFmvpZz('#',)-t.PlTjKrcC;k={};until true;else g={};y={};end else if t.xROrRoqs~=e then for n=t.aRoKJcaI,t.jKWmjPFm do if t.rewsWaLY~=e then e=-t.xROrRoqs;break;end;s=l(t.zplkMcoA);break;end;else s=l(t.zplkMcoA);end end end e=e+t.PlTjKrcC;end;for e=t.C_vJXbEc,z do if(e>=m)then g[e-m]=y[e+t.PlTjKrcC];else s[e]=y[e+t.PlTjKrcC];end;end;local e=z-m+t.PlTjKrcC local e;local l;function cKYMjweKHqsF()se=false;end;local function m()while true do end end while se do if n<-t.HmthhHrP then n=n+t.jKrivOGQ end e=d[n];l=e[ee];if l>=t.YWnVvamv then if t.oYkZxwCs=t.HFoeEgtG then if t._XVnqvnMt.h_QOCVRW then if l>=t.HFoeEgtG then repeat if l>t.oAoYkqPe then local e=e[a];do return b(s,e,o)end;break;end;if(s[e[a]]~=e[r])then n=n+t.PlTjKrcC;else n=e[f];end;until true;else local e=e[a];do return b(s,e,o)end;end else for l=t.C_vJXbEc,t.cgEB_Mbj do if l>t.PlTjKrcC then if l~=-t.PlTjKrcC then for b=t.qEFTmgQv,t.OcbfbCqL do if t.cgEB_Mbj>l then s[e[a]]=s[e[f]][s[e[r]]];n=n+t.PlTjKrcC;e=d[n];break;end;if s[e[a]]then n=n+t.PlTjKrcC;else n=e[f];end;break;end;else if s[e[a]]then n=n+t.PlTjKrcC;else n=e[f];end;end else if l~=-t.PlTjKrcC then repeat if t.PlTjKrcC>l then s(e[a],e[f]);n=n+t.PlTjKrcC;e=d[n];break;end;s(e[a],e[f]);n=n+t.PlTjKrcC;e=d[n];until true;else s(e[a],e[f]);n=n+t.PlTjKrcC;e=d[n];end end end end else if l~=t.VpmhJEtm then for n=t.HpKBhGDu,t.KoYhetxA do if l~=t._XVnqvnM then local n=e[a];do return s[n](b(s,n+t.PlTjKrcC,e[f]))end;break;end;s[e[a]]();break;end;else local n=e[a];do return s[n](b(s,n+t.PlTjKrcC,e[f]))end;end end else if l>=t.qfgsAbPB then if l~=t.TMXKOiix then for l=t.C_vJXbEc,t.RAjKncQs do if t.cgEB_Mbj>l then if t.C_vJXbEct.PlTjKrcC then repeat if t.cgEB_Mbjt.xROrRoqs then if t.ETvVnTKv>l then s[e[a]]=s[e[f]][s[e[r]]];n=n+t.PlTjKrcC;e=d[n];else if l>t.xROrRoqs then for r=t.vsYOKXQB,t.uSoiBfEY do if l>t.ETvVnTKv then if s[e[a]]then n=n+t.PlTjKrcC;else n=e[f];end;break;end;b=e[a]s[b]=s[b](s[b+t.PlTjKrcC])n=n+t.PlTjKrcC;e=d[n];break;end;else if s[e[a]]then n=n+t.PlTjKrcC;else n=e[f];end;end end else if t.PlTjKrcC>l then s[e[a]]=h[e[f]];n=n+t.PlTjKrcC;e=d[n];else if l>t.PlTjKrcC then s[e[a]]=h[e[f]];n=n+t.PlTjKrcC;e=d[n];else s[e[a]]=h[e[f]];n=n+t.PlTjKrcC;e=d[n];end end end end end else if l>=t.TDxTJ_Th then for n=t.TYU_yjtt,83 do if 114~=l then s[e[a]]=s[e[f]]-e[r];break;end;s[e[a]]={};break;end;else s[e[a]]={};end end end else if l<128 then if 125<=l then if 126<=l then if 125<=l then repeat if 126=-2 then repeat if l>1 then s[e[a]]=s[e[f]][s[e[r]]];n=n+1;e=d[n];break;end;s[e[a]]=s[e[f]][s[e[r]]];n=n+1;e=d[n];until true;else s[e[a]]=s[e[f]][s[e[r]]];n=n+1;e=d[n];end end else if l>4 then if 5~=l then if(s[e[a]]~=e[r])then n=n+1;else n=e[f];end;else s[e[a]]=#s[e[f]];n=n+1;e=d[n];end else if 2<=l then for b=11,68 do if l>3 then s[e[a]]=s[e[f]][s[e[r]]];n=n+1;e=d[n];break;end;t=e[a]s[t]=s[t](s[t+1])n=n+1;e=d[n];break;end;else t=e[a]s[t]=s[t](s[t+1])n=n+1;e=d[n];end end end end break;end;local t,l,h;for b=0,4 do if b<=1 then if-3<=b then repeat if 0~=b then s(e[a],e[f]);n=n+1;e=d[n];break;end;s[e[a]]=s[e[f]][s[e[r]]];n=n+1;e=d[n];until true;else s(e[a],e[f]);n=n+1;e=d[n];end else if b<=2 then s[e[a]]=#s[e[f]];n=n+1;e=d[n];else if 3~=b then t=e[a];l=s[t]h=s[t+2];if(h>0)then if(l>s[t+1])then n=e[f];else s[t+3]=l;end elseif(l0)then if(b>s[t+1])then n=e[f];else s[t+3]=b;end elseif(b-1 do if 2>=n then if n<1 then h=a;o=f;c=r;else if-3<=n then for s=27,95 do if 2~=n then d=e;break;end;l=d[o];break;end;else l=d[o];end end else if 4=1 then if t~=-2 then repeat if 2>t then c[e[f]]=s[e[a]];n=n+1;e=d[n];break;end;s[e[a]]=c[e[f]];n=n+1;e=d[n];until true;else c[e[f]]=s[e[a]];n=n+1;e=d[n];end else s[e[a]]=(e[f]~=0);n=n+1;e=d[n];end else if 4=2 then repeat if t~=6 then s[e[a]]={};n=n+1;e=d[n];break;end;s(e[a],e[f]);until true;else s(e[a],e[f]);end else if t==3 then s[e[a]]={};n=n+1;e=d[n];else s[e[a]]={};n=n+1;e=d[n];end end end end break;end;local n=e[a]s[n]=s[n](b(s,n+1,e[f]))until true;else local n=e[a]s[n]=s[n](b(s,n+1,e[f]))end end else if l<=129 then if 129==l then for t=0,1 do if 1>t then s[e[a]]=s[e[f]][s[e[r]]];n=n+1;e=d[n];else if not s[e[a]]then n=n+1;else n=e[f];end;end end else c[e[f]]=s[e[a]];end else if 130-1 do if t<4 then if t<2 then if-3~=t then repeat if t<1 then l=e;break;end;h=a;until true;else l=e;end else if 2=t then if 5~=t then b=o[l[k]];else c=l[h];end else if 6~=t then t=-2;else s[c]=b;end end end t=t+1 end n=n+1;e=d[n];s[e[a]]();n=n+1;e=d[n];do return end;end end end end else if l<142 then if l>136 then if l>=139 then if 139=138 then for n=31,61 do if 140~=l then local e=e[a]s[e]=s[e](b(s,e+1,o))break;end;s[e[a]]=c[e[f]];break;end;else local e=e[a]s[e]=s[e](b(s,e+1,o))end else local e=e[a]local a,n=u(s[e](s[e+1]))o=n+e-1 local n=0;for e=e,o do n=n+1;s[e]=a[n];end;end else if 133~=l then repeat if l~=138 then local l;for t=0,6 do if 3<=t then if t<=4 then if 22 then for l=29,96 do if t~=6 then s(e[a],e[f]);n=n+1;e=d[n];break;end;s(e[a],e[f]);break;end;else s(e[a],e[f]);end end else if 1>t then s(e[a],e[f]);n=n+1;e=d[n];else if 1~=t then l=e[a]s[l]=s[l](b(s,l+1,e[f]))n=n+1;e=d[n];else s(e[a],e[f]);n=n+1;e=d[n];end end end end break;end;if(s[e[a]]~=e[r])then n=n+1;else n=e[f];end;until true;else if(s[e[a]]~=e[r])then n=n+1;else n=e[f];end;end end else if 134=5 then if t>1 then repeat if t>5 then s[e[a]]=s[e[f]];break;end;s[e[a]]=s[e[f]];n=n+1;e=d[n];until true;else s[e[a]]=s[e[f]];end else if t>1 then repeat if t>3 then b=e[a];l=s[e[f]];s[b+1]=l;s[b]=l[e[r]];n=n+1;e=d[n];break;end;s[e[a]]=h[e[f]];n=n+1;e=d[n];until true;else b=e[a];l=s[e[f]];s[b+1]=l;s[b]=l[e[r]];n=n+1;e=d[n];end end end end break;end;else local b,l;for t=0,6 do if t<=2 then if 1<=t then if t==1 then s[e[a]]=s[e[f]]%s[e[r]];n=n+1;e=d[n];else s[e[a]]=s[e[f]]+e[r];n=n+1;e=d[n];end else s[e[a]]=#s[e[f]];n=n+1;e=d[n];end else if t>=5 then if t>1 then repeat if t>5 then s[e[a]]=s[e[f]];break;end;s[e[a]]=s[e[f]];n=n+1;e=d[n];until true;else s[e[a]]=s[e[f]];end else if t>1 then repeat if t>3 then b=e[a];l=s[e[f]];s[b+1]=l;s[b]=l[e[r]];n=n+1;e=d[n];break;end;s[e[a]]=h[e[f]];n=n+1;e=d[n];until true;else b=e[a];l=s[e[f]];s[b+1]=l;s[b]=l[e[r]];n=n+1;e=d[n];end end end end end else if 134>l then local t;s[e[a]][e[f]]=s[e[r]];n=n+1;e=d[n];t=e[a]s[t]=s[t](b(s,t+1,e[f]))n=n+1;e=d[n];s[e[a]]=c[e[f]];n=n+1;e=d[n];s[e[a]]=h[e[f]];n=n+1;e=d[n];s[e[a]]=s[e[f]][s[e[r]]];n=n+1;e=d[n];s[e[a]]=s[e[f]];n=n+1;e=d[n];t=e[a]s[t](b(s,t+1,e[f]))else local o=j[e[f]];local b;local l={};b=t.XgonXesX({},{__index=function(n,e)local e=l[e];return e[1][e[2]];end,__newindex=function(s,e,n)local e=l[e]e[1][e[2]]=n;end;});for a=1,e[r]do n=n+1;local e=d[n];if e[ee]==76 then l[a-1]={s,e[f]};else l[a-1]={h,e[f]};end;k[#k+1]=l;end;s[e[a]]=p(o,b,c);end end end else if 147<=l then if 149<=l then if 149150 then for t=0,6 do if 3>t then if t<=0 then s[e[a]]={};n=n+1;e=d[n];else if t>-3 then repeat if 2~=t then s(e[a],e[f]);n=n+1;e=d[n];break;end;s[e[a]]=s[e[f]];n=n+1;e=d[n];until true;else s[e[a]]=s[e[f]];n=n+1;e=d[n];end end else if t<5 then if 4~=t then s(e[a],e[f]);n=n+1;e=d[n];else s(e[a],e[f]);n=n+1;e=d[n];end else if 3~=t then repeat if 6>t then s(e[a],e[f]);n=n+1;e=d[n];break;end;s(e[a],e[f]);until true;else s(e[a],e[f]);n=n+1;e=d[n];end end end end else h[e[f]]=s[e[a]];end else local e=e[a]s[e](s[e+1])end else if l~=148 then s[e[a]]=s[e[f]]%e[r];else local e=e[a];local n=s[e];for e=e+1,o do t.bflhJWfG(n,s[e])end;end end else if 144<=l then if l<145 then local e=e[a]s[e]=s[e](b(s,e+1,o))else if 142145 then local e=e[a]s[e]=s[e]()break;end;local e=e[a]s[e]=s[e](s[e+1])until true;else local e=e[a]s[e]=s[e](s[e+1])end end else if 142==l then c[e[f]]=s[e[a]];else s[e[a]]=s[e[f]];n=n+1;e=d[n];s[e[a]]=s[e[f]];n=n+1;e=d[n];s(e[a],e[f]);n=n+1;e=d[n];s(e[a],e[f]);n=n+1;e=d[n];s(e[a],e[f]);n=n+1;e=d[n];s(e[a],e[f]);n=n+1;e=d[n];s(e[a],e[f]);end end end end end else if 95>l then if 84>=l then if l>=80 then if 81>=l then if 76<=l then for t=45,80 do if l~=80 then local t;for l=0,6 do if 3<=l then if 4l then s[e[a]]=s[e[f]];n=n+1;e=d[n];break;end;t=e[a]s[t](b(s,t+1,e[f]))break;end;else s[e[a]]=s[e[f]];n=n+1;e=d[n];end else if 0~=l then for t=40,70 do if 3~=l then s[e[a]]=s[e[f]][s[e[r]]];n=n+1;e=d[n];break;end;s[e[a]]=h[e[f]];n=n+1;e=d[n];break;end;else s[e[a]]=s[e[f]][s[e[r]]];n=n+1;e=d[n];end end else if l>0 then if 0~=l then for r=23,53 do if 1=d then f[n]=a[n];e[1]=f;end;end;end;break;end;else local t;for l=0,6 do if 3<=l then if 4l then s[e[a]]=s[e[f]];n=n+1;e=d[n];break;end;t=e[a]s[t](b(s,t+1,e[f]))break;end;else s[e[a]]=s[e[f]];n=n+1;e=d[n];end else if 0~=l then for t=40,70 do if 3~=l then s[e[a]]=s[e[f]][s[e[r]]];n=n+1;e=d[n];break;end;s[e[a]]=h[e[f]];n=n+1;e=d[n];break;end;else s[e[a]]=s[e[f]][s[e[r]]];n=n+1;e=d[n];end end else if l>0 then if 0~=l then for r=23,53 do if 1=l then local t,l,b;for r=0,2 do if r<=0 then s(e[a],e[f]);n=n+1;e=d[n];else if 1~=r then t=e[a];l=s[t]b=s[t+2];if(b>0)then if(l>s[t+1])then n=e[f];else s[t+3]=l;end elseif(l80 then repeat if 84>l then s[e[a]]=s[e[f]]+s[e[r]];break;end;local c,o,h,t,b,l;s[e[a]]=s[e[f]][e[r]];n=n+1;e=d[n];s[e[a]]=s[e[f]][s[e[r]]];n=n+1;e=d[n];s[e[a]]=s[e[f]][e[r]];n=n+1;e=d[n];s[e[a]][s[e[f]]]=s[e[r]];n=n+1;e=d[n];do return s[e[a]]end n=n+1;e=d[n];c=e[a];o={};for e=1,#k do h=k[e];for e=0,#h do t=h[e];b=t[1];l=t[2];if b==s and l>=c then o[l]=b[l];t[1]=o;end;end;end;until true;else local c,o,h,t,b,l;s[e[a]]=s[e[f]][e[r]];n=n+1;e=d[n];s[e[a]]=s[e[f]][s[e[r]]];n=n+1;e=d[n];s[e[a]]=s[e[f]][e[r]];n=n+1;e=d[n];s[e[a]][s[e[f]]]=s[e[r]];n=n+1;e=d[n];do return s[e[a]]end n=n+1;e=d[n];c=e[a];o={};for e=1,#k do h=k[e];for e=0,#h do t=h[e];b=t[1];l=t[2];if b==s and l>=c then o[l]=b[l];t[1]=o;end;end;end;end end end else if 78<=l then if l~=75 then repeat if 78l then local d,h,t,r,l,b;local n=0;while n>-1 do if n<4 then if n>1 then if n>-1 then repeat if 3~=n then t=f;break;end;r=s;until true;else t=f;end else if n~=-2 then for s=33,73 do if n~=0 then h=a;break;end;d=e;break;end;else d=e;end end else if n<=5 then if 1=92 then if 9293 then s[e[a]]=h[e[f]];break;end;local e=e[a];do return b(s,e,o)end;until true;else s[e[a]]=h[e[f]];end else do return s[e[a]]end end else if 90==l then s[e[a]]=s[e[f]]%e[r];else local n=e[a];do return s[n](b(s,n+1,e[f]))end;end end else if 86>=l then if l~=86 then local e=e[a]s[e]=s[e](s[e+1])else s[e[a]]=s[e[f]][e[r]];n=n+1;e=d[n];s[e[a]]();n=n+1;e=d[n];s[e[a]]=s[e[f]];n=n+1;e=d[n];s[e[a]]();n=n+1;e=d[n];do return end;end else if 87>=l then s[e[a]]=s[e[f]]-e[r];else if l~=84 then for t=21,98 do if l~=88 then local t;s(e[a],e[f]);n=n+1;e=d[n];s(e[a],e[f]);n=n+1;e=d[n];t=e[a]s[t]=s[t](b(s,t+1,e[f]))n=n+1;e=d[n];s[e[a]]={};n=n+1;e=d[n];s[e[a]]=s[e[f]];n=n+1;e=d[n];s(e[a],e[f]);n=n+1;e=d[n];s(e[a],e[f]);break;end;local t,h,r,l;t=e[a]s[t]=s[t](s[t+1])n=n+1;e=d[n];t=e[a]s[t]=s[t]()n=n+1;e=d[n];s(e[a],e[f]);n=n+1;e=d[n];s[e[a]]=c[e[f]];n=n+1;e=d[n];t=e[a]h,r=u(s[t](b(s,t+1,e[f])))o=r+t-1 l=0;for e=t,o do l=l+1;s[e]=h[l];end;n=n+1;e=d[n];t=e[a]s[t]=s[t](b(s,t+1,o))break;end;else local t,r,h,l;t=e[a]s[t]=s[t](s[t+1])n=n+1;e=d[n];t=e[a]s[t]=s[t]()n=n+1;e=d[n];s(e[a],e[f]);n=n+1;e=d[n];s[e[a]]=c[e[f]];n=n+1;e=d[n];t=e[a]r,h=u(s[t](b(s,t+1,e[f])))o=h+t-1 l=0;for e=t,o do l=l+1;s[e]=r[l];end;n=n+1;e=d[n];t=e[a]s[t]=s[t](b(s,t+1,o))end end end end end else if l>=104 then if 109>l then if 105>=l then if 103<=l then repeat if l~=104 then local t,b,h,d,l,r;local n=0;while n>-1 do if 4>n then if 1=-3 then for s=21,86 do if 1>n then t=e;break;end;b=a;break;end;else b=a;end end else if n<=5 then if n>3 then for e=15,55 do if 5>n then l=d[t[h]];break;end;r=t[b];break;end;else l=d[t[h]];end else if n>5 then for e=49,93 do if 7>n then s[r]=l;break;end;n=-2;break;end;else s[r]=l;end end end n=n+1 end break;end;do return s[e[a]]end until true;else local d,b,r,l,t,h;local n=0;while n>-1 do if 4>n then if 1=-3 then for s=21,86 do if 1>n then d=e;break;end;b=a;break;end;else b=a;end end else if n<=5 then if n>3 then for e=15,55 do if 5>n then t=l[d[r]];break;end;h=d[b];break;end;else t=l[d[r]];end else if n>5 then for e=49,93 do if 7>n then s[h]=t;break;end;n=-2;break;end;else s[h]=t;end end end n=n+1 end end else if l>=107 then if l>104 then for t=16,92 do if l>107 then s[e[a]][e[f]]=s[e[r]];break;end;local t;for l=0,6 do if l<3 then if 0-1 do if 2n then o=l[c];break;end;d=s[t];for e=1+t,l[b]do d=d..s[e];end;until true;else d=s[t];for e=1+t,l[b]do d=d..s[e];end;end end else if 1<=n then if-1~=n then for s=12,82 do if 2>n then l=e;break;end;t=l[h];break;end;else t=l[h];end else c=a;h=f;b=r;end end n=n+1 end end end else if l>=111 then if l<112 then s[e[a]]={};else if l~=109 then repeat if l~=112 then s[e[a]]=s[e[f]]%s[e[r]];break;end;local _,_,_,p,m,_,t,c,k,j,l,u,b,o;s[e[a]]=s[e[f]][s[e[r]]];n=n+1;e=d[n];s[e[a]]=s[e[f]]+s[e[r]];n=n+1;e=d[n];t=0;while t>-1 do if 4<=t then if 6<=t then if 54 then b=l[c];else m=p[l[k]];end end else if 2>t then if t>-2 then for n=43,52 do if t<1 then l=e;break;end;c=a;break;end;else l=e;end else if 3~=t then k=f;else p=s;end end end t=t+1 end n=n+1;e=d[n];s[e[a]]=h[e[f]];n=n+1;e=d[n];s[e[a]]=s[e[f]]%e[r];n=n+1;e=d[n];s[e[a]]=s[e[f]][s[e[r]]];n=n+1;e=d[n];t=0;while t>-1 do if t<3 then if t<=0 then c=a;k=f;j=r;else if t>1 then u=l[k];else l=e;end end else if t<=4 then if 1t then s[b]=o;break;end;t=-2;until true;else s[b]=o;end end end t=t+1 end until true;else s[e[a]]=s[e[f]]%s[e[r]];end end else if l>108 then repeat if 109=l then if 97<=l then if 97-2 then repeat if t<1 then s[e[a]]=c[e[f]];n=n+1;e=d[n];break;end;if s[e[a]]then n=n+1;else n=e[f];end;until true;else s[e[a]]=c[e[f]];n=n+1;e=d[n];end end else for e=e[a],e[f]do s[e]=nil;end;end end else if 100>=l then if l~=99 then local r,k,l,h,c,t,b,o,u;for t=0,2 do if 0=-2 then for p=40,86 do if t<2 then t=0;while t>-1 do if 3<=t then if t>=5 then if t>=2 then repeat if 5~=t then t=-2;break;end;s(c,h);until true;else t=-2;end else if-1t then h=r[l];break;end;c=r[k];until true;else h=r[l];end end else if 1<=t then if-3~=t then for e=33,95 do if t~=2 then k=a;break;end;l=f;break;end;else l=f;end else r=e;end end t=t+1 end n=n+1;e=d[n];break;end;b=e[a];o=s[b]u=s[b+2];if(u>0)then if(o>s[b+1])then n=e[f];else s[b+3]=o;end elseif(o-1 do if 3<=t then if t>=5 then if t>=2 then repeat if 5~=t then t=-2;break;end;s(c,h);until true;else t=-2;end else if-1t then h=r[l];break;end;c=r[k];until true;else h=r[l];end end else if 1<=t then if-3~=t then for e=33,95 do if t~=2 then k=a;break;end;l=f;break;end;else l=f;end else r=e;end end t=t+1 end n=n+1;e=d[n];end else s[e[a]]=#s[e[f]];n=n+1;e=d[n];end end else h[e[f]]=s[e[a]];end else if l>=102 then if 98~=l then repeat if l<103 then local t;s(e[a],e[f]);n=n+1;e=d[n];s(e[a],e[f]);n=n+1;e=d[n];s(e[a],e[f]);n=n+1;e=d[n];t=e[a]s[t]=s[t](b(s,t+1,e[f]))n=n+1;e=d[n];s[e[a]]=s[e[f]];n=n+1;e=d[n];s(e[a],e[f]);n=n+1;e=d[n];s(e[a],e[f]);break;end;local l,k,c,h,o,t,u;for t=0,6 do if 2>=t then if 0>=t then t=0;while t>-1 do if 3<=t then if t<5 then if 3==t then h=l[c];else o=l[k];end else if t~=1 then repeat if t>5 then t=-2;break;end;s(o,h);until true;else s(o,h);end end else if 1>t then l=e;else if-3~=t then repeat if 1~=t then c=f;break;end;k=a;until true;else c=f;end end end t=t+1 end n=n+1;e=d[n];else if t>=-2 then repeat if t>1 then t=0;while t>-1 do if t>=3 then if 45 then t=-2;break;end;s(o,h);break;end;else s(o,h);end else if t~=-1 then for e=44,79 do if t>3 then o=l[k];break;end;h=l[c];break;end;else h=l[c];end end else if t>=1 then if-2~=t then for e=14,63 do if t~=2 then k=a;break;end;c=f;break;end;else k=a;end else l=e;end end t=t+1 end n=n+1;e=d[n];break;end;t=0;while t>-1 do if t>=3 then if t>4 then if 6~=t then s(o,h);else t=-2;end else if-1-1 do if t>=3 then if t>4 then if 6~=t then s(o,h);else t=-2;end else if-1-1 do if t>2 then if t>=5 then if 3<=t then for e=31,92 do if t>5 then t=-2;break;end;s(o,h);break;end;else s(o,h);end else if 1~=t then repeat if 4>t then h=l[c];break;end;o=l[k];until true;else o=l[k];end end else if t>0 then if 1-1 do if 3>t then if 1>t then l=e;else if t~=-1 then for e=28,93 do if t~=2 then k=a;break;end;c=f;break;end;else k=a;end end else if t>4 then if t>2 then repeat if t~=6 then s(o,h);break;end;t=-2;until true;else s(o,h);end else if t>=-1 then repeat if t>3 then o=l[k];break;end;h=l[c];until true;else h=l[c];end end end t=t+1 end n=n+1;e=d[n];end else if t==5 then u=e[a]s[u]=s[u](b(s,u+1,e[f]))n=n+1;e=d[n];else s[e[a]]=s[e[f]][s[e[r]]];end end end end until true;else local t;s(e[a],e[f]);n=n+1;e=d[n];s(e[a],e[f]);n=n+1;e=d[n];s(e[a],e[f]);n=n+1;e=d[n];t=e[a]s[t]=s[t](b(s,t+1,e[f]))n=n+1;e=d[n];s[e[a]]=s[e[f]];n=n+1;e=d[n];s(e[a],e[f]);n=n+1;e=d[n];s(e[a],e[f]);end else s[e[a]]=s[e[f]]-s[e[r]];end end end end end end else if l<=37 then if 19<=l then if l<28 then if l<23 then if 21>l then if 20>l then local t,l,r;for b=0,2 do if 0>=b then s(e[a],e[f]);n=n+1;e=d[n];else if b>-2 then repeat if b~=1 then t=e[a];l=s[t]r=s[t+2];if(r>0)then if(l>s[t+1])then n=e[f];else s[t+3]=l;end elseif(l0)then if(l>s[t+1])then n=e[f];else s[t+3]=l;end elseif(ll then local n=e[a];local a=s[n];for e=n+1,e[f]do t.bflhJWfG(a,s[e])end;break;end;s[e[a]]=s[e[f]][e[r]];until true;else s[e[a]]=s[e[f]][e[r]];end else if l<26 then local t;s(e[a],e[f]);n=n+1;e=d[n];s(e[a],e[f]);n=n+1;e=d[n];s(e[a],e[f]);n=n+1;e=d[n];s(e[a],e[f]);n=n+1;e=d[n];s(e[a],e[f]);n=n+1;e=d[n];t=e[a]s[t]=s[t](b(s,t+1,e[f]))n=n+1;e=d[n];s[e[a]]=s[e[f]];else if l~=25 then repeat if l<27 then local l;for t=0,5 do if 2=4 then if t~=0 then for l=39,64 do if t<5 then s[e[a]]=s[e[f]][s[e[r]]];n=n+1;e=d[n];break;end;s[e[a]][s[e[f]]]=s[e[r]];break;end;else s[e[a]]=s[e[f]][s[e[r]]];n=n+1;e=d[n];end else s[e[a]][s[e[f]]]=s[e[r]];n=n+1;e=d[n];end else if t<1 then s[e[a]]=s[e[f]][e[r]];n=n+1;e=d[n];else if t>=-2 then for r=23,65 do if 2>t then s[e[a]]=s[e[f]];n=n+1;e=d[n];break;end;l=e[a]s[l]=s[l](s[l+1])n=n+1;e=d[n];break;end;else s[e[a]]=s[e[f]];n=n+1;e=d[n];end end end end break;end;local t,h;for l=0,5 do if 3>l then if 0>=l then t=e[a];h=s[e[f]];s[t+1]=h;s[t]=h[e[r]];n=n+1;e=d[n];else if 0~=l then for t=48,77 do if l<2 then s[e[a]]=s[e[f]];n=n+1;e=d[n];break;end;s[e[a]]=s[e[f]];n=n+1;e=d[n];break;end;else s[e[a]]=s[e[f]];n=n+1;e=d[n];end end else if l<4 then t=e[a]s[t]=s[t](b(s,t+1,e[f]))n=n+1;e=d[n];else if 1~=l then for t=19,97 do if l<5 then s[e[a]]=s[e[f]][s[e[r]]];n=n+1;e=d[n];break;end;s[e[a]]=s[e[f]]+s[e[r]];break;end;else s[e[a]]=s[e[f]][s[e[r]]];n=n+1;e=d[n];end end end end until true;else local t,h;for l=0,5 do if 3>l then if 0>=l then t=e[a];h=s[e[f]];s[t+1]=h;s[t]=h[e[r]];n=n+1;e=d[n];else if 0~=l then for t=48,77 do if l<2 then s[e[a]]=s[e[f]];n=n+1;e=d[n];break;end;s[e[a]]=s[e[f]];n=n+1;e=d[n];break;end;else s[e[a]]=s[e[f]];n=n+1;e=d[n];end end else if l<4 then t=e[a]s[t]=s[t](b(s,t+1,e[f]))n=n+1;e=d[n];else if 1~=l then for t=19,97 do if l<5 then s[e[a]]=s[e[f]][s[e[r]]];n=n+1;e=d[n];break;end;s[e[a]]=s[e[f]]+s[e[r]];break;end;else s[e[a]]=s[e[f]][s[e[r]]];n=n+1;e=d[n];end end end end end end end end else if 32>=l then if l<30 then if l>=25 then for t=12,97 do if 29~=l then for t=0,1 do if t<1 then s[e[a]]=s[e[f]][s[e[r]]];n=n+1;e=d[n];else if(s[e[a]]==s[e[r]])then n=n+1;else n=e[f];end;end end break;end;s[e[a]]=c[e[f]];break;end;else s[e[a]]=c[e[f]];end else if 30>=l then local n=e[a]s[n]=s[n](b(s,n+1,e[f]))else if 29<=l then for d=13,60 do if l<32 then if(s[e[a]]==e[r])then n=n+1;else n=e[f];end;break;end;local d=s[e[r]];if not d then n=n+1;else s[e[a]]=d;n=e[f];end;break;end;else local d=s[e[r]];if not d then n=n+1;else s[e[a]]=d;n=e[f];end;end end end else if l>=35 then if 35>=l then local o=j[e[f]];local b;local l={};b=t.XgonXesX({},{__index=function(n,e)local e=l[e];return e[1][e[2]];end,__newindex=function(s,e,n)local e=l[e]e[1][e[2]]=n;end;});for a=1,e[r]do n=n+1;local e=d[n];if e[ee]==76 then l[a-1]={s,e[f]};else l[a-1]={h,e[f]};end;k[#k+1]=l;end;s[e[a]]=p(o,b,c);else if 32~=l then for t=17,87 do if l>36 then if not s[e[a]]then n=n+1;else n=e[f];end;break;end;local t;s[e[a]]=s[e[f]];n=n+1;e=d[n];t=e[a]s[t](s[t+1])n=n+1;e=d[n];s[e[a]]=c[e[f]];n=n+1;e=d[n];s[e[a]]();n=n+1;e=d[n];do return end;n=n+1;e=d[n];for e=e[a],e[f]do s[e]=nil;end;break;end;else if not s[e[a]]then n=n+1;else n=e[f];end;end end else if l==33 then s[e[a]]=p(j[e[f]],nil,c);else local d,t,r,b,l;local n=0;while n>-1 do if 2>=n then if n>0 then if n==2 then r=f;else t=a;end else d=e;end else if 5<=n then if n~=6 then s(l,b);else n=-2;end else if 2~=n then for e=18,60 do if 4>n then b=d[r];break;end;l=d[t];break;end;else l=d[t];end end end n=n+1 end end end end end else if 9>l then if l<=3 then if l<2 then if 1>l then if(s[e[a]]==e[r])then n=n+1;else n=e[f];end;else for t=0,6 do if t<=2 then if 0=0 then for l=11,83 do if t~=2 then s(e[a],e[f]);n=n+1;e=d[n];break;end;s(e[a],e[f]);n=n+1;e=d[n];break;end;else s(e[a],e[f]);n=n+1;e=d[n];end else s[e[a]]=s[e[f]][s[e[r]]];n=n+1;e=d[n];end else if 4=l then if l~=2 then repeat if 4=l then if 1>l then t=e[a];h=s[e[f]];s[t+1]=h;s[t]=h[e[r]];n=n+1;e=d[n];else if 1~=l then s[e[a]]=s[e[f]];n=n+1;e=d[n];else s[e[a]]=s[e[f]];n=n+1;e=d[n];end end else if l>4 then if 4~=l then for b=41,64 do if 6>l then t=e[a];h=s[e[f]];s[t+1]=h;s[t]=h[e[r]];n=n+1;e=d[n];break;end;s[e[a]]=s[e[f]];break;end;else s[e[a]]=s[e[f]];end else if 2=l then if 1>l then t=e[a];h=s[e[f]];s[t+1]=h;s[t]=h[e[r]];n=n+1;e=d[n];else if 1~=l then s[e[a]]=s[e[f]];n=n+1;e=d[n];else s[e[a]]=s[e[f]];n=n+1;e=d[n];end end else if l>4 then if 4~=l then for b=41,64 do if 6>l then t=e[a];h=s[e[f]];s[t+1]=h;s[t]=h[e[r]];n=n+1;e=d[n];break;end;s[e[a]]=s[e[f]];break;end;else s[e[a]]=s[e[f]];end else if 2=7 then if l>4 then for t=33,93 do if 8~=l then local t,l,r;for b=0,2 do if 1<=b then if 0<=b then for h=35,87 do if b~=1 then t=e[a];l=s[t]r=s[t+2];if(r>0)then if(l>s[t+1])then n=e[f];else s[t+3]=l;end elseif(l0)then if(l>s[t+1])then n=e[f];else s[t+3]=l;end elseif(l0)then if(d<=s[a+1])then n=e[f];s[a+3]=d;end elseif(d>=s[a+1])then n=e[f];s[a+3]=d;end break;end;else local a=e[a];local t=s[a+2];local d=s[a]+t;s[a]=d;if(t>0)then if(d<=s[a+1])then n=e[f];s[a+3]=d;end elseif(d>=s[a+1])then n=e[f];s[a+3]=d;end end else local d=s[e[r]];if not d then n=n+1;else s[e[a]]=d;n=e[f];end;end end end else if 14<=l then if 15>=l then if 13~=l then for t=28,77 do if 15>l then local l,o,r,h,k,t,b;t=0;while t>-1 do if 3<=t then if t<=4 then if t>0 then repeat if 3~=t then k=l[o];break;end;h=l[r];until true;else h=l[r];end else if 4~=t then for e=38,76 do if t>5 then t=-2;break;end;s(k,h);break;end;else t=-2;end end else if 1<=t then if 117 then local e=e[a];local n=s[e];for e=e+1,o do t.bflhJWfG(n,s[e])end;else local t;s(e[a],e[f]);n=n+1;e=d[n];s(e[a],e[f]);n=n+1;e=d[n];s(e[a],e[f]);n=n+1;e=d[n];s(e[a],e[f]);n=n+1;e=d[n];t=e[a]s[t]=s[t](b(s,t+1,e[f]))n=n+1;e=d[n];s[e[a]]=s[e[f]];n=n+1;e=d[n];s(e[a],e[f]);end else local t;for l=0,2 do if l>0 then if l>0 then repeat if 2~=l then s[e[a]]=s[e[f]]-e[r];n=n+1;e=d[n];break;end;s[e[a]][s[e[f]]]=s[e[r]];until true;else s[e[a]]=s[e[f]]-e[r];n=n+1;e=d[n];end else t=e[a]s[t]=s[t](b(s,t+1,e[f]))n=n+1;e=d[n];end end end end else if l>10 then if l<=11 then do return end;else if 9~=l then repeat if l~=12 then if s[e[a]]then n=n+1;else n=e[f];end;break;end;local a=e[a];local d=s[a]local t=s[a+2];if(t>0)then if(d>s[a+1])then n=e[f];else s[a+3]=d;end elseif(d0)then if(d>s[a+1])then n=e[f];else s[a+3]=d;end elseif(dl then local j,t,k,u,p,m,t,t,l,c,h,o,r;for t=0,6 do if t>2 then if t>4 then if t>=2 then for b=45,64 do if t>5 then t=0;while t>-1 do if t<3 then if 1<=t then if-2~=t then repeat if 14 then if 45 then t=-2;break;end;s(r,o);break;end;else s(r,o);end else if 4>t then o=l[h];else r=l[c];end end end t=t+1 end break;end;t=0;while t>-1 do if 3<=t then if t>=5 then if t>=3 then for e=10,58 do if 5~=t then t=-2;break;end;s(r,o);break;end;else t=-2;end else if t<4 then o=l[h];else r=l[c];end end else if 1>t then l=e;else if t>0 then repeat if 1-1 do if t<3 then if 1<=t then if-2~=t then repeat if 14 then if 45 then t=-2;break;end;s(r,o);break;end;else s(r,o);end else if 4>t then o=l[h];else r=l[c];end end end t=t+1 end end else if t>=2 then repeat if 4~=t then t=0;while t>-1 do if t<3 then if t>=1 then if t>-3 then for e=41,96 do if 2>t then c=a;break;end;h=f;break;end;else h=f;end else l=e;end else if 5>t then if t<4 then o=l[h];else r=l[c];end else if 2-1 do if 3>t then if 1<=t then if t>=0 then repeat if t<2 then c=a;break;end;h=f;until true;else h=f;end else l=e;end else if 5>t then if 4~=t then o=l[h];else r=l[c];end else if 4-1 do if t<3 then if t>=1 then if t>-3 then for e=41,96 do if 2>t then c=a;break;end;h=f;break;end;else h=f;end else l=e;end else if 5>t then if t<4 then o=l[h];else r=l[c];end else if 2t then t=0;while t>-1 do if 4<=t then if 5>=t then if 4==t then m=p[l[u]];else r=l[k];end else if t~=5 then for e=29,77 do if 7~=t then s[r]=m;break;end;t=-2;break;end;else t=-2;end end else if t<2 then if t>=-4 then for n=45,72 do if t~=1 then l=e;break;end;k=a;break;end;else k=a;end else if 2-1 do if 3>t then if t<=0 then l=e;else if-1<=t then for e=27,84 do if 2~=t then c=a;break;end;h=f;break;end;else h=f;end end else if 5>t then if t>=2 then repeat if 4>t then o=l[h];break;end;r=l[c];until true;else o=l[h];end else if 3-1 do if 4<=t then if 5>=t then if 4==t then m=p[l[u]];else r=l[k];end else if t~=5 then for e=29,77 do if 7~=t then s[r]=m;break;end;t=-2;break;end;else t=-2;end end else if t<2 then if t>=-4 then for n=45,72 do if t~=1 then l=e;break;end;k=a;break;end;else k=a;end else if 2=57 then if l>=66 then if 71<=l then if l<73 then if 674 then if t>=1 then repeat if 5=2 then for l=35,71 do if 4~=t then s[e[a]]=s[e[f]][s[e[r]]];n=n+1;e=d[n];break;end;s[e[a]]=h[e[f]];n=n+1;e=d[n];break;end;else s[e[a]]=s[e[f]][s[e[r]]];n=n+1;e=d[n];end end else if 0>=t then s[e[a]]=c[e[f]];n=n+1;e=d[n];else if 01 then s[e[a]]=h[e[f]];n=n+1;e=d[n];break;end;s[e[a]]=h[e[f]];n=n+1;e=d[n];until true;else s[e[a]]=h[e[f]];n=n+1;e=d[n];end end end end break;end;else s[e[a]]=#s[e[f]];end else if l<=73 then local l,k,c,h,b,o,t;s[e[a]]=s[e[f]][e[r]];n=n+1;e=d[n];s[e[a]]();n=n+1;e=d[n];t=0;while t>-1 do if t<4 then if 1>=t then if t~=-3 then for n=24,60 do if 1~=t then l=e;break;end;k=a;break;end;else k=a;end else if t~=2 then h=s;else c=f;end end else if 6>t then if 2=68 then if l>=69 then if l~=70 then local d=e[a];local f={};for e=1,#k do local e=k[e];for n=0,#e do local n=e[n];local a=n[1];local e=n[2];if a==s and e>=d then f[e]=a[e];n[1]=f;end;end;end;else local t;h[e[f]]=s[e[a]];n=n+1;e=d[n];s[e[a]]=h[e[f]];n=n+1;e=d[n];s[e[a]]=h[e[f]];n=n+1;e=d[n];t=e[a]s[t](s[t+1])n=n+1;e=d[n];s[e[a]]=c[e[f]];n=n+1;e=d[n];s[e[a]]();n=n+1;e=d[n];do return end;end else s[e[a]]=s[e[f]][s[e[r]]];end else if l~=63 then repeat if l>66 then s[e[a]]=s[e[f]][e[r]];n=n+1;e=d[n];s[e[a]]();n=n+1;e=d[n];s[e[a]]=s[e[f]];n=n+1;e=d[n];s[e[a]]();n=n+1;e=d[n];do return end;break;end;s[e[a]]=s[e[f]][s[e[r]]];until true;else s[e[a]]=s[e[f]][e[r]];n=n+1;e=d[n];s[e[a]]();n=n+1;e=d[n];s[e[a]]=s[e[f]];n=n+1;e=d[n];s[e[a]]();n=n+1;e=d[n];do return end;end end end else if 6064 then local n=e[a];local a=s[n];for e=n+1,e[f]do t.bflhJWfG(a,s[e])end;else local t;s[e[a]]=s[e[f]];n=n+1;e=d[n];t=e[a]s[t](s[t+1])n=n+1;e=d[n];s[e[a]]=c[e[f]];n=n+1;e=d[n];s[e[a]]();n=n+1;e=d[n];do return end;n=n+1;e=d[n];for e=e[a],e[f]do s[e]=nil;end;end end else if 61=l then if 55l then local t,l,b;for r=0,2 do if 0>=r then s[e[a]]=#s[e[f]];n=n+1;e=d[n];else if r~=-3 then for h=45,70 do if r>1 then t=e[a];l=s[t]b=s[t+2];if(b>0)then if(l>s[t+1])then n=e[f];else s[t+3]=l;end elseif(ll then if l<42 then if 40<=l then if l>=39 then for d=36,88 do if 400)then if(d>s[a+1])then n=e[f];else s[a+3]=d;end elseif(d38 then s[e[a]]=(e[f]~=0);break;end;local t,l,b;for r=0,2 do if r>0 then if 1~=r then t=e[a];l=s[t]b=s[t+2];if(b>0)then if(l>s[t+1])then n=e[f];else s[t+3]=l;end elseif(l0 then if 1~=r then t=e[a];l=s[t]b=s[t+2];if(b>0)then if(l>s[t+1])then n=e[f];else s[t+3]=l;end elseif(l-1 do if 3<=n then if n>4 then if 2~=n then repeat if 5=-2 then repeat if n>1 then r=f;break;end;t=a;until true;else t=a;end end end n=n+1 end end end else if l==43 then local n=e[a]local a,e=u(s[n](b(s,n+1,e[f])))o=e+n-1 local e=0;for n=n,o do e=e+1;s[n]=a[e];end;else s[e[a]]=s[e[f]]*e[r];end end end else if 5154 then if 53~=l then repeat if l<56 then local t,l;t=e[a];l=s[e[f]];s[t+1]=l;s[t]=l[e[r]];n=n+1;e=d[n];s[e[a]]=s[e[f]];n=n+1;e=d[n];s[e[a]]=s[e[f]];n=n+1;e=d[n];t=e[a]s[t]=s[t](b(s,t+1,e[f]))n=n+1;e=d[n];s[e[a]]=s[e[f]][s[e[r]]];n=n+1;e=d[n];s[e[a]]=s[e[f]]*e[r];break;end;local t;s(e[a],e[f]);n=n+1;e=d[n];s(e[a],e[f]);n=n+1;e=d[n];s(e[a],e[f]);n=n+1;e=d[n];s(e[a],e[f]);n=n+1;e=d[n];s(e[a],e[f]);n=n+1;e=d[n];t=e[a]s[t]=s[t](b(s,t+1,e[f]))n=n+1;e=d[n];s[e[a]]=s[e[f]];until true;else local t;s(e[a],e[f]);n=n+1;e=d[n];s(e[a],e[f]);n=n+1;e=d[n];s(e[a],e[f]);n=n+1;e=d[n];s(e[a],e[f]);n=n+1;e=d[n];s(e[a],e[f]);n=n+1;e=d[n];t=e[a]s[t]=s[t](b(s,t+1,e[f]))n=n+1;e=d[n];s[e[a]]=s[e[f]];end else n=e[f];end else if l>=48 then for r=31,90 do if l<53 then local f,b,h,t,r,l;for o=0,1 do if o>-1 then repeat if o<1 then f=e[a]s[f](s[f+1])n=n+1;e=d[n];break;end;f=e[a];b={};for e=1,#k do h=k[e];for e=0,#h do t=h[e];r=t[1];l=t[2];if r==s and l>=f then b[l]=r[l];t[1]=b;end;end;end;until true;else f=e[a]s[f](s[f+1])n=n+1;e=d[n];end end break;end;local l,r;for h=0,2 do if h<=0 then s(e[a],e[f]);n=n+1;e=d[n];else if h>=-2 then repeat if 2>h then l=e[a]s[l]=s[l](b(s,l+1,e[f]))n=n+1;e=d[n];break;end;l=e[a];r=s[l];for e=l+1,e[f]do t.bflhJWfG(r,s[e])end;until true;else l=e[a];r=s[l];for e=l+1,e[f]do t.bflhJWfG(r,s[e])end;end end end break;end;else local f,h,r,t,b,l;for o=0,1 do if o>-1 then repeat if o<1 then f=e[a]s[f](s[f+1])n=n+1;e=d[n];break;end;f=e[a];h={};for e=1,#k do r=k[e];for e=0,#r do t=r[e];b=t[1];l=t[2];if b==s and l>=f then h[l]=b[l];t[1]=h;end;end;end;until true;else f=e[a]s[f](s[f+1])n=n+1;e=d[n];end end end end else if l>48 then if 50<=l then if l~=46 then repeat if l~=50 then s[e[a]]=s[e[f]]-s[e[r]];break;end;s[e[a]]=p(j[e[f]],nil,c);until true;else s[e[a]]=p(j[e[f]],nil,c);end else local t;t=e[a];do return s[t](b(s,t+1,e[f]))end;n=n+1;e=d[n];t=e[a];do return b(s,t,o)end;n=n+1;e=d[n];do return end;end else if l~=47 then s[e[a]][s[e[f]]]=s[e[r]];else n=e[f];end end end end end end end n=1+n;end;end;return ae end;local a=0xff;local h={};local d=(1);local f='';(function(n)local s=n local l=0x00 local e=0x00 s={(function(d)if l>0x23 then return d end l=l+1 e=(e+0xff4-d)%0x38 return(e%0x03==0x2 and(function(s)if not n[s]then e=e+0x01 n[s]=(0x45);end return true end)'tGXIm'and s[0x1](0x25d+d))or(e%0x03==0x1 and(function(s)if not n[s]then e=e+0x01 n[s]=(0x3d);f='\37';a={function()a()end};f=f..'\100\43';end return true end)'gqpgm'and s[0x3](d+0xa7))or(e%0x03==0x0 and(function(s)if not n[s]then e=e+0x01 n[s]=(0xb6);end return true end)'RLXrk'and s[0x2](d+0x2ad))or d end),(function(t)if l>0x2f then return t end l=l+1 e=(e+0x583-t)%0x15 return(e%0x03==0x2 and(function(s)if not n[s]then e=e+0x01 n[s]=(0x58);end return true end)'nImWS'and s[0x2](0x2e7+t))or(e%0x03==0x1 and(function(s)if not n[s]then e=e+0x01 n[s]=(0xca);end return true end)'UWX_R'and s[0x1](t+0x2b8))or(e%0x03==0x0 and(function(s)if not n[s]then e=e+0x01 n[s]=(0x14);a[2]=(a[2]*(ae(function()h()end,b(f))-ae(a[1],b(f))))+1;h[d]={};a=a[2];d=d+a;end return true end)'JeKdp'and s[0x3](t+0x3a1))or t end),(function(r)if l>0x1f then return r end l=l+1 e=(e+0xc90-r)%0x1b return(e%0x03==0x0 and(function(s)if not n[s]then e=e+0x01 n[s]=(0xd0);end return true end)'dfvZR'and s[0x1](0x17c+r))or(e%0x03==0x2 and(function(s)if not n[s]then e=e+0x01 n[s]=(0x92);h[d]=te();d=d+a;end return true end)'Dckvf'and s[0x3](r+0x104))or(e%0x03==0x1 and(function(s)if not n[s]then e=e+0x01 n[s]=(0xc0);f={f..'\58 a',f};h[d]=de();d=d+((not t.HMBvWScH)and 1 or 0);f[1]='\58'..f[1];a[2]=0xff;end return true end)'sdGyT'and s[0x2](r+0x36e))or r end)}s[0x1](0x2465)end){};local e=p(b(h));return e();end return de((function()local n={}local e=0x01;local s;if t.HMBvWScH then s=t.HMBvWScH(de)else s=''end if t.DsspBcMA(s,t.ZjfReZq_)then e=e+0;else e=e+1;end n[e]=0x02;n[n[e]+0x01]=0x03;return n;end)(),)end)((function(n,e,s,a,f,d)local d;if n>3 then if n>=6 then if n<7 then do return f[s]end;else if n~=3 then repeat if n~=7 then do return s(n,nil,s);end break;end;do return setmetatable({},{['__\99\97\108\108']=function(e,a,f,s,n)if n then return e[n]elseif s then return e else e[a]=f end end})end until true;else do return setmetatable({},{['__\99\97\108\108']=function(e,f,a,s,n)if n then return e[n]elseif s then return e else e[f]=a end end})end end end else if 2=2 then if n~=-1 then for d=10,79 do if 3~=n then do return 16777216,65536,256 end;break;end;do return e(1),e(4,f,a,s,e),e(5,f,a,s)end;break;end;else do return e(1),e(4,f,a,s,e),e(5,f,a,s)end;end else if n>0 then do return function(s,e,n)if n then local e=(s/2^(e-1))%2^((n-1)-(e-1)+1);return e-e%1;else local e=2^(e-1);return(s%(e+e)>=e)and 1 or 0;end;end;end;else do return e(1),e(4,f,a,s,e),e(5,f,a,s)end;end end end end),). 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Development by creating an account on GitHub aware that the game used such a primitive ban system tab. Hidden Unicode characters how it works review, open the file in an editor that reveals Unicode. A member of Pastebin yet 16:45:14 GMT+0000 ( Coordinated Universal Time da hood unban script pastebin ' ) ), go.
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